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"If the Yankees get hot" "If the BoSox get hot" "If the White Sox get hot".

A lot of if's, and as it stands the Tigers are still winning ball games. Those three teams should be worried if the Tigers don't cool off in the second half. Thus far, they're not showing any signs of that.

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Also, I went to the Orioles-Rangers game last night. It was student night so tickets were $5 for upper reserve. The crowd on these night are a lot more fun than the family crowds of afternoon games and the non-existant crowds of weeknights. If any of your teams do a student night, you should really go.

Well, it's impossible to score tickets at Fenway. I have been to four games since my last one at Fenway (now nearly four years ago), three at Camden Yards and one at Shea. (The one at Shea, it was only $3 ... why not)

Meanwhile, the Red Sox have 44 games at Fenway after the All Star Break (including this series with Oakland now). Before hand, they were 27-10 at home. That's pretty strong, they can hold off the Yankees unless New York finds the magic (like it usually does, but I don't think they got it in them this year)

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Instead of paying $85-$100 aftermarket for Sox tickets you're better off taking the T and going to the Cask 'N Flagon, that's what my brother does. Catch the game, drink some beers. Eh, you're not driving anyway, so it's pissah'.

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Instead of paying $85-$100 aftermarket for Sox tickets you're better off taking the T and going to the Cask 'N Flagon, that's what my brother does. Catch the game, drink some beers. Eh, you're not driving anyway, so it's pissah'.

Cask n' Flagon ... where is that? I might check that out sometime, I plan on being in Boston more often since my best friend just moved to Beacon Hill. However, I would still need to drive about 45 minutes to an hour to get to Riverside (end of D Branch Green Line)

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This may very well be the craziest/dumbest thing I've ever claimed in my sports history, but I'll go on a limb to make it interesting.

The Braves will either win the NL East, or be no more than five games back at season's end.

After watching this team at the beginning of the season and how they are playing now, it feels like two completely different teams. The Jones boys are starting to come around (Chipper's 14-game extra-base hit streak is startling for a guy his age and power, while Andruw is starting to fire on all cylinders again.) With Pedro on the DL (albeit temporarily) and the Mets' second-half tendencies, I honestly think the Braves can catch them as long as they play solid baseball and not make the stupid mistakes that put them in this hole earlier on.

So, there, I'll say it. The Braves finish no worse than five games back of the divisional winner (provided they do not win the division.)

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This may very well be the craziest/dumbest thing I've ever claimed in my sports history, but I'll go on a limb to make it interesting.

The Braves will either win the NL East, or be no more than five games back at season's end.

After watching this team at the beginning of the season and how they are playing now, it feels like two completely different teams. The Jones boys are starting to come around (Chipper's 14-game extra-base hit streak is startling for a guy his age and power, while Andruw is starting to fire on all cylinders again.) With Pedro on the DL (albeit temporarily) and the Mets' second-half tendencies, I honestly think the Braves can catch them as long as they play solid baseball and not make the stupid mistakes that put them in this hole earlier on.

So, there, I'll say it. The Braves finish no worse than five games back of the divisional winner (provided they do not win the division.)

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Why did the Orioles even go out and sign Russ Ortiz? He's terrible now.

Just now? He only had one good season in Atlanta, with the pitching genious that is Leo Mazzone. Really, the Diamondbacks were incredibly stupid for signing him to that outrageous contract.

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Why did the Orioles even go out and sign Russ Ortiz? He's terrible now.

Just now? He only had one good season in Atlanta, with the pitching genious that is Leo Mazzone. Really, the Diamondbacks were incredibly stupid for signing him to that outrageous contract.

Well, I meant terrible now as in he's not what he was in Atlanta. We brought him in hoping Mazzone could revive his career.

And I second Bosstown Boy. Fortunately the O's have good pitching their farm system, the problem is getting them to be good pitchers in the majors early enough before our offense goes away.

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The Braves may narrow the gap between them at the Mets, but NO WAY they will the division or even come in second. 5 games back? Lol. I doubt they'll be that close at the end of the season.

I'm surprised my Reds are still doing reasonably well at this point, but I don't see them making the postseason this year. :(

I don't really care what happens, as long as the Braves and Yankees don't make the World Series, and there's a damn good chance that I'll get my wish.

And I agree completely with Bosstown. Any team without good pitchers in their farm teams is seriously hosed for the next few years. There aren't exactly a lot of college pitchers to write home about this year, from what I've seen, either.

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Guest Bosstown Boy

Here's how I breakdown the playoff situation right now in baseball.

The Red Sox and Yankees are going to do their usual dance for the top spot in the East, but only because the Red Sox seem to play down to their opponents rather then consistantly being better (see: Blue Jays). I believe, in the end, the Red Sox will be able to overcome the Yankees and send them packing early, much to the demise of an already hated A-Rod. The Yankees may pick out an outfielder at the deadline, but they don't have enough to get what they need - a pitcher. The Red Sox could pick up a fifth starter somewhere and be set for the division.

I believe that the White Sox will catch the Tigers. The White Sox have beaten the Tigers six-out-seven (I believe.) this season and they play them twelve more times. With the pitching staff that the White Sox has, I believe that they can overcome the deficit and beat the Tigers by a few games. Also, don't forget that the Tigers are still young, and even though they're very good, they don't have experiance under pressure. Oh, and just for an added bonus, Thames is the leader in homeruns for the Tigers, the White Sox have Thome, Konerko, and Dye.

The AL West is mighty interesting, but I have to give the nod to the charging Angels. They have the pitching, they have all year, but now the offense is starting to catch on. K-Rod is devastating out of the bullpen like few other pitchers I've seen, and Vlad is still Vlad. Oakland has the pitchers and they have the history of busting out late-season rallies, but they also have a big history of being a bust. Plus, I hate Nick Swisher.

The Mets are going to take the NL East, but the Braves will at least make it a last hoorah by closing it to about seven or eight. Atlanta can't do much more then that, especially if they end up trading some of their key pieces away before the deadline.

The NL Central brings a surprisingly close divison to the stage, but I believe the Cardinals have it locked up. Don't get me wrong, I like the Reds and Brewers, but not as much as I like Pujols and the Card's pitching staff. As far as the pipedreams Houston had about making a charge with Clemens, I'd only see it happening if they add about 100 runs on offense. Maybe Abreu?

The closest and most mediocre division in baseball brings you a Padres victory. I'm not smoking Grady Little's pipe here, so I don't believe in the Dodgers chances. I think San Diego pulls one out for all the little guy fans out there and wins the division. I'll cry when they lose to the Mets, I really will.

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That's why I love the Red Sox future.

Papelbon, Lester, Manny D., Pauley, Hansen.

Oh yeah. :P

And Pauley isn't really doing much of shit right now. When he gets good ... it'll be a scary day in Boston.

But how about Jon Lester? A one hitter against the Royals ... sure it's the Royals, but it's still a solid performance. 5-0 in the bigs now, ERA under 3.






Um... yeah, that's all I can think of.

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Yeah, Wells is done. He should just give up, I don't think anyone in the organization wants him to come back and just fuck things up.

Clement ... I'm not sure I ever liked this deal to begin with. At first I had some optimism because he wasn't too too bad with the Cubs. But I knew from the get go we paid way too much money, especially now since he's been plagued with injuries and not much for quality when he's around.

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