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Ah cool, cheers. I was wondering about RFK because I passed it going to Thousand Needles and all I saw were level 21 elites outside it.

And okay, I know what you're talking about now. We've got a twink in our guild named Gingivitis, he was level 19 when I joined the guild and he's still level 19 now. All he does is stay in Warsong Gulch.

I've thought about doing the AB BG for a bit now, but I've always sucked hardcore at BGs. I just wind up getting owned. A lot. Then again, that was playing as my feral druid..

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I think you'd be fine. I don't know, though. Check the WoW site.

Though for your purposes you should be fine with just standard WoW. As long as you play on the same account, you should still be able to access your BE. It's not like you need Outlands right now.

Edited by That One Guy
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I checked Wiki and it says 6 gigs free for WoW, and

10GB available HD space is specified on package. Based on tests run, the pack actually requires about 2GB more than your current World of Warcraft installation (approximately 7GB after World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is installed). (Patches, however, may account for this lapse of space.)

EDIT: I was thinking of making my own account. As it stands I share this one with my little brother, and from what I understand in order to transfer my BE or any other toons to a new account it'd have to be in his name, but he doesn't mind that as long as I'm paying for it.

Edited by One Nitro In Chyna
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With 12 gigs free on my laptop I probably wouldn't be able to successfully install WoW & BC, would I?

Shouldn't be a problem. Oh and if the installer says it doesn't meet the minimum requirements try installing it anyway, mine lied like that.

Heh, same. when I installed BC on my home PC it said I didn't have enough RAM. Turns out my computer only has 504MB, not 512. Oh no. :shifty:

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Your unique authentication key can only be used to create one (1) account.

Damn! I guess I'm going to have to get another authentication key, somehow.

EDIT: Cock, seems I'm going to have to buy another copy of WoW. :mellow: They aren't selling authentication keys on the Blizzard store anymore. :(

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Guest clintcasey

Inside the tower at Sentinal Hill there is some kind of quartermaster there. I think he sells weapons. Personaly though I suggest you run threw DM/VC asap and that'll take care of your weapon needs. I've gone threw 2 DM runs on my 19 rouge and right now I'm not wearing anything that isn't at least green accept for my thrown weapon which I'll be fixing shortly thanks with my main character whose a Blacksmith.

I'm realy liking being level 43 with my Paladin, but only 12 slots for spells really is not enough for spells on a PVP server. In fact, even having a seperate bar just for PVP is realy not enough. So to make a long story short I need to grab a mod to let me have more slots. Any suggestions?

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Inside the tower at Sentinal Hill there is some kind of quartermaster there. I think he sells weapons. Personaly though I suggest you run threw DM/VC asap and that'll take care of your weapon needs. I've gone threw 2 DM runs on my 19 rouge and right now I'm not wearing anything that isn't at least green accept for my thrown weapon which I'll be fixing shortly thanks with my main character whose a Blacksmith.

I'm realy liking being level 43 with my Paladin, but only 12 slots for spells really is not enough for spells on a PVP server. In fact, even having a seperate bar just for PVP is realy not enough. So to make a long story short I need to grab a mod to let me have more slots. Any suggestions?

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