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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Guest MS48#1

I finally got to play Guitar Hero for the first time yesterday. Wal-Mart had it's demo out. I was so psyched. I don't know what song I picked, because some kid had been playing it earlier, and I didn't know how to work the controller, so I just re-started the song he played.

I missed every note. :thumbsdown:

But I still want Guitar Hero II.

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Anyone got any hints for beating Frankenstein, Cowboys from hell and Bark at the Moon on expert. Preferably some advice other than 'practice' because as much as i practice, i get stuck on the solo in Frankenstein and i allways fail CFH and BATM at around 15%

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Anyone got any hints for beating Frankenstein, Cowboys from hell and Bark at the Moon on expert. Preferably some advice other than 'practice' because as much as i practice, i get stuck on the solo in Frankenstein and i allways fail CFH and BATM at around 15%

The best tip I can give about "Cowboys From Hell" is to sit down and listen to the song and learn the rhythm by tapping it out with your hands. Once you have the rhythm, it's just a matter of getting your fingers on the right frets. The solo and fills come with time (although the fills can be practiced in the aforementioned fashion) but as long as you can take care of the main riff, you should be able to make it much farther in the song.

You may think I'm crazy, but I managed to pull off "Bark At The Moon" by practicing with "Texas Flood". Both songs require fluidity with their leads (meaning you can't be like James Hetfield and be rigid with your picking...upstroke, damn you!)

"Frankenstein" is best handled by breaking it down into sections. Instead of failing constantly, I simply broke down the song into 30-60 second fragments by practicing up to a point, restarting the song, and repeating until I was comfortable with that part. That way, you're not thinking about something later in the song, which oftentimes causes you to mess up on what you're currently doing.

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I played this game again last night and for some reason liked it even less than before. I don't mean to sound like a cock but I don't see the hype. I can see where the game is fun, but it seems that it would lose it's luster after playing all of the songs. It just doesn't seem as fun to me as say a sports game, a shooter, an rpg, or anything in general. I think it's a fun party game so to speak, as in it's cool to fuck around with when you have a group of friends over. It's definitely a cool concept and all but it just doesn't keep my attention for very long.

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For me it's different, just your own matter of tastes though. I completed all the songs on medium the first week I had it in February and only recently completed Expert mode. Now I'm in the proccess of trying to get five-stars on every song, because you get a new special guitar when you do that. For me it's a fun game just because I want to strive and be flawless on it, plus it's a great way to waste time for me when I don't have anything else to do.

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Really it's difficult not to five star things on Easy, to be honest.

It's difficult if you're still fresh to the concept of rhythm and timing. Once you get comfortable with that, though, agreed. The first big goal I set for myself on Easy was not *****, but 100% notes hit. On Medium difficulty and higher, I then started working towards five stars, then 100%.

And there's no shame in playing any of the first five songs on Easy over and over. An easy-level "I Love Rock And Roll" gives me ample chance to practice my pogo'ing while playing :)

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I would wait til the second one comes out, because then hopefully the first one will be reduced in price. Personally depends on what you want. The first one has a lot of great songs on it and for the most part is a one player game as I don't really enjoy doing trade-offs during multiplayer. If you're going to pick up a second controller however I would definately recommend the second one because the multi-player on that sounds insane, what with the same trade-off as before, an option where you each play the full song at the same time and see who gets a higher score. There's also a new option which allows you to play one part of the song(lead, rhythm, or bass) on any difficulty you want while your friend chooses something you're not playing and you play as a team, sharing one "life" bar.

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In the Name Of Science, I did me some research. It seemed to me that in career mode, going through once and getting low ratings, then going back and getting higher ratings would net more overall money than going through once and getting 4 and 5 *s the first time through.

I was wrong. On my first game, I got 3*s, then went back and got 4 and 5 *s. I started a new game and got 4 and 5 *s the first time, and there wasn't much difference in the amount I earned.

Well, that was a waste of 3 hours. :pinch:

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