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Lost - Season 2


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Seeing as it doesn't air on TV here in Australia until February, I'm downloading each episode as they come out. All 3 have been brilliant so far.

And, if you paid attention to that Orientation video, we may have found out where our panda bear came from :)

Apparently either I wasn't paying that close attention or I am just forgetting what happened, but care to explain what was said/shown of the polar bear (I assume you mean polar since the island has no pandas)?

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Such a touching episode. Through the entirity of the ending I had a big goofy smile on my face, and felt myself tearing up. :(

I still love Sawyer, too. I'm pretty sure the next few episodes focus moreso on the tail enders, though. So it'll be good to learn about 'em.

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I think Rose was saying she was afraif of flying, and how she'd always hold Bernard's hand. And then, yeah, Jack said he'd keep her company til he got back from the bathroom.

Then, last season, on the beach, Jack went to speak to Rose, and she said he didn't have to keep her company anymore, but he did, because he's a hero.

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I'm pretty sure he went to the bathroom.

Yeah, in one of the flashbacks Rose and Jack were talking and she said Bernard went to the restroom. Jack said he'd keep her company (I think because she was afraid of flying, or maybe that's when they started to have turbulence). And then that's when the plane went down.

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I got Season 1 for my birthday, and had taped all of season 2....and have finally caught up!! This show has overtaken 24 as my favorite!!!

Tonight's episode was sweet, especially since Jin is one of my two favorite characters.

3 weeks until the next episode, and there killing someone that night....

Bastards, making us wait three weeks.

So who does everyone think it will be?

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I got Season 1 for my birthday, and had taped all of season 2....and have finally caught up!! This show has overtaken 24 as my favorite!!!

Tonight's episode was sweet, especially since Jin is one of my two favorite characters.

3 weeks until the next episode, and there killing someone that night....

Bastards, making us wait three weeks.

So who does everyone think it will be?

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What I found weird about this episode was the way Jin looked at that stuffed bear. I know Michael gave that bear to Walt in the park when it was the last time he was able to see his son (before he ended up getting him back later on). But I don't recall ever seeing it in any episode of season one, at all. Did he ever take it with him? I don't think so. So if Walt never took the bear, why would Jin looked surprised to see that as if he had seen it before? Obviously, I could be mistaken and he has shown the bear on the island, but I am sure he hasn't.

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Jin would be surprised because he knows they have Walt, then he sees a stuffed toy, something a child would have. He probably just put two and two together, and clicked that it was a childs. Seeing as the only child he knows of on the island is Walt, and he's missing, it'd seem obvious.

I also knows who dies, for a fact, and how they die - which isn't a fact but close enough.

Why the 3 week wait, though?

The ending of this weeks episode was very emotional, and TOG, what part of Jin talking to Michael? When they were at the waterfall thingy? He told him that he would find Walt.

I really like the huge black guy, I'm not sure how his name is spelt, so I wont try. Still not too keen on Ana-Lucia, the other tail-enders all seem nice, though. I really can't wait to find out what happened to them with the Others.

In the preview, and they say there's an episode a season that's always talked about, do they simply mean an episode where someone dies? So like, Boone's last year and _____'s this year? If so, I hope this doesn't mean they're just going to kill someone off every season, it'd seem to obvious.

This whole soaking wet Walt running around is quite puzzling too.

Edited by Blood Red Summers
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What I found weird about this episode was the way Jin looked at that stuffed bear. I know Michael gave that bear to Walt in the park when it was the last time he was able to see his son (before he ended up getting him back later on). But I don't recall ever seeing it in any episode of season one, at all. Did he ever take it with him? I don't think so. So if Walt never took the bear, why would Jin looked surprised to see that as if he had seen it before? Obviously, I could be mistaken and he has shown the bear on the island, but I am sure he hasn't.

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really like the huge black guy, I'm not sure how his name is spelt, so I wont try.

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Say with me. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Also known as Simon "Mother Fucking Bitch Master OF DEATH" Adebisi of Oz fame.

I meant his character name.

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