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Just a question of interest here.

Did Pete Rose ever bet against his own team?

No, he always betted on them to win.

It isn't a matter of USA and Japan as I've said before, it is a matter of talent. This guy hit his against low level pitching which makes it quite significantly easier, while Bonds has done this against the cream of the crop. When people ask who is the home run king, it isn't Oh, it's Henry Aaron. If their league was as accomplished with the talent as the MLB then he would be mentioned by all the "Experts" when talking about this stat, but it doesn't matter. It's like comparing the AAA Home Run leader to Henry Aaron and saying that its the same, it's not.

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I don't agree with "World Records" when it comes from sports in this sense, for the reason that I could go play in a pro league, hit 900 homers and claim to be the greatest of all time. This isn't like growing the largest pumpkin, it is dependent on the caliber of talent you are playing against. If I go to a little league and play them I'll dominate. Again, his "world record" isn't valid in my opinion. Now if he manages to go out and break the world record for the largest chocolate chip cookie, I'll give that to him.

It's not for certain that Aaron would be able to match-up against the pitchers nowadays so should we just give the home run king crown to Bonds?
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Just a question of interest here.

Did Pete Rose ever bet against his own team?

No, he always betted on them to win.

It isn't a matter of USA and Japan as I've said before, it is a matter of talent. This guy hit his against low level pitching which makes it quite significantly easier, while Bonds has done this against the cream of the crop. When people ask who is the home run king, it isn't Oh, it's Henry Aaron. If their league was as accomplished with the talent as the MLB then he would be mentioned by all the "Experts" when talking about this stat, but it doesn't matter. It's like comparing the AAA Home Run leader to Henry Aaron and saying that its the same, it's not.

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Just a question of interest here.

Did Pete Rose ever bet against his own team?

No, he always betted on them to win.

It isn't a matter of USA and Japan as I've said before, it is a matter of talent. This guy hit his against low level pitching which makes it quite significantly easier, while Bonds has done this against the cream of the crop. When people ask who is the home run king, it isn't Oh, it's Henry Aaron. If their league was as accomplished with the talent as the MLB then he would be mentioned by all the "Experts" when talking about this stat, but it doesn't matter. It's like comparing the AAA Home Run leader to Henry Aaron and saying that its the same, it's not.

My point is that you're dismissing the record way too quickly, when in essence, it's the world record. Nowhere does a record state that it must be broken in a certain league. The world record for the most home runs in a career belongs to Oh, not Aaron. The most home runs in a career in the MLB belongs to Aaron, not Oh. Both records are great accomplishments and you seem to be downplaying the world record for most home runs because it didn't happen in the MLB. Last time I checked the MLB isn't the world and the world record belongs to Oh.

It's not for certain that Aaron would be able to match-up against the pitchers nowadays so should we just give the home run king crown to Bonds? No, because a world record isn't dependent on talent level because it's a world record regardless.

Oh holds the world record.

Aaron holds the MLB record.

Edited by Livid
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I'm not saying that you or anybody should consider Oh the home run king, I'm just saying that Biggz was far too quicky to outrule the possibility of someone being better than either Bonds or Aaron.

I'm not arguing that Aaron is the home run king, I'm arguing the fact that Biggz was close-minded to think that only American baseball matters, when it doesn't, by evidence by the fact that the person with the most home runs in a career is Japanese, not American or has anything to do with Major League Baseball.

I don't know, maybe it's just me in that I don't like it when people give a bad name for Americans because his comments were quite arrogant in that nothing but American baseball matters, when that's not true. There's also the fact that he wasn't meaning to be arrogant, but it comes off as such. And if you didn't mean that then I apologize, but still to say that the MLB is the only thing that matters is close-minded

Perhaps my point was lost in the debate of Oh vs. Aaron, but for the record, I'm just saying that Oh holds a record regardless of whether he was in the MLB or not and that one shouldn't be so quick to dismiss such a fact.

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I'm not saying that you or anybody should consider Oh the home run king, I'm just saying that Biggz was far too quicky to outrule the possibility of someone being better than either Bonds or Aaron.

I'm not arguing that Aaron is the home run king, I'm arguing the fact that Biggz was close-minded to think that only American baseball matters, when it doesn't, by evidence by the fact that the person with the most home runs in a career is Japanese, not American or has anything to do with Major League Baseball.

I don't know, maybe it's just me in that I don't like it when people give a bad name for Americans because his comments were quite arrogant in that nothing but American baseball matters, when that's not true. There's also the fact that he wasn't meaning to be arrogant, but it comes off as such. And if you didn't mean that then I apologize, but still to say that the MLB is the only thing that matters is close-minded

Perhaps my point was lost in the debate of Oh vs. Aaron, but for the record, I'm just saying that Oh holds a record regardless of whether he was in the MLB or not and that one shouldn't be so quick to dismiss such a fact.

Time and time again you miss my point. It isn't USA v. Japan, it's comparing the MLB to a secondary league.

And if you didn't mean that then I apologize, but still to say that the MLB is the only thing that matters is close-minded
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He's NOT talking about Japan vs. USA. He never was. He's talking about MLB vs. Japanese leagues. The MLB benefits from a rich tapestry of ball players from around the world. It draws the best talent from around the world. I'm pretty sure he was also being a little unclear when saying that "nobody gives a shit" about foreign leagues. From what I gather from talking to him, he just means that because of the Japanese league's inferiority talent-wise, it would be unfair to classify anyone's non-MLB stats as being on an equal plane with the MLB.

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The Jays drop game three of the Bo-Sox series, after taking the first two. It'd be nice to see the boys taking all 3 some time, but a series win's a series win. By the way, has anybody been to a Jays game recently? Until Tuesday I hadn't been to one since the 7th of May (Casey Janssen's fine 1 hit over 7.1 performance), but they've come up with a completely intimidating entrance for BJ Ryan that is pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever seen the Jays production team ever pull off. They have these HUGE flaming animations on all the screens that flare up with "BJ Ryan" flashing, and as Ryan runs out (intimidating enough in itself), Slipknot's "Duality" is playing. It's less a pitching change than an experience.

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Why would ESPN show three innings of a Single A game earlier tonight? The return of Roger Clemens.

What else should they have aired?

That wasn't the point I was making. I'm just saying Clemens is back and that ESPN covers a single A game (for once) because of him.

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I can't believe it, but the Reds are actually leading their division! Can someone please check for me and see if Hell has frozen over?

George Mitchell, who is handling the steroid investigation for MLB, sent a letter to Barry Bonds' ex-girlfriend demanding that she cooperate with the investigation. The FBI told her not to, because Bonds would be legally entitled to find out what she said and that could hinder a government investigation if what she tells Mitchell is different than what she says in court.

Any Kansas City Royals fans (or haters) around? Check this out:



Oh, and when I brought up Sadaharu Oh holding the world record for Home Runs, I didn't mean to imply that the record really meant anything and cause a debate. I just meant I'm glad that Bonds will likely never come close to hitting that many home runs before he retires. I think it would be damned near impossible for anyone not using steroids or human growth hormone or some other performance enhancing drugs to hit 800 home runs in a MLB career unless the pitching got really bad for several years and the player stayed off the DL for at least 90% of his career.

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Here's the way I see it on this whole Bond issue...He has been given every steriod test that they have thrown at him and he's passed.

Hitting 715 homers in the Major Leagues is amazing..I don't care if you took steriods or not. Steroids build body mass and they sure as hell don't help you hit the ball. The more mass you get on your body the harder it is to turn.

Besides I don't know what the big fuss is about...Puljois is just going to come along and set a new record.

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Here's the way I see it on this whole Bond issue...He has been given every steriod test that they have thrown at him and he's passed.

Hitting 715 homers in the Major Leagues is amazing..I don't care if you took steriods or not. Steroids build body mass and they sure as hell don't help you hit the ball. The more mass you get on your body the harder it is to turn.

Besides I don't know what the big fuss is about...Puljois is just going to come along and set a new record.

Edited by GhostMachine
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The Tigers are still playing good baseball as we approach the all-star break. As they continue winning, my confidence in seeing them in the post-season continues to grow. My only worry right now is our closers, because Rodney and especially Jones have been giving up a few too many runs for my liking as of late.

Today's game was funny though, the Tigers playing the Cubs in Chicago. Despite being the away team, there were some very loud "Let's Go Tigers" cheers, which probably made it feel more like a home game for the Tigers.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Might be off-topic, but since you mention the Cubs..

I cannot wait to go to Chicago this Summer and see them play at Wrigley. I'm a Sox fan, and I've seen Fenway and Camden Yards, but I can't wait to see Wrigley.

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