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NFL Playoffs

Cactus Drags

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congrats to the Steelers however, even if there are desicions going your way you still have to score enough to win

drafts are dead easy, the players coming out of the college game are available to the NFL teams... the first pick of the first round goes to the worst team from last season and the las to the best team, however in the next round the last tema who picked now picks first, and the first team now picks last and so on through the rounds. My Favourite thing is that you do not get the same as the EPL with chelsea being able to own everything and everyone because there is a salary cap :D

Edited by Rich__H
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3 bad calls screwed us over a bit, but there's no denying that the Steelers are a great team. I do admit the other calls against us were fair, and I'm sure I saw a Seahawks receiver hold a defensive player on a key first down.

That said, the Seahawks did everything I could ever ask them for. They won a playoff game and got to the Superbowl, and although the scoreboard didn't show it, they did hang in there with the Steelers. I just wish Stevens didn't drop those few passes and that Hasselbeck didn't get caught up in the moment, evidenced by a lot of high throws.

I really am down right now...I'll get over it...but for now...

Edited by Ekin Jones
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So say there's ten teams......

The team who finished tenth gets the first pick, and the team who finished first gets the last.

Then in round two, the team who finished first gets first pick, and the team who finished tenth gets tenth.....and so on?

And it's only the guys coming out of college who can get drafted? I thought it was ALL players. So the players who already play for teams just stay with those teams? Or can they be traded/bought?

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So say there's ten teams......

The team who finished tenth gets the first pick, and the team who finished first gets the last.

Then in round two, the team who finished first gets first pick, and the team who finished tenth gets tenth.....and so on?

And it's only the guys coming out of college who can get drafted? I thought it was ALL players. So the players who already play for teams just stay with those teams? Or can they be traded/bought?

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The MVP should go to the Ref's.....fully deserved <_< You can't blame it on the Steelers though, they played a hell of a game.

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Guest Chaos Theory

According to Madden the ref has to see both the clock expire and then see the center still holding the ball when it does. So really you have a heartbeat after the clock hits 0 before snapping the ball.

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That would be true if that clock hadn't struck 0 before you could have counted out 1 miss-iss-ip-pi. . . 2 miss-iss-ip-pi. . . and then and only then see Ben signal for the time out. That entire game was BS and I hope every official involved never gets to work a playoff game again since they fucking suck.

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Shit, naiwf, did you and I just watch the same game? Other than that play clock mishap (which is going to happen for the rest of time, because as earlier stated, the ref has to see the clock at 0 and the ball in the center's hand to throw the flag) and the "fumble" (which was challenged and correctly overturned) I didn't see any reffing errors.

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