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So... American Head Charge Suck....


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I just got back from Soil + American Head Charge... and before I go any further, if there is anyone reading who might wish to organise a tour with the four bands I saw tonight.. the correct order is as follows..

Jerking the Curtain... American Head Charge, maybe have them playing as people are coming in and getting ready..

Second.. Panic Cell, they're good... they're just not quite there yet.

Third.. Soil... Eh.. they're entertaining.

Main Event.. Stuck Mojo

Anyway... my god AHC are awful... just horrible horrible music.

My favorite song they played was that one, where it's really heavy for about ten seconds, then they slow it down and it goes really quiet for three minutes. Oh, that's every song. Never mind.

Plus the prick with the microphone threw his cigarette into the crowd and it landed on my arm. Bastard.

Awful, awful band. Plus the dude has a fucking swastika on his head. the fuck is that about.

Soil was some nice harmless rock, nothing to exciting. I don't see how anybody could claim that SOiL is their favorite band.. because they are just kind of average..

Panic Cell... the dudes voice was shot, so I can't really say much.. I've seen them before on a good day, they were quite good. Good opening material.

Stuck Mojo... it is a travesty of justice that Stuck Mojo had to jerk the curtain... who had that brain dead idea.

I think you all know how high I am on the mojo, so I'll stop here or I might get on a high horse.

In conclusion, fuck head charge.

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The main problem I have with Drowning Pool with anyone but Dave Williams is that the music is mainly generic alternative metal, which doesn't really stand out from anything else aside from the vocalists of the lead singer. Without Williams, there is no Drowning Pool. I just think when he died, they should made a new band, but meh, maybe I'm just being picky.

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When Dave died I said it, and I'll say it again now, the only man who could replace him was Ryan. He finally has.

But then they are still just "Ryan and the generic backing band" rather than "Dave and the generic backing band".

The latter are called Drowning Pool, anything else isn't really. But then again, I generally feel that if your vocalists leaves/dies, generally the band that come from it don't sound like the older band, so probably should go under a different name.

I hope Ryan sounds better than the bloke they had for the 2nd album though, or that the songs are better...it was all just a bit "meh" in comparison to the first one.

EDIT: Tristy, my point is that at least with different vocalists, there is a small definition between otherwise generic sounding alt bands (as generally the sound doesn't vary much)

Edited by rvdwannabe
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The guy that they brought in was a pile of wank, I thought.

I think you're looking at it with a very closed mind. A frontman SHOULDN'T be the band. Drowning Pool were good because of Dave AND the band. I'm hoping the new Drowning Pool will be good because of them AND Ryan.

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The guy that they brought in was a pile of wank, I thought.

I think you're looking at it with a very closed mind. A frontman SHOULDN'T be the band. Drowning Pool were good because of Dave AND the band. I'm hoping the new Drowning Pool will be good because of them AND Ryan.

The band were solid, but what they wrote or performed generally could have been done by anyone, there was nothing overly impressive about it.

If you liked the general alternative metal, the only thing that would stop you liking a band like Drowning Pool is the vocals, or most other general alt bands for that matter, as usually it's only the vocalists that make the bands sound overly different from each other.

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He was a good guy, and talented in his own right.

I get what you mean, wannabe, about them being generic. But they were part of the band. A big part, obviously. And, I was happy for them they kept on as Drowning Pool, then found myself dissapointed at the new frontman. But with Ryan McCombs now involved, I am quite hyped. The fact alone that he says he couldn't get through singing Tear Away without crying shows he's a good choice as a person, as he was good friends with the band and Dave. And he's also a really talented front man.

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How was Drowning Pool WITH Dave anything but generic alt. metal?


Drowning Pool were bad. The same structure in every song, annoying vocals and generally dull.

Yeah, my point wasn't that they weren't, just that with vocalists, you at least get a small difference between one band and another.

They were generic as they come, but I enjoyed them.

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