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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Just to bring this thread back from the dead, why is the choice of guitars on GHIII no awful? I didn't mind the stupid gimmick guitars when there was a healthy selection of real guitars, but this time aorund there's like 5 actual guitars (I'm not sure why there's a Les Paul and a Les Paul custom when the only difference I can see is that they have a different selection of skins), yet there's no shortage of legs, moons and whatnot :/ And the Axe guitar can fuck right off. It's even worse for bass, there's like two or three real ones...unless you unlock more through coop.

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Muse. 96 fucking percent on hard. That bastard riff at the end where it repeats like a gajillion times. I *just* scraped through the massive HOPO bit, but that riff just doesn't seem to match with the song timewise, I seemed to be a tiny bit off on each note, like the chart was half a second ahead of the song or something :/

Fucking 96%.

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Finally beat Lou on expert, and i've managed 79% on Through The Fire And The Flames on expert, which has made me proud.

If it wasn't for that bloody intro i'd haved pissed all over that song by now. I've gotten past the intro about 10 times in total, out of about 200 tries.

Edited by BleedMe
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Muse. 96 fucking percent on hard. That bastard riff at the end where it repeats like a gajillion times. I *just* scraped through the massive HOPO bit, but that riff just doesn't seem to match with the song timewise, I seemed to be a tiny bit off on each note, like the chart was half a second ahead of the song or something :/

Fucking 96%.

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The fact it sets you up quite peacefully and then hits you with this barrage of, quite frankly, impossibly quick pull-offs with a couple of chords in there only helps annoy me even more. To hell with getting 200k on Cult of Personality, I want an achievement for getting through Raining Blood without my fingers falling off. I shudder to think what happens when you get past the first mosh.

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The fact it sets you up quite peacefully and then hits you with this barrage of, quite frankly, impossibly quick pull-offs with a couple of chords in there only helps annoy me even more. To hell with getting 200k on Cult of Personality, I want an achievement for getting through Raining Blood without my fingers falling off. I shudder to think what happens when you get past the first mosh.
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To hell with you, Raining Blood. You, and only you, stand in the way of me getting to the Boss Battle with Lou on hard. My fingers are incapable of moving at such speeds.

This is where I am now at. My fingers actually did fall off when I somehow managed to blag my way to a 4* rating on One. The only part that is particularly problematic there is the HOPOs, and star power gets you past that. Oh, if only the same could be said for Raining Blood :(

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Rumor ahoy!

Shacknews noticed that GHIII's online leaderboards list three yet to be available and announced musical tracks. Tracks that include the Foreigner's "Juke Box Hero" (which is the most popular DLC download on Rock Band), Journey's "Any Way You Want It" and Boston's "Peace of Mind"


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