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Horror Movies.


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So Halloween is coming up, and I just got done watching Channel 4's Scariest Ever Movie/TV Moments, so I was wondering. What are your:

Favourite Horror Movies.

Favourite Horror Movie Moments.

Favourite Horror Acting Performances.

Favourite Horror Directors.

So yeah, I'm interested. Will add mine later.

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Favourite Horror Movies

Halloween. First one and the one in the hospital. They'd be my favourite, honourable mentioned to Texas Chainsaw (Original), Psycho (Original) and Friday The 13th. Oh and add in Scream, certainly one of my favourites.

Favourite Horror Movie Moments[/]

Michael Myers being shot a good four times and falling out of a window and down a good 15 feet. The inspector looks down to see nothing, just a patch in the grass. Psycho shower seen, who doesn't love it? Oh and the ending to Day Of The Dead, sick.

Favourite Horror Acting Performances

Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface in the Original Texas Chainsaw, brilliant performance. Anthony Hopkins in Silence Of The Lambs as well, a master piece.

Favourite Horror Directors

Wes Craven would be my favourite, without a doubt. Although partly thrillers, Stephen King.

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Favourite Horror Movies.


Evil Dead II


The Night of the Hunter

Brain Dead (or The Dead Alive)


Favourite Horror Movie Moments.

Alien chest burster scene from Alien

Linda Blair masturbating with a cross in The Exorcist

The Lawnmower scene from Brain Dead

Favourite Horror Acting Performances.

Jack Nicholson in The Shining

Jeffrey Combs in Re-Animator

Michael Rooker as Henry in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Favourite Horror Directors.

Dario Argento

Sam Raimi

Alfred Hitchcock

Federico Fellini (Toby Damnit kicks so much ass)

I hate Wes Craven, think he is a overrated hack....but that's just my opinion.

Edited by Pepsi
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Favourite Horror Movies.



RoseMary's Baby

Texas Chainsaw Massacre(Original one)

The Shining


Nightmare on Elm Street


I love a lot of them, but those are some of my best

Favourite Horror Movie Moments.

Chest burster from Alien

Micheal Myers Rising from Halloween

Johnny Depp's death in Nightmare on Elm Street

The ending in Friday the 13th

Favourite Horror Directors.

Alfred Hitchcock

John Carpenter

Wes Craven

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Favourite Horror Movies:

Suicide Club

Army of Darkness

Jason X

Favourite Horror Movie Moments:

Army Of Darkness / When the mini-Ash's all start ganging up on Ash.

Suicide Club / The housewife is cutting bread (I think), and cuts clean through her finger.

Suicide Club / Genesis & Co. performing, Rolly stomping on a cat or dog.

Suicide Club / The detectives & a doctor unrolling the skin patches.

Saw / When one of the dudes saws through his leg.

Jason X / When Jason puts that girls face in that water that freezes her face.

Favourite Horror Acting Performances:

Bruce Campbell in Army Of Darkness

Rolly in Suicide Club

Favourite Horror Directors:

Sam Raimi

Shion Sono

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I should note that I like cheesy hprror flicks more than anything.

Favourite Horror Movies.

Dawn of the Dead (Original)

Day of the Dead

Return of the Living Dead 1 and 2

Dead Alive

Army of Darkness

Evil Dead 1 and 2

Favourite Horror Movie Moments.

I love when the zombies in Dawn of the Dead eat the biker gangs guts. It's so fucking sadistic, but awesome at the same time.

Favourite Horror Acting Performances.

I adore Bruce Campbell in his performances in the Evil Dead series of movies. At the same time, I think Robert Englund (spelling?) did a great job as Freddy Krueger with his one liners.

Favourite Horror Directors

George A. Romero

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Favourite Horror Movies

The Exorcist

Nightmare On Elmstreet (all of em)

Childsplay (scared the fuck out of me at like 8, but only 1 & 2)

Friday The 13th

Favourite Horror Movie Moments

The headspin in the Exorcist scared the hell out of me, I was in 1st grade when I saw it for the first time.

Saw- the oh so obvious dead man turning out to be the killer (obvious to me at least)

Jeepers Creepers- The end where the guys eyes are missing, fucking excellent. Not scary but cool to me

Favourite Horror Acting Performances

Linda Blair- Exorcist

Jack Nicholson- The Shining

Anthony Hopkins- Silence Of The Lambs

Favourite Horror Directors

Steven King, hes made some incredible horror movies

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Steven King, hes made some incredible horror movies


Maximum Overdrive?

He doesn't even direct the movie adaptations of his books. I think he directed one or two, that's it.

That, and most of the adaptations suck, save for maybe the TV movie of It.

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Favourite Horror Movies

Friday The 13th - The first one was great, great suspense and original (at least to North American audiences). Part Two was great, because Jason gets booted in the nuts and he goes down hard.

Alien/Aliens - Alien and Aliens were both freaky. The first was unpredictable, and the ending in the escape pod was very scary. Aliens just added to the formula, with the cocky Marines getting chewed to bits, the company man selling out his only allies in an attempt to make money...it was all good.

Sleepaway Camp - Cheesy, corny, verey shocking ending and some innovative kills. Best arrow-through-the-neck ever. The sequels are good, but too much on the comedy side.

Night Of The Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead/Day of the Dead/Land of the Dead - Every movie in the series was good. The humans were more frightening then the zombies at points, and the social commentary resonates especially today.

Black Christmas - Predated the "originator" of the slasher genre Halloween by 4 years, Black Christmas was based around the urban legend of the killer being in the house, making obscene phone calls from the attic. Very scary. Makes me always watch my back at Christmas.

Scream - Reignited my love for horror films, is just fun to watch. Scary, with lots of twists, it's awesome.

Anything by Full Moon Cinema - They make cheesy horror movies, with there most famous being the Puppet Master series.

Favourite Horror Movie Moments

As mentioned above, the moment in Friday The 13th Part Two, where the cornered lead actress boots Jason in the nuts and then runs away. That rocks. Then, when she puts on Jason's mothers sweater to try and stop him, that is cool and freaky.

Favourite Horror Directors

George A. Romero

Wes Craven

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Favourite Horror Movies:


Nightmare on Elm Street

Friday the 13th Part 2 (that's right, I said it)


The Ring


Fright Night



Night of the Living Dead

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Zombi/Zombie 2

I even dig the cheasy ones...


Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

Prom Night

Terror Train

Blood & Black Lace

Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight

Return of the Living Dead

Urban Legend

... I could go one awhile.

Favourite Horror Movie Moments:

NOTLD when the little girl in the basement finally becomes a full fledged zombie and creeps out of the shadows toward her mother. Creepy.

In the final reel of Halloween when Jamie Lee is discovering all her dead friends. She backs into a darkened doorway, then slowly you see Michael's mask take shape behind her as he emerges. Groovy.

After Ben has no choice but to hole up in the basement at the end of NOTLD, he emerges the next morning thinking he is rescued when he hears voices. Instead, he takes a bullet between the eyes when he is mistaken for a zombie. Tragic.

When Candyman utters the words, "Be my victim." Chilling.

During one of several humorous moments during ROTLD, Frank and Freddy are arguing about the symptoms they start suffering from when Frank utters, "You watch your tongue if you like this job." Freddy replies in anxiety and panic, "LIke this job?!?". They repeated the same line with the same actors in Part 2. Not as funny the second time around, but a little nod to the fans of the first movie, nonetheless.

Samara crawling out of the TV to kill Noah was the defining moment of The Ring, in that we finally get to see her do what she does and how she does it. Hair stood up on my arms.

The shower scene from Psycho. Isn't this one on everybody's list?

Favourite Horror Acting Performances:

Daveigh Chase from The Ring

Jamie Lee Curtis from Halloween

Linda Blair from The Exorcist

Robert Englund from Elm Street

Tony Todd from Candyman

Anthony Perkins from Psycho

Neve Campbell from Scream

Favourite Horror Directors:

George Romero

Dario Argento

Alfred Hitchcock

Wes Craven (when he's one he's on... and then there's Cursed. ugh.)

John Carpenter

Lucio Fulci

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After Ben has no choice but to hole up in the basement at the end of NOTLD, he emerges the next morning thinking he is rescued when he hears voices. Instead, he takes a bullet between the eyes when he is mistaken for a zombie. Tragic.

I don't think he was mistaken for a zombie.

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After Ben has no choice but to hole up in the basement at the end of NOTLD, he emerges the next morning thinking he is rescued when he hears voices. Instead, he takes a bullet between the eyes when he is mistaken for a zombie. Tragic.

I don't think he was mistaken for a zombie.

Perhaps I should have myself more clear about which version of Night of the Living Dead I was talking about. The 1968 version... the true version of NOTLD had Ben get shot between the eyes as he apprehensively approaches a window when he hears voices outside. As he peaks out the window, a hunter nails him square between the eyes mistakenly thinking he is a zombie.

I've seen this movie too many times to count, so I know the ending.

You might have seen it, but you've misinterpreted it. He's not shot because they think he's a zombie, he's shot because he's black. Romero denies that's the reason, but I think it was always intentional.

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After Ben has no choice but to hole up in the basement at the end of NOTLD, he emerges the next morning thinking he is rescued when he hears voices. Instead, he takes a bullet between the eyes when he is mistaken for a zombie. Tragic.

I don't think he was mistaken for a zombie.

Perhaps I should have myself more clear about which version of Night of the Living Dead I was talking about. The 1968 version... the true version of NOTLD had Ben get shot between the eyes as he apprehensively approaches a window when he hears voices outside. As he peaks out the window, a hunter nails him square between the eyes mistakenly thinking he is a zombie.

I've seen this movie too many times to count, so I know the ending.

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It's an established theory, and if you're going to discredit by just saying "you're an idiot", then you haven't read in to the film at all.

Intentional or not, casting a black actor in the lead role of this film in 1968 was a massive deal, and especially when he's the most intelligent character in the film, and not above slapping the (white) female lead.

And then he gets killed in a scene eerily reminiscent of a Southern race hate crime, and you deny all significance? Intentional or not, it's there.

EDIT: And, in addition, each of the following "Of The Dead" films deals with a social issue in some form or another, so it's not too far-fetched to think that Night Of The Living Dead deals with racism, is it?

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It's an established theory, and if you're going to discredit by just saying "you're an idiot", then you haven't read in to the film at all.

Intentional or not, casting a black actor in the lead role of this film in 1968 was a massive deal, and especially when he's the most intelligent character in the film, and not above slapping the (white) female lead.

And then he gets killed in a scene eerily reminiscent of a Southern race hate crime, and you deny all significance? Intentional or not, it's there.

EDIT: And, in addition, each of the following "Of The Dead" films deals with a social issue in some form or another, so it's not too far-fetched to think that Night Of The Living Dead deals with racism, is it?

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I also know this film backwards and forwards, you're no more right or wrong than I am.

I'm not saying it's not possible for a black man to be intelligent in 1968, I'm saying that casting a black man as an intelligent lead character was something of a risk, due to the racist zeitgeist. And his calmness is a reflection of how much more intelligent he is than the other characters, surely?

You're not seeing the movie "as it's meant to be seen", you're seeing as it is, without reading in to it in the slighest.

Directors very rarely make films for the sake of making films, they're either to make money, or to send a message. Due to it's low-budget "B-Movie" nature, I doubt the intention of Night Of The Living Dead was to make money, it was to send a message. I believe that message was an indictment of racism.

As I said earlier, the entire "Of The Dead" series is used to deliver social messages. Dawn Of The Dead's mall scene is a satire of consumer culture, Day Of The Dead is of the military, amongst other things, and Land Of The Dead is a metaphor for political uprising, so it's not too far-fetched to think that he'd making a similar point in Night Of The Living Dead.

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