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NFL Playoffs

Cactus Drags

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Congrats to Steelers... and even more congratulations to the referees who managed to completely put no credibility into the game.

You would think the NFL would get the best officials for the game but they didn't. They screwed up.

I feel sorry for the Seahawks because clearly if it weren't for some blown calls, they would've won.

I'm not knocking Pittsburgh. They played okay and took advantage and that's what your supposed to do in order to win so hats off to them but the whole game leaves a bitter taste of victory.

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Guest Grapehead

I watched this game, first game I've watched since the last superbowl, and I've just got to say something about Roethlisbergers TD. He did not get the ball to the line, it was fairly close, but since as far as I know the ball has to touch the line, one video shows his off hand barely touching the line, and another angle shows the ball was behind that off hand, there's no way the ball was at the line when the play ended. However, the ref signaled for a touchdown, and since the review didn't show decisive evidence, they stuck with the initial call on the field, is that not the standard? Seemed like a botched call, but they had to go with it since there was such a cluster fuck.

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Congrats to Steelers... and even more congratulations to the referees who managed to completely put no credibility into the game.

You would think the NFL would get the best officials for the game but they didn't. They screwed up.

I feel sorry for the Seahawks because clearly if it weren't for some blown calls, they would've won.

I'm not knocking Pittsburgh. They played okay and took advantage and that's what your supposed to do in order to win so hats off to them but the whole game leaves a bitter taste of victory.

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The fix was in, that officiating was TERRIBLE. Pittsburgh probably would have won either way, but man those refs must have forgot to put in their contacts this morning. That first touchdown was not a touchdown and that was a bullshit offensive pass interferance call. It certainly would have played out a lot differently if those two calls weren't made.

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The one you say was blown was overturned, exactly what replays are designed to do.


Not always.

Get a picture from a straight-on angle and we'll talk.

But just a question: Do you ever like anything? Or is it just your gimmick to find something to bitch about?

Edited by SkinMySenses
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The ball didn't cross the line on that Ben touchdown till AFTER Ben was down and pulled it out from underneath himself and put it over the line.

And I just watched that from 3 angles, the ball never crossed and his arm was pushed back underneath him as he landed.

Edited by Maxx
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Game was rigged. I couldn't believe all the bullshit calls that were made, and how all of the major penalties were charged against the Seahawks. But props to the Steelers, I'm just bitter that you can win a super bowl, on 2 total plays of offense (Parker TD Run, Trick TD Pass)+Many botched calls, and have zero success the rest of the game.

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What a bullshit game that was..

I'm a diehard Seahawks fan, and I felt completely ripped off that whole game. Way too many bad calls towards us for it to be mistakes. The ball did not cross/break the goal line on Ben's run, and that was the pussiest excuse for offensive pi on DJack, that I have ever seen. Not too mention the phantom holding call on the pass from Hass to Stevens that should have put the Hawks at the 2..instead it lead to an interception, and then ANOTHER bogus blocking call on Hasselbeck..

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I find that to be a biased picture. I saw the video of that when it happened multiple angles on ABC. Did it cross the line? Questionable, I am not debating that. All I am saying is that to overturn the call you must have INDISPUTIBLE evidence. Which there wasn't. The NFL in this case should have something done. How do you not have a straight camera angle at the goal line? That is inexcusable.

The game speed that the game is played at makes all the spectators exactly that. We get the advantage of TV angles, and a multiude of other things. In a bang-bang play, the ref makes a judgement call. And when it went to the booth, there was not enough evidence to overturn it.

In my opinion, Holmgren just did not coach well today, and that was the difference.

Edit: I just saw the hold in the 10minute area of the 4th quarter. The ref made a bad call on that one. The ref called it because the hand was wrapped around the inside, and he called it on that basis which is wrong. He didn't actually see a hold, just assumed.

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The indisputable evidence was the ref who was clearly going to spot the ball about 6-12 inches away from the goal line, and then suddenly changed his mind. Ben was down, he knew it and then decided "fuck it, replay will decide" and signalled TD. How can a ref staring at a play change his mind whether the ball crossed the line when Ben was flat on his stomach? There was no second surge, but there was a second call made and as usual it was the wrong one. On TSM I predicated the play 4 more minutes before it happened noting that not only would Ben sneak it in, but even if he was a foot short he'd still get credit for the TD. The officiating is so bad it's predictable.

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When he came running in, Ben had his arm and the ball on the goal line, so he changed the signal. The ball only has to be on the goal line, it doesn't have to cross over into the actual end zone to be a touchdown; on the line counts and if you see my previous post, there's Ben, and the ball's on the goal line.

While you're at it, why don't you complain about those two field goals? Those bastards must have had the goal posts on invisible strings and had some jerk moving the post, god damn officials, WHERE WILL THE FIX STOP?

Edited by oldskool
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When he came running in, Ben had his arm and the ball on the goal line, so he changed the signal. The ball only has to be on the goal line, it doesn't have to cross over into the actual end zone to be a touchdown; on the line counts and if you see my previous post, there's Ben, and the ball's on the goal line.

While you're at it, why don't you complain about those two field goals? Those bastards must have had the goal posts on invisible strings and had some jerk moving the post, god damn officials, WHERE WILL THE FIX STOP?

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Yeah, because a 50 and 54 yarder are easy money.

The ball was not on the line because his elbow was behind it when he landed. Again, the human anatomy does not allow something inside of your elbow to also be out in front of it at the same time. The ref blew the call and gave Pittsburgh a TD. If you don't see how that happened there's no point in discussing subjective calls because clearly visual evidence doesn't matter either.


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Dude, that very link has ONE picture in it, and that picture shows exactly what the ref saw when he changed from "just short" to "touchdown"; Ben on the ground and the ball on the goal line.

Here's another one:


Ben on the ground, ball on the goal line, that's a touchdown.

After 10 minutes of searching, here's the one picture I found that'll substantiate your Pittsburgh-hating:


Here, the ball is...well, maybe on the goal line, maybe just short, but you can't exactly tell its position, but Ben's not down here anyway. If the ball isn't across the line in this second shot, then given his forward momentum the ball would be there a frame or two later and that's a touchdown anyway.

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