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Sephiroth i think is possible the best villan in a game. He truely is a messed up guy with a messed up past and you can see why he'd go crazy.

Except that, for the most part, the villain is Jenova.

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Sephiroth i think is possible the best villan in a game. He truely is a messed up guy with a messed up past and you can see why he'd go crazy.

Except that, for the most part, the villain is Jenova.

Not really. It starts with Shinra and then moves on to Sephiroth because of his Jenova discovery. Most of the game is spent chasing Sephiroth, not Jenova.

That's how it would appear, but it's not actually true. As Cloud states when you make your first journey to the Northern Crater, you are not pursuing Sephiroth, you are in fact being summoned by him. What he doesn't realise at this point is that he's not being summoned by Sephiroth, but by JENOVA.

In fact, Cloud spends the entire game being drawn towards Jenova on a purely biological level, because the Jenova cells within him wish to complete the Reunion. The only point in which you actually see the "real" Sephiroth is his body inside the Northern Crater, and in the Nibelheim flashback.

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Yes but why playing it, you believe you are chasing him until that point as does the party you control. Also while it is the Jenova cells that draw you it is because of Sephiroth that the major events in the game happen.

EDIT: I'm a big Aeris fan and Barrets pretty cool. From 8 onwards Seifer is a good character as is Jecht and Yuna is ok too.

Edited by Visionary
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it is because of Sephiroth that the major events in the game happen.

What major events are you referring to, exactly? Sephiroth's in the Crater the entire time, he has very little actual impact on the story, other than the Nibelheim flashback. The only reason you see him as Sephiroth is that Jenova realised it was a form that would evoke strong emotional responses in Cloud.

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From what i gathered of the storyline, Sephiroth is trying to summon meteor to create the wound and therefore he would become a God like man when he took in the planet's energy.

That is always what I gathered and that he controlled the illusions from the Northern Crater and not Jenova.

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Despite what I've said, I'd like to say that one of my favourite scenes in a game ever is when you find the president dead, and are running around through the Shinra building.

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Guest clintcasey

Yeah, you can argue all you like that randome battles are horrible, which they especialy if your used to DnD but the truth is you'll probably never find a final fantasy game without them simply because its the easiest way to level. I mean a final fantasy game without the random battles would be like a car without any mirrors. Sure you don't need them, but they're accessory that makes it much easier by allowing you to level quicker without having to try to beat a boss over and over again before you finaly figure it out. (note: usualy in a FF game when a boss is realy hard its probably because your party adverage is about 5 levels or so what they realy need to be at to beat the guy.)

Anyhow my favorite final fantasy game has to be VII and my secound favorite is X followed by VI. Alot of fan boys who first started playing FF games with VII loved VIII and IX but as someone who played all the other games up until then I can tell you that VIII and IX sucked big ones, each of different reasons.

Final Fantasy I - A very basic game that essentialy brought the asian style rpg to america as well as the start of the whole franchise. The story was unbeleivably basic. The whole sum of the storyline as well as every line said by everybody in the whole game can probably be summed up in like 5 pages... double spaced... in Times New Roman... 12 pt. font. Yeah that would just about do it.

Favorite character: Well none of them had lines, or personality, I guess I would have to go with Red Mage though since it looked like they spent alot more time with his sprite trying to make him look good.

Final Fantasy II - never played it, heard the storries...

Favorite Character: This game deserves one?

Final Fantasy III - To play this it has to be in japanese, and I can't read it. NEXT!

Favorite Character: NEXT!

Final Fantasy IV - The first final fantasy game I ever played and beat. It is arguably the hardest finaly fantasy game ever made and was infact released in two versions. The SNES version was actualy the EASY version of the game. The version that later released on PS was the hard one, I played both and beat them both, and I convinced that it the secound version that relased on Play Station is MUCH harder than the original. I forget the ninja you get in you party at almost the end of the game. But basicly in the hard version if you don't stop what your doing as soon as you get him and level him up 10 levels right there he will die on you from one hit from any of the monsters in the next dungeon you go into. I think it took me an hour and a half to get him up from level 10 to 20, which is where he needs to be to survive a couple of hits.

Favorite Character: Yang

Final Fantasy V - I never finished this one, I actualy got quite bored of it, the Job system was okay, but as a follow up to IV it pailed in comparison.

Favorite Character: The Cross Dressing Pirate

Final Fantasy VI - Probably the best 2D finaly fantasy game ever made. There where 14 total characters (including 2 hidden ones). Both of the hiddens ones didn't get much in the way of characte development but you felt like you knew enough about each of the characters by the time you finished the game to make up for it. Then again one of the hidden characters was a Yetti, and the other was a wierd guy dressed in multi colored clothes who liked to play dress up.

Favorite Character Sabin

Oh Sabin, just thinking of that character brings me to a flashback on the ghost train where Sabin orders food from a ghost waiter and Cyan starts freaking out because Sabin is actualy going to eat the food.

Final Fantasy VII - This game was a masterpiece for its time, it realy was. As long as the box hands didn't bother you so much and the odvious lack of polygons in the characters don't bother you, you'll probably think of this game as a masterpiece. The game centered around a cast of well developed characters.

Favorite Character: Cloud

Strangly enough I can actualy draw up alot of parallels between myself and Cloud, which may actualy be more of a bad thing than a good thing.

Final Fantasy VIII - Sux! BIG ONES! in my oppinion they couldn't have screwed this battle system up worse. I mean it. All I had to do to get threw the whole game was freaking summon over and over again. By the end of the secound disc, as long as I wasn't fighting fire elemental monsters I could one shot entire parties or monsters with him. You wouldn't even have to try, you could just blow them all away. And every once in a while if I "Wanted to" I'd actualy fight a battle without them.

Favorite Character: Laguna I guess.

Final Fnatasy IX - Someone said earlier that this game was a parady of all the other final fantasy games, that person was right...

Favorite Character: No One. Not one character in this whole game interested me. I only beat it just to say I've beaten it. Every character in it is a cliche of some other character they've had in some other game.

Final Fantasy X - Good game, alot of people complained about the ending, but you know what, it was a great game.

Favorite Character: Aaron

Final Fnatasy X - 2 - This game was good despite what people will tell you. I would suggest you play threw it using a game guide though because you will likely miss alot of stuff if you dont! There are 2 endings a pseudo ending. The first ending isn't that good. The secound ending however is much better but like i said there are alot of things you have to do to unlock that ending that must be done to unlock it. Then theres the 100% ending which just an extention of the last ending.

Final Fantasy XI - I never played it because I know alot of other people who have and it dosn't feel like final fantasy, so count me out. Square should stick to single player games, where they're good at.

Final Fantasy XII - Looks promissing. It looks as though square has truely begun making sequals to all their old products. Final Fantasy XII actualy takes place in the same world as Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced which I have yet to play.

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I mean a final fantasy game without the random battles would be like a car without any mirrors

Haven't been keeping up with the latest game, have you? It's not going to feature random battles, from what I gather.

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Are you kidding? That's a fuckload better than "run around, try to find this place, NINE HUNDRED ZILLION RANDOM BATTLES TAKE PLACE!!!!11". It reminds me of the Xenosaga battle system, and that's hardly a bad thing.

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The release dates make me sad. :crying:

3/16/06 in Japan, "2006" in US and EU. Meaning it'll probably be out sometime near summer or fall in the US. ):

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