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American Dreamz Trailer - Opening April 21st

Paul Weitz, a filmmaker whose projects have grown since his first flick, American Pie, hit it big in 2000, now heads for the land of satire in this project featuring Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, Hugh Grant (in a very non-Hugh Grant type role), and other well known actors from Weitz projects (John Cho = (Y) , Chris Klein = :thumbsdown: ) and the like. It looks quite funny, even if it does seem Hollywood's going a bit too overboard with the Bush-bashing shit.

Art School Confidential Trailer - Opening April 28th in Limited Release

Terry Zwigoff takes his directing hand and once again turns a Dan Clowes comic to the big screen (he gained loads of praise for helming 2001's cult hit Ghost World). And must I say I'm liking the look of it already! Though, I suppose any film that takes a genre like teen comedy and adds an off-kilter perspective to it has to be at least interesting.

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Now it's time for SHAMELESS SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER TRAILER POSTING. So, here we go with a few projects that will undoubtedly not go away this summer.

Mission: Impossible III Trailer - Opening May 5th (U.S.)

Say what you want about Cruise, but I'm still impressed with his work even in summer blockbuster stuff like last year's War of the Worlds. This certainly can't be THAT bad, or at least worse than M:I 2. I mean, Philip Seymour Hoffman is a badass villain so at leats it would have that going for it.

Poseidon Trailer - May 12th (U.S.)

It's disaster fun for everyone when the remake of that other movie about a big boat gets treated by boat directing film man himself Wolfgang Petersen (and a cast including someone who gives Beatnik orgasms at night. :shifty: ) this summer. All I can say is, get yo' homeboys ready to watch another damn boat get destroyed!

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A Scanner Darkly Trailer - Opening July 7th

Yeah, it's rather uncertain when Richard Linklater's adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel is coming (though, IMDB points to July 28th) and I do believe the trailer is a bit old now, but it's a rather solid trailer, so there. The only real worry here may be Reeves's acting, but he is in his element so...that'll help.

Edited by just ROC...
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I clicked on the Ultraviolet trailer so hoping it was a film version of the British (I think) tv series of the same name. Imagine my disappointment.

Man, I so preferred that film when the Japanese did it, and called it Casshern, about 2 years ago.

The Notorious Bettie Page and Thank You for Smoking do look good though. Can't wait to see them.

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Slither looks like a lot of fun. Anything with Nathan Fillion in it is automatically goodness, but this is something I've been looking forward to since I read about him doing a new film.

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I dunno X3 looks just really..I dunno. The Dark Phoenix storyline could have filled an entire movie but it looks like they're making it a subplot to the mutant "cure". I'm interested to see a huge battle between mutants but the rest just looks kinda...eh.

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Since I figure one other thing to mention other than trailers, is how the actual reaction is to the films I've shown have become...here's one to bring up.

Ultraviolet - 5% rating from Rotten Tomatoes

Damn, anyone saying this one would be worse than Equilibrium appears to be right and then some...and it's not just the critics (who mostly hated Equilibrium, but not to this extent) that hate it. IMDB currently has the film with a 4.1 rating. It would be sad if Wimmer is a one-trick pony, but I'm guessing he is.

EDIT: On another note, maybe not.


It would explain a lot if this is true that the rough cut was butchered a lot.

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The more I see of Slither, the more it just looks like crap. That might be my fault. I've never gotten the point of horror movie parodies/satires (the Scary Movie series in particular). Much :wub: for Nathan Fillion, though :) Let's hope this one does better than Serenity did.

I've already seen the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (it's on one of the DVDs I bought a while back...probably Brothers Grimm, though I'm not sure), it looked pretty decent. Then again, I liked Constantine, so...;) I wouldn't trust any release dates given for it, as IMDB has no less than THREE possible dates listed.

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