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WCW 1991 by TGC


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Everyone has one really good idea, or at least I'd like to think so. This was mine. Let me take you back a few years to the initial idea, then we can begin the journey onwards.

In August of 2002 I found a little board that was the official forum for Extreme Warfare Revenge, a game I had found out about four months prior thanks to an article by The Scotsman. When I journeyed to this board, Extreme Warfare Battleground, I fell in love. I was amazed that an entire community existed to support EWR. I found myself quickly drawn to The Diary Dome, although to be honest I don't even think that name was around at this point in time, where I found that some of the regulars to this board were creating fantastic tales that were derived from their game. I was amazed and in love with the concept. I read some spectacular diaries by some good writers and some awful diaries by some not so good writers. In September, after becoming rather bored with EWR, I decided to attempt to do the same. My first diary, NWA:TNA was a small success that lasted for three months on the board and four months game time. It was nothing spectacular to be honest, but it was fun and it provided me with a new insight into my game. In November it came to an end due to a death in my family, a cross country move, and computer errors. It was time to move on, to try something new and different for myself, and to attempt to challenge myself.

I settled on WCW 1991 by thegodcomplex.

My love for that time in wrestling was all I needed to attempt to bring my own ideas into this game and diary. I knew of the pitfalls and the successes of the real WCW during this time, and I knew what I had liked, disliked, and out right loathed. I knew enough to know that I could present something that would be of some small interest to some people who also liked the time. My name value had grown a bit on EWB due to my ever so short involvement with CWW as NWA-TNA of all things, so when I began WCW 1991 the fans of both my previous NWA:TNA and those that had found me in CWW came to read. I had found success, and I had found my one really good idea.

This diary has ventured across four boards, if memory serves me right, before finally settling right here once more. I have started and stopped this thing more than a few times, but when all else fails, or as in the event of my WWF 2001 After WMX7 Diary, technology hates me, I find myself back here. Back amongst ideas and characters that have become like old friends to me.

Can I make Pillmania, an idea that I have had since 1993, work and make it a believable enough story that people actually buy it? Can I bring Sweet Stan not only into the Main Event Scene, but make him a true star in this diary? Can I EVER find a way to get fucking Ron Garvin over and accepted, and not another winner in the Most Pushed Wrestler Who Doesn't Deserve A Push category of a past Diary Dome Awards? I managed to make The Fabulous Freebirds credible WCW World Tag Team Champions, Bring Jeff Jarrett into WCW and launch him as a credible Upper Midcarder almost immediately, as well as make The Z-Man not only an interesting character, but create a feud with he and Brian Pillman that more than a few people said was probably amongst the best things I did in this diary, so I think I can make the above things happen. Maybe.

I exist amongst the so called elite of The Diary Dome not because I am really all that great or because I was modded on Javert's recommendations, but because of this diary right here. Fitzy has stated on numerous occasions that nothing I have ever written since this has ever been as good as this was, and I firmly agree with him. This was my baby and this was my one really good idea. You may call this self indulgent, a mod using his power and his place here to break his own rules, or a good idea. In the end I agree with you on all three points.

Now, let's journey back into the past when wrestling was fun, kayfabe existed, and heroes and villains were far easier to tell apart as I repost what exists as a precursor to the continuation of WCW 1991. A lot of it was lost, although a month by month recap does exist, before we get to the posting of actual shows and then, finally, to August 1991 and new shows. I ask you to accompany me back into

WCW 1991: The Rebirth Years by thegodcomplex

In December of 1990, when Ted Turner seceded from the NWA, he completed his goal to take his little wrestling company mainstream and compete with the much bigger WWF. Turner's idea was that he had the money, the television time, and the stars, so he didn't need the NWA anymore. He was right. In January of 1991 WCW was born on TBS via WCW Saturday Night. What had once been the flagship show for the NWA was now the home of a new company, WCW, owned and operated by Turner. While the boys and the dirt sheet writers knew of the big change and how monumental it was, the general and casual fan had no idea anything was different. The NWA Titles were now referred to as WCW Titles, and the champions joined WCW due to the lure of a permanent position and a nice large paycheck. The long and storied history of the NWA was simply "borrowed" by WCW. The legendary rise of The Nature Boy Ric Flair in the 1970's was now a part of WCW history, and the letters NWA were no longer mentioned. Turner had done what he had long sought, he had taken his little wrestling company and turned it into a major player in the world of professional wrestling seemingly overnight. While things were good and looked nice on the outside, backstage was an all together different story.

Jim Herd was the man officially in charge in 1990, although his right hand man and head booker was former wrestling star, in his mind at least, Ole Anderson. Herd and Ole had some good ideas, and for the most part their tenure in charge in 1990 wasn't a complete failure. It was largely a failure however. Even though Herd had been smart enough to bring in new talent with the plan to build tomorrows stars today, Ole had other ideas. His revolved around bringing in former "stars" with years and years of experience, and putting them over the younger talent. The main problem with this was that wrestlers like The Z-Man and Flying Brian Pillman were getting squashed by wrestlers such as Dutch Mantel and Harley Race who no longer had any rub left to give. The fans saw The Z-Man and Pillman as losers who were regularly beaten by old men. Old men who weren't that much higher in stature within the company than they were. For most of 1990 the top spots were held by the same few people, and no one new was allowed near it. This would prove to be a major problem in the second half of 1990, which was made even further prominent by the biggest failure and blunder of the Herd and Ole era: The WCW Heavyweight Title reign of Sting.

Most thought, Ole included, that the man to get the next big push would be fan favorite and big man Lex Luger. Since his introduction in the late 1980's into the NWA, the plan had been to push this man to the World Title. However Ric Flair, easily the biggest star in the company, had other plans. His involved the number one babyface Sting. He wanted to drop the title to Sting, propelling him to the top, as he felt that Luger simply wasn't ready yet. Many agreed with Flair's assessment, and a long and bitter struggle occurred between Herd, Ole, and Flair. In the end Flair won out, and at The Great American Bash 1990 Sting did indeed win the title from Ric Flair in a classic match. Here, however, is where the mistakes really were made. Whether it was to be Sting or Luger didn't matter, because the top of the heap was a barren wasteland in WCW. As already mentioned, the Main Event scene included the same few people and no new stars were allowed near it. Thus once Sting beat Flair he didn't have any already established Main Event players to wrestle and defeat to establish himself as a worthy World Champion. His opponents included Sid Vicious, an up and comer no doubt, Barry Windham, and The Black Scorpion. For six months Sting held the World Title to wrap up 1990, and for six long months Sting was without a credible heel opponent to make him look strong. The match at Halloween Havoc against Sid was a good one, but there was never any doubt that Sting was walking away with the title. By the time Sting actually wrestled the real Black Scorpion his title reign was officially a joke.

The Black Scorpion was an idea concocted by Ole to create a mysterious new Main Event player in WCW that had ties to Sting's past. At it's very core a mystery, Ole's idea was that the fans would become so enamored with the idea of trying to deduce the identity of The Black Scorpion that the lack of opposition for Sting would be forgotten. Just as a reminder, this was the same man that decided that Robocop should come to ringside and save an injured Sting from The Four Horsemen earlier in the year. The main problem with Ole's Black Scorpion idea was that he had NO CLUE who was under the black mask and garb. Various workers played the part, with Ole himself voicing the character most of the time, so that The Black Scorpion was all different shapes and sizes. Further complicating things was the fact that The Black Scorpion's "veiled threats" and "remember California, Sting" promos were all over the place. Many felt Ole was trying to make the fans believe that it was Sting's former Tag Team Partner, The Ultimate Warrior. However he was inked to a long term WWF deal. Whatever Ole's reasoning, the magician character of The Black Scorpion was a joke. It all came to a head at Starrcade 1990 when Sting was set to face "the real Black Scorpion" after numerous false Scorpion's had been vanquished by The Stinger. With mere minutes left to go Ole STILL didn't have a man to put under the mask. So Ole and Herd went to Ric Flair, always a company man, and asked him to do the deed and the job. Herd and Ole had spent the second half of 1990 doing their best to bury Flair, but Flair agreed, donned the garb, and Main Evented Starrcade with Sting. It came as no surprise to anyone as the match progressed who was under the mask, but it was still played off as a big deal when Sting removed the mask and the briefest of glimpses of Flair's face was given on PPV. The remaining few weeks of 1990 were booked without any enthusiasm or creativity by Ole. The reason? He was out of a job, as was Jim Herd, come January 1, 1991.

Turner, now the owner of the number two wrestling company in the world, wanted a clean and fresh slate for the beginning of his new era. His idea, while laughed at and balked at by many, was to take three men with a little history, albeit very little in two of our cases, but no personal or political agendas, and have them control the destiny of WCW. For six months at least.

Myself, a former talent relations agent for about nine months in WCW, Jim Ross, an announcer, and new employee Eric Bischoff, another announcer and generally well known ass kisser to the corporate types, were handed the creative and business reigns of Ted Turner's new wrestling company. On January 1, 1991 we were in charge. The Terrible Trio, as Sid Vicious nicknamed us, were handed The Book and The Checkbook and told to try and turn WCW around. In the first six months we had one goal given to us. Take this company, which under the NWA name had been losing money, and get it to make money. In the process of doing that, directly compete with the WWF and let the world know that WCW was number two for now, but that we were heading straight for the number one spot. We took to our job with the eagerness of a child in a candy store, and along the way made some mortal enemies, but our first six months were certainly not boring.

Next...WCW 1991: January

Edited by TGC The Nazi Mod
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WCW Saturday Night

Saturday January 5, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura

Atlanta GA

Jim Ross: Welcome to World Championship Wrestling Saturday Night here on TBS.

Jesse Ventura: And I'm The Body. As if you all didn't know.

Ross: You never let us forget. Welcome to the NEW WCW. It's a new year and a new era for the oldest Wrestling Company in the world today. We start tonight right away with a tag team match up.

Brian Pillman and Z-Man vs. The Fabulous Freebirds(Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Michael P.S. Hayes)

Pillman and Zenk come out first with Zenk holding his TV Title, followed by The Freebirds. The match begins and The Freebirds dominate Zenk early on, but he finally makes a hot tag out to Pillman, who is on fire on both Garvin and Hayes. Zenk tags himself back in and goes after Garvin, while Hayes and Pillman topple to the floor. Just then, a woman runs from the crowd and trips up Zenk who was running off the ropes towards a slightly dazed Garvin. Zenk stumbles forward and Garvin catches him and delivers a Piledriver. On the floor, the woman swings her purse and nails Pillman in the back of the head and he drops quickly, then she helps Hayes up as Garvin gets the 1-2-3 on Zenk. Garvin leaves and the three walk towards the back together. Pillman gets back in the ring and he lightly yells at Zenk who looks dazed and confused.




OR: 71

Ross: Who was that woman?

Ventura: Obviously the new valet for The Fabulous Freebirds. If you wait here, I'll go find out for you nosy.

Ventura walks off.


Interview With The Four Horsemen

Ross: In the interview area is our newest addition to The WCW announce team. Good luck with this one Mike Tenay.

Mike Tenay is with The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and Sid Vicious) in front of a WCW banner against a wall.

Tenay: Thank you Jim. I'm Mike Tenay and I'm with the legendary quartet known as The Four Horsemen.

Flair: Can we speed this up? We have matches tonight you know.

The others laugh.

Tenay: Let me start with The Enforcer Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. At Starrcade, the two of you met Doom for The WCW World Tag Team Titles in a brutal Street Fight, and tonight it's a re-match of sorts with the belts again on the line. Any comments?

Anderson: That's right Tenay, and this time there won't be any stupid Double Pinfalls to keep us from walking out of here with the Titles. Tonight The Horsemen bring the gold back home. And it all starts when Barry and myself win The Tag Team Titles from Reed and Simmons.

Tenay: That leads me to you Sid, as in our main Event you will once again go toe to toe with The WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting, with the title on the line. Your thoughts?

Sid: Sting is just keeping The World Title warm for The Horsemen, and tonight THIS Horseman will make it hot. I am Sid Vicious and I am the next World Heavyweight Champion WCW will have.

Tenay: (looking somewhat perplexed) Okay. That brings us to you Ric...

Flair: I'm a former World Champion Tenay, and you're the new guy. I suggest you show me the respect the Nature Boy deserves.

Tenay: My apologies. Mr. Flair, no one has brought this up since it happened, but allow me to ask you about Starrcade when...

Anderson: There's a reason no one brought it up Tenay, we wouldn't allow it, and we won't allow it now. The interview is officially over.

Tenay: But if I could just ask about The Black Scorp...

Anderson: (upset and red faced) I said this interview is OVER!

The Horsemen all glare as they walk past Tenay, with Sid bumping into Tenay and sending him into the wall.

Tenay: Well that went well. Take it away Jesse.

OR: 92

(Arn Anderson gained in over rising from 90 to 92)

Parking Lot Interview With The Fabulous Freebirds

Jesse is standing next to a yellow stretch limo with the Freebirds and the woman who helped them win the match.

Ventura: It's Mr. Ventura or The Body to you Mikey. I'm out here with the Fabulous Freebirds and their new valet...

Hayes: Correction there Body. She's not just a valet, she's Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin's main squeeze and the NEW manager of The Fabulous Freebirds. We promised that we were bringing a new manager in, and here she is.

Ventura: (shocked) She is your manager? And nice job there Jimmy.

All three men laugh while the woman smiles.

Garvin: Allow me to introduce to you the lovely, the vivacious, the curvaceous, the oh so adorable Tammy Sytch. She puts the Fabulous in the Freebirds baby.

Ventura: Well there you go Jim, straight from the mouths of the men who know, Tammy is the new manager of The fabulous Freebirds and the girlfriend of Jimmy Garvin. Now...

Hayes: Not so fast, because we do have ONE more thing to say. In the past few months, The Freebirds have been doing everything we can to get ourselves back into contention for The US Tag Team Titles, and we just moved another step closer by beating Z-Man and Flying Brian in there tonight. Steiners, we're coming for you, so be prepared.

Tammy: I'd say by The Clash of The Champions we may very well be ready to take those title away, what do you think Jimmy baby?

Garvin: Guaranteed. And you can consider that a challenge made.

Tammy: Excuse me Body, but he Fabulous Freebirds have now left the building.

They get into the car as Ventura watches Tammy bend over. The car drives off.

Ventura: Wow. Why don't we take a commercial break now.

OR: 88

(Tammy gained in over rising from 75 to 76)


Ross: Up next we have a slight mismatch in styles, as Beautiful bobby Eaton takes on the returning Jushin Thunder Liger from Japan.

Beautiful Bobby Eaton vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Eaton comes out alone all business, followed by the jumping Liger. What follows is a mismatch, but a strong match as Liger attempts to fly while Eaton tries to keep it grounded. In the end, Eaton hits a Bulldog followed by The Alabama Jam to get the somewhat upset 1-2-3 win.




OR: 72


Brad Armstrong vs. Vader(with Harley Race)

Brad kind of wanders out looking less than enthused, followed by Race leading Vader down, mask less. Ross plays it up big-time that this is a joke and that brad has no chance, as well as the fact that Vader has apparently quit wearing the big scary mask to the ring. What follows is a squash for sure, as Armstrong is destroyed, then hit with three consecutive Vader Bombs before Race tells him it's okay to pin the man. He does, then race gets in the ring and instructs Vader to Vader Bomb him some more. Vader hits three more, then Steve Armstrong runs down in his Young pistols garb and hits both Vader and Race from behind with a chair. Race falls to the floor while Vader turns around and smiles.




OR: 64

Steve Armstrong vs. Vader(with Harley Race)

The ref rolls Brad to the floor, then calls for the bell, as Steve is Clotheslined, chair and all, to the mat. Vader toys with him for a bit, but ends by triple Vader Bombing him onto the chair before getting the 1-2-3 to win his second squash match of the night. Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura talk about Steve's partner Tracey Smothers being out for a bit with an injury as well as Vader's domination in the ring. Race gets to his feet and leads his man to the back as Brad crawls in to check on his brother.




OR: 65

End of the first Hour Commercials

In Ring Interview With Diamond Dallas Page

Some new music hits, and an unfamiliar man comes down to the ring with a microphone and stands inside.

Page: Some of you rednecks may know me, and some of you may not, but either way it's no skin off my nose. Just sit back, shut up, and get informed about the next big thing to...I correct myself, the biggest thing to hit WCW since the debut of Ric Flair himself all those years ago. I am Diamond Dallas Page, and I am NOT a wrestler. I am the world’s greatest manager, and next week I will debut my greatest find yet. You may recognize him, you may think you know him, but this is no "crap shoot" and you aren't in Kansas any more Dorothy, next week The Diamond Mine debuts the biggest man in WCW's history, and you redneck, inbred, Deliverance, freaks will see his great debut against whatever "wrassler" is man enough to step forward. You have been warned.

Page walks off to a decent round of boos from the Atlanta crowd.

OR: 73

Ross: Up next the re-match from Starrcade last month, Doom vs. The Four Horsemen for The Tag Team Titles


World Tag Team Titles Match: Doom(with Teddy Long)© vs. The Four Horsemen

Arn and Windham come out first, and actually get face heat from the crowd, followed by Teddy Long leading Reed and Simmons to the ring. The match begins with Windham and Reed, but it's a fast paced back and forth match that gets the crowd going with plenty of false finishes and tags from both sides. The ending comes after a commercial break when Simmons and Anderson are trading stiff punches while Reed and Windham fight it out on the floor. Simmons Clotheslines Anderson over the top rope, and all four men fight around the ring while the ref Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson does the ten count to count both teams out. They fight around the ring some more before finally disappearing through the curtain to the backstage amid a chorus of boos from the crowd.




OR: 77

(The World Tag Team Titles have gained in image rising from 75 to 77)


US Title Match: Lex Luger© vs. Nikita Koloff

Nikita comes out to a face pop, but he quickly grabs a mic and rants about how Luger and every other US Champion have been ducking him since 1987. He talks about his hatred for this country and how he beat Magnum T.A. before he got scared and ran off. Ventura says that is true, while Ross comments on Magnum's career ending car wreck. By the end of the interview Nikita is a full fledged heel. Luger comes out to a good ovation, and he gets in the ring and the match is on. It's a back and forth power match dominated slightly by Koloff, but in the end Luger powers out of a Camel Clutch, and with Koloff still on his back is able to somehow twist him into an awkward but effective Human Torture Rack. As Koloff is attempting to hold off on submitting, Sid runs into the ring and lays Luger out from behind with a huge forearm to the back. Koloff falls to the mat and rolls to the floor while Sid beats down on Luger ending it with a huge Powerbomb. Then he rolls from the ring and walks off, while Koloff stands by and looks very upset.




OR: 72


Interview With Sting

Mike Tenay is back at the interview area with The World Champion Sting

Tenay: Welcome Sting, and let me say how nice it is to meet you sir.

Sting: You too Mike, but please, I'm one of the good guys, so we can be informal, and you can even call me Stinger if you like.

Tenay: (laughing) Well okay then, Stinger. Tonight you face Sid Vicious when you defend the World Heavyweight Title. Any comments for that deranged man?

Sting: You know Mike, I just checked on Lex in the back, and I've gotta say I don't have a clue why Sid was interested in Lex or The US Title Match, since he should be more worried about Sting and a Stinger Splash or three. As it is, he's going to find out the same thing he found out last year at Halloween Havoc, and that is that no one, not him, not The Black Scorpion, not Ric Flair (Sting smiles big here), nobody can or will take the belt away from The Stinger. Now if you'll excuse me.

Sting walks off, then comes back.

Sting: I almost forgot Mike. OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Tenay laughs.

OR: 93

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting© vs. Sid Vicious

Sid comes out first alone to a loud chorus of boos, followed by Sting, who slaps hands, then gets in the ring. As he's on the middle turnbuckle doing his "OW!" Sid runs up and attacks him from behind and the match starts. Sid dominates the majority of the match, even hitting a Chokeslam, but Sting kicks out and comes back. He goes for a Stinger Splash, but Sid catches him by the throat and sets up another Chokeslam, however Sting punches his way out, hits a Stinger Splash, then locks in The Scorpion Deathlock to which Sid has no choice but to tap out to. As Sting is handed the belt Ric Flair slides in the ring with a chair and lays into Sting from behind. Sting drops and Flair works on the knees with the chair, then locks in The Figure Four as Sid gets to his feet and delivers stiff kicks to the ribs of Sting. Flair releases the hold and grabs The World Title, then tosses it down onto Sting as Sid laughs maniacally and the two Horsemen walk off together leaving a very badly beaten Sting down and out.




OR: 86

OR: 78



Best Overall Segment: Sting's Interview

Worst Overall Segment: Vader's Squash of Brad Armstrong

Edited by TGC The Nazi Mod
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First off, I am really excited to get the chance to read WCW 1991 since I wasn't around when you first started this thing. The last time you reposted it, it was already several pages thus it intimidated me. Now, I can check this thing out from the ground up.

Back story was excellent as it was written in your usual unique style. I can't describe other than that TGC style. It was a good way to re-introduce us to the disaster that was 1990. Though 1990 was a dream compared to what 1991 actually turned out to be. Anyway, I don't see you getting rid of Flair thus no problems there.

I've got a few opinions on the first episode but I do realize they are pretty useless since it's only a reposting at this point. I always have one big pet peeve with most diaries that attempt to do wrestling pre-Monday Night War era. The shows are always way too stacked and have way too much happening. Back in the day, you're looking at maybe one major angle, one or two name v. name matches and the rest is filled with squashes. I know WCW was much better on giving quality matches than WWF was at this point but they still had a lot of jobber matches. I don't mean Brad Armstrong jobber but I'm talking Bob Cook and George South jobbers. Despite your excellent grasp of the characters, there is a slight lack of realism. Especially since you stacked the show with THREE title matches and title matches with really big names. This show would have been considered a supershow if it actually happen in 1991.

Wasn't Page managing the Freebirds already at this point???? If I'm going to nit pick, I am also very positive that Harley Race was not managing Vader. That didn't happen until Vader became more full time in mid 91. I know for a fact that Jesse Venture didn't show up in WCW until SuperBrawl 2 ('92). I'm being a obsessive wrestling fan so I'll stop.

I think, it's a good sign when my gripes are such minor details. It was a great show that helped establish some of the ongoing stories. I'm intrigued to see where the Tom Zenk and Brian Pillman friction goes. It will be interesting to see who Page brings in as his big gun. Not a fan of Nikita's potential money feud with Luger just being thrown out in his return match. Maybe this will lead to a three way??? Flair v. Sting seems set as the next big show's main event. I wonder if you'll let Sting hold on the title for a bit longer? Oh yeah, back to the nitpicking, I don't believe Liger even debuted into WCW until October '91 thus this match wouldn't have been his return. It sort of stinks he jobbed out right away.

Seriously, I did enjoy the show even if it may not read like it. I'm interested in the direction of almost all the storylines at this point.

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It's back, it's back. TGC, you've brought back one of the best diaries to grace EWB. It's also one of the first I ever started reading. Hooray for its return!

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First off, I am really excited to get the chance to read WCW 1991 since I wasn't around when you first started this thing. The last time you reposted it, it was already several pages thus it intimidated me. Now, I can check this thing out from the ground up.

Back story was excellent as it was written in your usual unique style. I can't describe other than that TGC style. It was a good way to re-introduce us to the disaster that was 1990. Though 1990 was a dream compared to what 1991 actually turned out to be. Anyway, I don't see you getting rid of Flair thus no problems there.

I do not normally do this, but there are some things I can address here so I guess I will. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it .

I've got a few opinions on the first episode but I do realize they are pretty useless since it's only a reposting at this point. I always have one big pet peeve with most diaries that attempt to do wrestling pre-Monday Night War era. The shows are always way too stacked and have way too much happening. Back in the day, you're looking at maybe one major angle, one or two name v. name matches and the rest is filled with squashes. I know WCW was much better on giving quality matches than WWF was at this point but they still had a lot of jobber matches. I don't mean Brad Armstrong jobber but I'm talking Bob Cook and George South jobbers. Despite your excellent grasp of the characters, there is a slight lack of realism. Especially since you stacked the show with THREE title matches and title matches with really big names. This show would have been considered a supershow if it actually happen in 1991.

I agree 100% with you. I always hate that too. So why did I do it? And why will it not get any better really? Well, it will, as when this was first posted I did have a line or twelve to explain a few things away, but they are lost to the sands, and boards, of time. Allow me to explain how and why my WCW 1991 is different. We were charged with the task of making money, popping a rating, and competing with WWF. Our regime, only having six months to do this, went balls to the walls. While we still do employ squashes, it's not with the people you expect. Given time in this repost you will quickly grow to see who the jobbers of my WCW 1991 are. But I also had to work with what the scenario gave me. This was an Anthony Scenario on January of 2003. He wasn't known for his depth, or his accuracy. I played with the hand dealt me. As for this particular show, this WAS a Super Show for our WCW. It was the first night of WCW, it was our first televised event, and we wanted to start with a bang. Sadly, as I said, the things that back this up are lost, but I did state it once upon a time.

Wasn't Page managing the Freebirds already at this point???? If I'm going to nit pick, I am also very positive that Harley Race was not managing Vader. That didn't happen until Vader became more full time in mid 91. I know for a fact that Jesse Venture didn't show up in WCW until SuperBrawl 2 ('92). I'm being a obsessive wrestling fan so I'll stop.

According to my research then and now, it was in 1991 that Page managed The Freebirds. I remember looking this up as I didn't want him with them, but if I had to make mention that he left I would. I'm not saying I am right, but that's why I went the route I went. As for Race and Vader, I admit I might have been very wrong and they might not have been paired together yet. As for Jesse, along with Mike Tenay and Eric Bischoff, he was among 12 or so initial signings I made. I fired El Gigante, Madusa, and Sct Buddy Lee Parker, and picked up some people. I made mention of this, but again, alas, lost to the sands of time.

I think, it's a good sign when my gripes are such minor details. It was a great show that helped establish some of the ongoing stories. I'm intrigued to see where the Tom Zenk and Brian Pillman friction goes. It will be interesting to see who Page brings in as his big gun. Not a fan of Nikita's potential money feud with Luger just being thrown out in his return match. Maybe this will lead to a three way??? Flair v. Sting seems set as the next big show's main event. I wonder if you'll let Sting hold on the title for a bit longer? Oh yeah, back to the nitpicking, I don't believe Liger even debuted into WCW until October '91 thus this match wouldn't have been his return. It sort of stinks he jobbed out right away.

Nikita was a face in reality at this point, yet my game had him set as a heel, thus that is why he was quickly turned and the feud became what it was. A three way? Those kinds of matches didn't exist yet did they? Well, they do now. A lot of things that seem more modern exist now in my world. Me, Ross, and Eric, we were trailblazers. :shifty: I hope you enjoy Zenk and Pillman, most people did. As for Liger, as we americanized his name in WCW, he was intended to hold a small role, and from there did it grow. Was he in WCW pre January 1991? I must have thought so at the time I wrote this. I have no excuses.

Seriously, I did enjoy the show even if it may not read like it. I'm interested in the direction of almost all the storylines at this point.

I hope you continue to enjoy it. And thanks again.


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Guest andydtazz

Ok just two or three points here.

1. Koloff turned heal at Superbrawl 91 when he nailed Luger with the chain, thus allowing Scott to score then pin.

2. Bringing Vader, Jesse etc is a good move as they where part of the rivival of such good shows such as Wrestle War and Superbrawl 92

3. The Birds never introduced DDP into the mix till circa Superbrawl 91 as at Starcade they had little Richard Marley also in this time they had Sir Oliver Humpadink as there road boss Big Daddy Dink.

Personally I aint a fan of there being so many title matches on one show I would have held it off to the clash so that you dont end up giving top level matches away for free.

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WCW Worldwide Wrestling

Sunday January 6, 1991

Hosts: Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff

Atlanta, GA

Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff are seated on stools in a slightly darkened studio with the new World Championship Wrestling banner behind them.

Tony: Hello and welcome to the new look of WCW Worldwide Wrestling here on TBS every Sunday morning. I am one half of your announce team, Tony Schiavone.

Bischoff: And I'm Eric Bischoff, the new kid on the block. (laughs) Join us for the next hour as we take a look back at the events of last night's WCW Saturday Night as well as present you five new matches, including our Main Event Number 1 Contenders Match for the WCW US Title when Nikita Koloff takes on Sid Vicious to see whom will meet Champion Lex Luger.

Tony: We will also hear from The US Tag Team Champions The Steiners as they respond to the comments of The Fabulous Freebirds, and we'll hear from Lex Luger and Sting regarding the vicious attacks they were on the receiving end of last night at the hands of Ric Flair and the psychotic Sid. But up first we have a TV Title defense for The Z-Man as he defends his belt against a relative newcomer to WCW, and a man who makes his WCW television debut tonight, Stunning Steve Austin.

TV Title Match: The Z-Man© vs. Stunning Steve Austin

Austin is the first to come to the ring as Bischoff gives us some background history on Austin, including his recent tour with The USWA. Z-Man comes out to a very nice reaction from the crowd, slapping a few hands before he gets in the ring and the two lock up. Tony talks about Z-Man's loss from the night before with former partner Brian Pillman, as Austin dominates the early goings of the match. Zenk gains momentum and takes Austin down with a sloppy Russian Leg Sweep, then ascends to the top ropes, where we waits for Austin to get to his feet. He tries for a Missile Dropkick, but Austin moves and pushes Zenk down hard. Austin is quick to apply an Armbar, but Zenk fights out. Zenk goes for a Running Clothesline, but Austin ducks and picks Zenk up nailing what Bischoff calls The Stun Gun on Zenk. Austin goes for the pinfall attempt, and everyone is stunned when Austin gets the 1-2-3 to get the win and become the new TV Champion in his debut match. He is handed the belt and brushes his long blonde hair from his eyes as he smiles a devious smile and holds the belt high to a decent round of boos from the crowd.




OR: 66

(Stunning Steve Austin gained in over rising from 75 to 77)

Interview With The New TV Champion Stunning Steve Austin

Tenay is in the interview area as Austin walks by.

Tenay: Mr. Austin...Steve...could we get a few words from you?

Austin: Sure Mike, nice to see you again. It's not like I just won the biggest match of my life, I have all the time in the world to stand here and jaw jack with you.

Tenay: Steve, what an impressive debut here in World Championship Wrestling as you defeated the reigning TV Champion Z-Man to capture the gold and...

Austin: EVERYONE just saw the match Mike, do you really find it necessary to give a recap? I won the belt, that's right, and I'm going to hold onto the belt for as long as I want. It's a new day here in WCW, and of that, I can assure you. Besides, does a company with the prestige and history of World Championship Wrestling really need or want a TV Champion whose name is Z-Man? Besides, he bagged out of defending the belt on WCW Saturday Night to wrestle a tag match with his FORMER partner, a match he lost when a woman tripped him. The times are different Mike, different and stunningly so. I'm your new TV Champion, so bring on the challengers. Now excuse me, I need to wash off the stench and filth of being touched by a Z-Man and get this nasty Atlanta air off my body. It's been your pleasure.

Austin walks off as the fans in attendance really let him have it.

OR: 93


Back inside the studios.

Tony: Stunning Steve Austin made a name for himself immediately upon entering WCW by impressively defeating Z-Man here today. Now he has an even tougher challenge ahead of him as he tries to hold onto one of the most hotly contested titles here.

Bischoff: I don't know Tony, I just don't see Austin as a long-term presence here, but maybe that's just me.

Tony: Okay, I have no idea what that means, but moving on to our next match...

The Four Horsemen vs. The Armstrongs

The match begins in progress with The Horsemen dominating the brothers. Tony and Eric talk about how The Armstrongs were destroyed by Vader, and have now joined forces to enter the tag team scene since Steve's partner Tracey Smothers in The Young Pistols is out for awhile with an injury. Anderson and Windham dominate The Armstrongs completely, finally culminating in a Lariat on Steve, a DDT on Brad, and Windham pinning Steve.




OR: 51

(Brad Armstrong no sold most of the match which ruined the look and feel of the match for the fans. Not a good idea for an Opener who WAS in line for a push)

Interview With The Four Horsemen Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Anderson and Windham walk over to Tenay at the interview area.

Tenay: A nice strong sign presented by The Four Horse...

Windham: Be quiet. The Horsemen still have issues with you after your LAST set of comments. What you saw was another reason why we dominate not only this entire sport but also this company in particular. We are the best in the world, and our complete domination of The Armstrong Brothers is another example of why.

Anderson: That's pretty much it. Now moving on to Doom. Once again, after months and months of fighting Simmons and Reed we have another non-ending in our title match on Saturday Night. Well, I happen to think this needs to come to an end one way or another ONCE AND FOR ALL. Therefore, at The Clash Of The Champions later this month we challenge Doom to a match with The World Titles on the line one more time. So let's make sure there is an ending, let's make it an Elimination Street Fight Match. The Four of us ONE last time. We'll be waiting to hear from you.

Once again, they walk off, and this time Windham bumps into Tenay and sends him sprawling against the wall.

OR: 73

(Arn Anderson lost in over dropping from 92 to 90)

(Note...don't let Windham do ANY talking for this team.)


Brian Pillman vs. Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin(with Tammy)

Another match that begins with both men already in the ring as the match begins. Tony and Eric talk about how Pillman asked for this match, and speculate about the argument that happened between Pillman and Zenk after their loss to The Freebirds. Tammy is at ringside with her purse, and the announcers wonder what is inside that purse that laid Pillman out. It is a very nice back and forth match with both men getting good offense and defense in, but the ending comes when Pillman reverses a Back Body Drop and instead hits Garvin with a modified Belly To Back Suplex. The ref is bumped, and Tammy slides in the ring with her purse and swings it at Pillman, but Pillman ducks, grabs the purse, and lightly pushes Tammy to the mat. She rolls to the floor as Garvin gets up and Pillman whacks him in the head with the purse. Garvin goes down fast as Pillman discards the purse and the ref, now aware, makes the 1-2-3. Hayes runs into the ring, grabs Pillman by the hair, and delivers a sloppy Reverse DDT taking Pillman down. He tends to Garvin, and Pillman recovers and hits a Standing Dropkick on both men then runs from the ring and to the back while The Freebirds and Tammy stand there irate, embarrassed , and looking stupid.




OR: 65

Once again, back in the studio.

Bischoff: Well, Flying Brian Pillman gets some revenge for the Tag Team loss he suffered last night with his former partner Z-Man, but he seems to have started something bigger with The Fabulous Freebirds.

Tony: The Freebirds have issues with The US Tag Team Champions The Steiners, going so far as to challenge them to a match at The Clash of The Champions, but you're right Eric, they also most assuredly now have some more personal issues with Brian Pillman, who I believe has dropped the "Flying" from his name. Now let's go to some footage taken after last night's show with The World Heavyweight Champion Sting and his friend, and The US Heavyweight Champion, Lex Luger.

Interview With Sting and Lex Luger

The two are standing alone in the interview area.

Luger: This is a message for The Four Horsemen Ric Flair and Sid Vicious, so listen up men. We don't know for sure why Sid found it necessary to involve himself in my US Title defense here tonight, but we do know why the both of you attacked and laid out The Stinger after he beat, no let me rephrase that, MADE SID QUIT in his World Title Match. The Horsemen have tried every dirty trick in the book to try to get to Sting, whether it be hog tying him up in the back and sending Windham out dressed like Sting at Halloween Havoc last year or that ridiculous Black Scorpion fiasco, and nothing has worked. So now it's simply a matter of beating him down to try to weaken him we see. Well that's not going to work. Sting and I have become pretty tight over the last few years, and from this point on, we hang together no matter what. My point? I have Stinger's back, and he has mine. Now it looks like it's four on two instead of four on one, and when the two are Sting and Lex Luger it's pretty even odds. Tell 'em Stinger.

Sting is holding his neck and back and he looks badly injured.

Sting: My back hurts, my knees hurt, my ankles hurt, my ribs hurt, and heck, everything on me hurts. But yannow what? (Sting hops and starts smiling) I feel pretty good despite that. It's going to take a lot more than the two of you doing a little gang style Horsemen attack on The Stinger to keep me down. You two want to play? Let's play next Saturday in the ring. Flair and Sid vs. Sting and Lex. Those are the kinds of odds that are in favor of us. OWWWWWWWW!

Luger: Oh, and Sid, I heard you got yourself a Number 1 Contenders Match lined up for Worldwide tomorrow. Well, rest assured I will be watching very closely. VERY closely.

OR: 90


Page Debuts The First Member Of The Diamond Mine

Page is already in the ring as the crowd is booing him. He has a mic.

Page: I promised you all the biggest man in this company today as a part of The Diamond Mine, and Diamond Dallas Page always delivers on his promises. Therefore, without further ado, I present to you the man FORMERLY known as Oz...BIG KEVIN NASH!

Big Kevin Nash walks from behind the curtain with a huge smile on his face. He is dressed in leather black pants and a red Tank Top T-Shirt with a huge Diamond on the front. He walks OVER the top rope, and Page hugs him then hands him the mic.

Nash: That's right Dallas, I'm the first member of The Diamond Mine, but I'm certainly not the last. I am however the biggest, and for that matter I'm the biggest man in this company. Let me just say, the yellow brick road has been destroyed, and Oz is no longer in business, but Big Kevin Nash sure is, so why don't we show these people just how big I am and destroy whoever has the guts to come out here and face me like a bug.

Page takes the mic back.

Page: I'm kind of worried Big Kev, since I have so far been unable to find ANYONE brave, or is that stupid, enough to agree to...

Just then, some music hits.

OR: 66

Big Kevin Nash vs. Muta

Muta comes out from the back to a pretty good ovation from the crowd, as Eric and Tony talk about how first Jushin Thunder Liger made his return to WCW last night, and now Muta is back as well. Page exits the ring as Muta gets in, and it starts right away. Muta is quicker than Nash is and he seems to have the upper hand, but that quickly changes when Muta attempts a Moonsault on a standing Nash who catches him and delivers a big Sidewalk Slam. Nash then picks him up and hits a Powerbomb easily getting the 1-2-3. Page gets back in the ring and holds his man's arm up, smiling and laughing as he points to Nash who looks quite pleased with himself.




OR: 64

(Big Kevin Nash gained in over rising from 58 to 61)

(Muta lost in over dropping from 80 to 79)


Interview With The Steiners

The Steiners are standing in the interview area with Mike Tenay and The US Tag Team Titles draped over their shoulders.

Tenay: I now welcome The US Tag Team Champions The Steiners Rick and Scott. Welcome gentlemen, and it is very nice to meet you both. We heard from the Fabulous Freebirds and their new Manager Tammy when they challenged the both of you for Clash Of The Champions later this month here on TBS. What response do you have for the three of them?

Rick: Who who who who! (The crowd who's back as Scott smiles) Mike, it's great to have you here with us at WCW. As for The Fabulous Freeloaders wanting a shot at our Tag Titles, well, I’ll let Scott address that. Scotty?

Scott: You know Mike, and no offense is intended to The Freebirds...

Rick: Freeloaders.

Scott: (laughing) Whatever. Anyways, we don't mean to disrespect them or the team of Pillman and Z-Man, but The Freeloaders beating those two doesn't exactly position them as Number One Contenders since they are a former team and aren't even ranked at all anymore. While we don't have a problem beating them, I mean meeting them at The Clash we don't know if that's exactly what The Championship Committee has in mind for The Clash. I guess what I'm saying is, if The Championship Committee names them the Number One Contenders for The US Tag Team Titles we will go out there and do what we do best, and that's win a match and hold onto our titles.

Rick:: Then we set our sites on The World Tag Team Titles. Who Who Who!

Mike laughs as he shakes hands with both men and they walk off.

OR: 73

Back in the studio.

Bischoff: It may just be me, but The Steiners totally disrespected The Fabulous Freebirds there in my opinion.

Tony: It's NOT just you Eric, I think they definitely disrespected Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Michael P.S. Hayes. Now, we bring to you our Main Event of the evening for The US Title Number One Contender position...

US Title Number One Contenders Match: Nikita Koloff vs. Sid Vicious

Sid is on his way to the ring as the crowd shows very little interest. Nikita comes out next, and pretty much gets the same reaction. That being no reaction. Tony and Eric cover this up by talking about how the fans aren't sure who to boo and who to cheer as both men are hated. The match is slow, and unfortunately not the power contest that would be expected. Luckily, at the 4-minute mark Lex Luger runs down and gets in the ring leveling both men with a Double Clothesline over the top rope to the floor. The ref calls for the bell, as both Sid and Koloff stand on the floor fuming. Koloff is back in first as it is announced by Tony that it is a No Contest Decision due to Luger's interference. Sid is in next and all three men are brawling in the ring as the show ends with Eric asking just who the Number One Contender now is.




OR: 50

(Not a good match at all, which may affect the long-term plans for The US Title)

OR: 67



Best Overall Segment: Stunning Steve Austin's post TV Title win interview

Worst Overall Segment: Sid vs. Koloff Main Event

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World Championship Wrestling Saturday Night

Saturday January 12, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Atlanta, GA

Ross: Welcome to another wild week of action here on WCW Saturday Night. As always, I am Jim Ross...

Ventura: ...and I'm Jesse "The Body" Ventura, the true star of this show. Aside form the wrestlers that is. Well, most of the wrestlers.

Ross: (shaking his head) We start off this week with a rematch from Worldwide this last weekend as our new TV Champion meets our former TV Champion.

TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. The Z-Man

Zenk is already in the ring pacing as Austin walks from the back with his glittery red robe and The TV Title firmly around his waist. He smiles at Zenk, and then proceeds to take his time disrobing and getting in the ring. Zenk gets more and more anxious, and when they finally lock up Zenk is so wired he makes mistake after mistake, and Austin capitalizes on each one of them. Zenk never gets much offense in, and it ends abruptly when Austin hits The Stun Gun and gets the 1-2-3. He rolls from the ring all smiles as the crowd boos him.




OR: 77

(The TV Title gained in image rising from 75 to 77)


Interview With Sting And Lex Luger

Mike Tenay is at the interview area with Sting and Lex.

Tenay: Hello to the both of you. I'm sure you both have plenty to say to your opponents tonight, Ric Flair and Sid Vicious, but first I want to ask you Lex, why did you interfere in the Number One Contenders match for your US Title last week on Worldwide?

Lex: I guess I let my issues with Sid get the better of me, and I lost my cool. While it doesn't matter to me in the long run which one of them go on to get the title shot, I just got so upset standing in the back watching the match that I couldn't take it anymore. I know that the representative of The Championship Committee will make an announcement later tonight regarding The US Title's Number One Contender, and whatever decision they make will be fine with me, but deep inside I kind of hope its Sid.

Tenay: Let's move on to tonight's Main Event. Any thoughts Stinger?

Sting: Oh yeah, I have a few thoughts. Flair, it always comes down to you in the end doesn't it? Well, tonight will be the beginning of the end once and for all. Let me make it clear for you, if you can win tonight, if you can pin me tonight I'll give you one last chance at The WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Clash Of The Champions. If you cannot win, then you will never get another shot at my belt as long as I'm wearing it. So Ric, I suggest you and Sid work a little harder tonight and get the job done. OWWWWWW!

Sting and Lex walk off.

OR: 91

Non Title Match: Doom(with Teddy Long) vs. The Texas Mustangs

The Texas Mustangs come out to absolutely no reaction at all, but Ross mentions that they are Bobby Duncum Jr. and John Hawk. Teddy Long leads the WCW World Tag Team Champions out with the belts on his shoulder as Simmons and Reed get into the ring and proceed to beat up both Duncum and Hawk. It's a squash of epic proportions, and in the end Reed pins Duncum.




OR: 59

(Bobby Duncum Jr. gained in over rising from 11 to 14)

(John Hawk gained in over rising from 11 to 14)

In Ring Interview With Teddy Long And Doom

Teddy gets into the ring as Reed and Simmons throw The Mustangs from the ring. Teddy hands the men their belts and takes a mic.

Teddy: Welcome to the future. Doom is the present and the future of WCW Tag Teams, and they won't be losing those titles any time soon. That leads us to The Four Horsemen. It started with Flair and Anderson and it's going to end with Anderson and Windham at Clash Of The Champions. The Horsemen want to do it in an Elimination Street Fight, and Doom is happier than I could ever tell you to accept that challenge. At Clash Doom will show the world why they hold these belts to begin with, and why they are the future of Tag Team Wrestling.

Long and Doom leave the ring to a small round of boos.

OR: 63

(Ron Simmons lost in over dropping from 81 to 79)


Announcement From The Championship Committee

Jim Ross is standing next to Jesse at the announce podium.

Ross: Now let me introduce to you a representative of The World Championship Wrestling Championship Committee who will make an announcement regarding the Number One Contenders for The US Title and The US Tag Team Titles.

Jesse and Jim turn around and from the curtain comes James E. Cornette, tennis racket in hand. The crowd begins to cheer.

Ross: What in the world?

Jesse: Well ain't this interesting Ross?

Cornette is all smiles as he walks over and shakes hands with both men. Then he smiles to Ross and puts his hand out, and Ross hands him the mic.

Cornette: Well hello ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself for any of you idiots that may have forgotten exactly who I am. My name is James E. Cornette, and I'm the manager of Tag Team Champions. At least I was the last time any of you morons saw me. Now I'm a member of WCW's Championship Committee, and one of the very powerful men who controls the fate of every single wrestler in this company. A ton of stuff has been happening behind the scenes of WCW, but those are rather private and not for pedestrians such as yourself to know about. Basically, you know what we allow you to know, and tonight we will allow you to know about the future of both the US Title and The US Tag Team Titles. (the crowd begins to heavily boo Cornette from here on out) In regards to Lex Luger's US Title, we have made the following decision. Since Mr. Luger himself decided to interrupt the Number One Contenders match last week, at Clash of The Champions he will meet both Sid Vicious and Nikita Koloff in a three way match with The US Title on the line. The first man to get a pinfall or a submission victory will be the champion, and in the result of a disqualification or count out Mr. Luger will retain the title. Moving on to The US Tag Titles, this week on WCW Worldwide, four teams will compete to determine the Number One Contenders. The first team to score either a pinfall or a submission victory will go on to Clash Of The Champions to meet The Steiners. The Fabulous Freebirds are the first team, and two more will be announced tomorrow on Worldwide. The final team will be Brian Pillman and a partner of his choosing, regardless of the outcome of his match tonight. As for Sting's announcement regarding The WCW World Heavyweight Title and Ric Flair, The Championship Committee agrees to his stipulations, but in the event that Ric Flair does not win tonight a suitable opponent will be named right here next week to face Sting for the title at The Clash. That wraps up the good stuff, and the end of the most entertaining chapter of tonight's show. I'll see all you idiots at Worldwide.

Cornette hands the mic back to Ross and walks off amid a chorus of boos.

OR: 79


Brian Pillman vs. Michael P.S. Hayes

Pillman comes out to a nice reaction from the crowd, while Ross and Ventura talk about whom Pillman will pick to be his partner. Hayes comes out alone, and again Ross and Ventura talk about the fact that both Tammy and Garvin have been barred from ringside. The match begins with both men feeling each other out, but Pillman quickly gains the advantage. Hayes hits a Low Blow behind the ref's back and the tide turns. Hayes, however, is unable to get a pinfall, and soon enough Pillman begins to rally back. He hits a Standing Drop kick that sends Hayes into the ref, and with the ref down Missy Hyatt comes out and sprays something into the eyes of Pillman. Hayes recovers and hits a DDT to get the 1-2-3 and win the match. Garvin and Tammy come out of the back and get into the ring, and it's a four on one assault on Pillman, leaving him down on the mat as The Fabulous Freebirds and friends walk off laughing.




OR: 77

End of first hour Commercials

Al Snow vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton

Al Snow comes out to make his WCW debut, followed by Beautiful Bobby Eaton. Eaton schools the young Snow in wrestling, but at the end Eaton misses an attempted Alabama Jam and Snow recovers to hit his variation of The Piledriver that Ross calls the Snow Plow and he gets the 1-2-3. Snow celebrates while Eaton recovers and Ventura and Ross talk about the upset here. Snow offers a handshake to Eaton, who accepts it, then pulls Snow in and delivers a Short Arm Clothesline followed by The Alabama Jam before walking off upset to a chorus of boos.




OR: 61

(Al Snow gained in over rising from 36 to 44)

(Beautiful Bobby Eaton lost in over dropping from 74 to 73)


The Body Shop Featuring The Four Horsemen

Jesse is at the set for The Body Shop.

Ventura: Allow me to introduce my guests for tonight's Body Shop, The Four Horsemen.

The Horsemen all walk onto the set and shake hands with Ventura. All four of them are dressed to the nines and looking like only they can.

Ventura: Welcome gentlemen. Arn, Barry, earlier tonight Doom accepted your challenge to an Elimination Street Fight for Clash of The Champions. It's all set up, with The World Tag Team Titles on the line.

Anderson: Let me tell you how it is Body, and Doom listen up. I have held those Tag Team Titles with both Ole and Tully Blanchard, and it looked for a little while like I might hold them with The Nature Boy, but that wasn't meant to be yet. So Barry stepped up and took his place at my side. We beat the holy heck out of you at Starrcade, and you did the same to us. The Elimination Street Fight at Clash will be the same thing, the only difference being that Barry and me will be walking out of there with the gold, and The Four Horsemen will be Tag Team Champions one more time.

Windham: Like Arn said, but with a little something extra. You boys don't stand a chance. Shine the belts up and make them look pretty for The Four Horsemen.

Ventura: Ric, Sid, later tonight you two take on Sting and Luger, and for you at least Ric the stipulation is higher than ever before.

Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The Nature Boy and The Four Horsemen styling and profiling live in Atlanta tonight like only we can. You're right Jesse, and yet you're wrong. Sid and myself do have a date with destiny tonight, and the stakes are high, but The Nature Boy has been to the top of the mountain before, and it's guaranteed he will be again. For the last six months, The Horsemen have gotten deep inside Sting's head, and it all comes down to tonight when I take my place once more as The Man. And you know what they say Jesse, to be the man, you've gotta beat the man, and tonight Sting has no hopes at all of beating the man. WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Sid: I will destroy you tonight Lex, and then at Clash Of The Champions I will destroy both you and Koloff. You are all looking at the next United States Champion...hehehehahaaaahaha...and at Clash all The Horsemen will have gold. I almost feel sorry for all of you. Almost.

The Horsemen walk off.

Ventura: I do feel sorry for them all.

OR: 83

(Ric Flair lost over and dropped from 100 to 98)


The Armstrongs vs. Vader(with Harley Race)

As The Armstrongs come down to the ring Ross and Ventura talk about how Vader must defeat both men tonight, something Ventura doesn't think Vader will have any problem doing. Indeed, he doesn't, as he first pins Steve following a Vader Bomb 2 minutes in, then pins Brad 2 minutes later after the same move. After the match he beats up on both of them some more while Harley Race yells at the camera asking where the competition is?




OR: 64


Non Title Match: The Steiners vs. The Harris Brothers

The Steiners dominate most of this match, but The Harris Bothers get a small advantage on Rick following a switch when the fresh Don replaced the hurt Ron. In the end, Scott hits The Frankensteiner to get the 1-2-3 on Ron.




OR: 66


Main Event: Sting and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair and Sid Vicious

Sting and Luger come out first to a tremendous ovation, followed by the Horsemen to a tremendous amount of boos. The match begins with Luger and Flair, but it quickly turns to an extended match between Sting and Flair. Sid tags in and just pummels Sting, and The Horsemen then tag in and out frequently destroying Sting. Flair makes a mistake when he heads to the middle rope to deliver a Knee Drop, but Sting moves and makes the hot tag to Lex while Flair tags in Sid. A pier six erupts, and Lex and Sid move to the outside while Sting and Flair go at it on the inside. With the ref distracted by Lex and Sid Anderson and Windham run down and Windham hits a huge Lariat, followed by a DDT by Anderson, and finally Flair locks in The Figure Four. Anderson yells for the ref, who sees Sting's shoulders on the mat. He does a double take, then makes the pinfall while Windham and Sid beat on Luger on the floor. Flair gets the 1-2-3, then The Horsemen destroy Luger and Sting some more. They stand triumphant over the fallen men as Saturday Night ends with Ross yelling about how unfair that was and Jesse laughs.




OR: 88

OR: 74



Best Segment: Sting and Lex Luger Interview

Worst Segment: Doom vs. The Texas Mustangs

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As I am aware, this is a re-post, but I must admit I don't get the point of Eaton going over Liger in what you yourself termed as "somewhat of an upset", only to then go down to Al Snow on his debut. To me, it looked like a talent that WCW could have used in the Light Heavyweight ranks gets unnescacrily (sp?) jobbed to Eaton, especially considering then, any sign of a push for Eaton (which I assumed would come out of the initial win) is then lost by losing his debut.

I guess I'll have to see where you go with all 3 guys (naturally, I assume a feud with Eaton/Snow will commence), but yeah, other than that, the work is good as I told you by PM.

Edited by rvdwannabe
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Yet another very decent but very stacked episode of WCW television. I'll just need to come to terms with the fact you aren't shooting for totall realism. Instead I'll just enjoy the well written characters and intriguing stories being crafted.

Two comments that I totally forgot about last post. 1) They didn't have 'tap outs' in 1991 and the tap out didn't become the popular way to submit until shootfighting became pretty popular ('97/'98 was that start of the tap out), 2) I don't think Sid should have been beaten so cleanly. At the time WCW seemed to do as much as they could to protect Sid. Even Sting's win at Havoc was through a simple roll up. It takes a bit away from the aura of the monster Sid when he's submitting especially since submitting was reallly rare in the early '90s.

Wow, my first thoughts on reading the header for Z-Man v. Austin was 'Oh crap, TGC is making Austin a jobber!' Then Austin basically beat Z-Man cleanly for the title which would have been huge in '91. People never got titles shots in their debut and heels rarely were able to defeat a name wrestler cleanly. I'm guessing, Austin is in line for a super duper push. Which is actually pretty close to how he was treated initially in WCW since he won the TV title pretty close to his debut match (only his debut match was in mid '91, I think).

Austin's interview was fun. You did a decent job of not making him sound like Stone Cold which is extrememly important. The 'Stunning' character was such an opposite of what the Stone Cold character became. I remember the promos being strikingly different. I believe you were able to convey that.

Bischoff's comment about Austin not being a long term presence made me chuckle.

I don't like the Armstrong being relegated to jobbers. Brad is way too talented to be stuck in jobbing purgatory. He was always one of those wrestlers that deserved so much more then he got. But then again, what a lousy match rating for the tag considering who was in it. I guess, Brad not selling is what hurt the rating so badly or the stats you had didn't fairly represent one of the workers during this time. Surprised Brad didn't sell since he was always a company man. I'm saddened if this has lead to no push for him.

I always thought Windham has decent promo skills. Shocked once again to see the two Horsemen lose overness in a promo.

It was sort of odd reading Pillman being able to jump right back up after being hit with a reverse ddt. During this time period, a move like that would be able to almost kill a wrestler. Oh well, I'm nitpicking.

Speaking of nitpicking, I hate to do this but your audience would have been wondering what the hell Kevin Nash was going on about with yellow brick roads and Oz. Because Oz didn't debut until Superbrawl of that year against some token jobber (but a real jobber, not Brad Armstrong). It was a little hard to get into the character make over of Nash when the only previous gimmick he had was as a Master Blaster (which actually, he would have been doing up until about Nov. '90?). I'll just pretend I heard Nash bashing his rather lame Master Blaster schtick.

Muta jobbing? BAD! Why is WCW flying in these hot Japenese talent to only get squashed? Sounds like a waste of money to me. Especially since Muta was eternally over with the WCW fans after his '89 stint and could have always been trusted to come in for one shot deals at supercards.

Who who who? Isn't 'woof woof woof'? Isn't the whole deal that Rick Steiner is a dog? Or have I been totally clueless all these years? Is the gimmick actually that Rick doesn't know who anybody is?

It is looking like we will have a 3 way for the US title. And no, it didn't exist around this time period. WCW's first attempt at anything like a three way would have been the triangle match at Fall Brawl '94. Even then, it was more of a mini-gauntlet. Coin toss to see which two guys would wrestle first and the winner fought the third guy. Oh well, you've already told me your guys are trailblazers so blaze away!!! ;)

Another fairly decent show. Worldwide was never on TBS, was it? I always thought it was the syndicated show. This would have been WCW Pro or something similar to that. Anyway, in the end it doesn't really matter too much. A good show that continues to keep me interested to see what is next.


Okay, once I posted this I noticed you since got another show up. It was another fairly fun show that started the hype job for the Clash. I am already pretty excited for what should be an excellent Clash of Champions. I agree with rvdwannabe that it stinks that Eaton went over Liger but lost his push by jobbing out to Snow. Especially since Snow would have been a complete unknown to the casual fan. But Snow v. Eaton should be a pretty decent program and it's nice to see Snow get recognized during his prime. I like the return of Cornette and will be interested to see how he is used. The finish to the main event was telegraphed once Sting put the stipulation on it. Who else could Sting possibly face? I still enjoyed the main event and realize it's the right finish. Everything else was pretty servicable if not forgettable. A decent show to continue getting me stoked for what should be an excellent supercard in the Clash.

Edited by SpiceDawg
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Yet another very decent but very stacked episode of WCW television. I'll just need to come to terms with the fact you aren't shooting for totall realism. Instead I'll just enjoy the well written characters and intriguing stories being crafted.

Two comments that I totally forgot about last post. 1) They didn't have 'tap outs' in 1991 and the tap out didn't become the popular way to submit until shootfighting became pretty popular ('97/'98 was that start of the tap out), 2) I don't think Sid should have been beaten so cleanly. At the time WCW seemed to do as much as they could to protect Sid. Even Sting's win at Havoc was through a simple roll up. It takes a bit away from the aura of the monster Sid when he's submitting especially since submitting was reallly rare in the early '90s.

The Sid thing was headed somewhere very clear in my mind, and as you will soon see it all goes to hell. But Sid's loss was/is going somewhere, just not where it originally was supposed to. As for tap outs, yes I know that very well. All I can say is that at the beginning of this diary I wasn't as much of a stickler as I soon became for realism. I can't say It is going to get 100% better, but it does change some.

Wow, my first thoughts on reading the header for Z-Man v. Austin was 'Oh crap, TGC is making Austin a jobber!' Then Austin basically beat Z-Man cleanly for the title which would have been huge in '91. People never got titles shots in their debut and heels rarely were able to defeat a name wrestler cleanly. I'm guessing, Austin is in line for a super duper push. Which is actually pretty close to how he was treated initially in WCW since he won the TV title pretty close to his debut match (only his debut match was in mid '91, I think).

Austin's interview was fun. You did a decent job of not making him sound like Stone Cold which is extrememly important. The 'Stunning' character was such an opposite of what the Stone Cold character became. I remember the promos being strikingly different. I believe you were able to convey that.

Bischoff's comment about Austin not being a long term presence made me chuckle.

When I re-read the promo and the comments I laughed at my own stupidity for making such a smarkish insider comment. I don't know what I was thinking at the time, but as with the tap outs and other inconsistencies I left it there. Aside from a spelling mistake I catch now or a bad tag this is how it was originally produced, for good or bad. :ohwell:

I don't like the Armstrong being relegated to jobbers. Brad is way too talented to be stuck in jobbing purgatory. He was always one of those wrestlers that deserved so much more then he got. But then again, what a lousy match rating for the tag considering who was in it. I guess, Brad not selling is what hurt the rating so badly or the stats you had didn't fairly represent one of the workers during this time. Surprised Brad didn't sell since he was always a company man. I'm saddened if this has lead to no push for him.

I always thought Windham has decent promo skills. Shocked once again to see the two Horsemen lose overness in a promo.

It was sort of odd reading Pillman being able to jump right back up after being hit with a reverse ddt. During this time period, a move like that would be able to almost kill a wrestler. Oh well, I'm nitpicking.

Again with Brad, with Barry, and with some others I worked with what the scenario gave me. This time out I'm going to have to recreate where I was at when I quit to move forward, and I plan on playing with some of the numbers that I know to be messed up. As for Pillman and the DDT, again, I wasn't the writer or booker I grew into. For that I apologize.

Speaking of nitpicking, I hate to do this but your audience would have been wondering what the hell Kevin Nash was going on about with yellow brick roads and Oz. Because Oz didn't debut until Superbrawl of that year against some token jobber (but a real jobber, not Brad Armstrong). It was a little hard to get into the character make over of Nash when the only previous gimmick he had was as a Master Blaster (which actually, he would have been doing up until about Nov. '90?). I'll just pretend I heard Nash bashing his rather lame Master Blaster schtick.

Bad research? No research? I couldn't say. I have no idea what I was thinking. I also referenced Vinnie Vegas in the last week's show, and that's even worse. Obviously he did say Master Blaster. :shifty:

Muta jobbing? BAD! Why is WCW flying in these hot Japenese talent to only get squashed? Sounds like a waste of money to me. Especially since Muta was eternally over with the WCW fans after his '89 stint and could have always been trusted to come in for one shot deals at supercards.

It gets said elsewhere, later, but I think this was the beginning of some deal with NJPW, I think, or it was the thing that led to the deal being made. I forget honestly. However Muta was designed from day one to work with The Diamond Mine to help me get them over. What this led to was a later thought. Trust me on Liger and Muta.

Who who who? Isn't 'woof woof woof'? Isn't the whole deal that Rick Steiner is a dog? Or have I been totally clueless all these years? Is the gimmick actually that Rick doesn't know who anybody is?

It is looking like we will have a 3 way for the US title. And no, it didn't exist around this time period. WCW's first attempt at anything like a three way would have been the triangle match at Fall Brawl '94. Even then, it was more of a mini-gauntlet. Coin toss to see which two guys would wrestle first and the winner fought the third guy. Oh well, you've already told me your guys are trailblazers so blaze away!!! ;)

Another fairly decent show. Worldwide was never on TBS, was it? I always thought it was the syndicated show. This would have been WCW Pro or something similar to that. Anyway, in the end it doesn't really matter too much. A good show that continues to keep me interested to see what is next.

Something else lost to time was when it was announced Turner wanted to keep his new baby on his own stations in the US. Yes, it did exist, no it doesn't now, and I should have said something about this before. My apologies. Of course EWR eventually screwed me over. Hey, when did TNT debut as a network anyways?


Okay, once I posted this I noticed you since got another show up. It was another fairly fun show that started the hype job for the Clash. I am already pretty excited for what should be an excellent Clash of Champions. I agree with rvdwannabe that it stinks that Eaton went over Liger but lost his push by jobbing out to Snow. Especially since Snow would have been a complete unknown to the casual fan. But Snow v. Eaton should be a pretty decent program and it's nice to see Snow get recognized during his prime. I like the return of Cornette and will be interested to see how he is used. The finish to the main event was telegraphed once Sting put the stipulation on it. Who else could Sting possibly face? I still enjoyed the main event and realize it's the right finish. Everything else was pretty servicable if not forgettable. A decent show to continue getting me stoked for what should be an excellent supercard in the Clash.

And for my first bit of realism, a lot of things were telegraphed this much at this time period. Yay me. :shifty: As for Liger and Snow and Eaton, well yes it was supposed to lead to something. Again EWR made me change a number of plans. In this case it worked out for the best. Sweet Stan baby, Sweet Stan.

Thanks again,


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Ok, Steve Austin push, obviously not what WCW did, what WCW SHOULD'VE done. That's good so far. On his debut and everything, I'm very interested in seeing what you do with him.

I'm guessing Cornette's always been an unscripted asshole, if not then you did a nice job introducing him as one. It's very unlikely that a character like him would work out in a time like this without crossing the line between realistic and unacceptable, but you stayed right on that border. Nice stuff there.

A three way match for the U.S. Title? Nice. For the time, innovative, as I'm pretty sure there weren't many, if any at all, three ways around. I'm interested in seeing how you develop it, although if this is one of the few three ways of the era, I would've rather have it be in a world title feud, making the match just that much more important.

Ehhh, I like Al Snow debuting, but I don't like the fact that his name is Al Snow. Maybe this sounds stupid, but if you're booking as if you're in 1991, I doubt you'd be able to come up with the name and gimmick on your own, so I would've rather seen you take a different approach and maybe gave him an entirely new persona.

Now moving on to Vader. I'm a bit torn about the Vader/Armstrongs thing, for a couple of reasons. First of all, this can go two ways. Either Vader is being built up as being that unstoppable force that nobody can beat and will move on to have some incredible undefeated streak, unless he's beaten by someone of equal talent in a big match, but I think it would've been more interesting if The Armstrongs actually picked up a surprise victory using the handicap match to their advantage, and getting a push they always deserved. You did say "where is all the competition" at the end of the match, so maybe there's someone coming in to face Vader? Hmm. Interesting.

Not much to say about the main event, Flair and Vicious win, horsemen run it, sounds fine to me.

Going backwards, there's another thing I wanted to mention from the first show, and it's Kevin Nash beating Muta. I'm really disappointed that you'd have Muta lose despite the fact that he was very popular at the time, and was successful when he came in for his brief stints with the company. I understand that you probably want to help out the Diamond Mine, and make Kevin Nash a star in the future, but why sacrifice Muta to do so?

So far it's a great start, and it's got me interested in seeing what differences you can make between the real life WCW and your WCW in 91. You've already gotten Austin up to a big push, looking to avoid the horrible job WCW did with him in real life, and you've got something nice with Cornette and with the U.S. title being defended in a, at the time innovative, three way match. I don't really have much more to say, but I'll be reading, and I'll be going more in depth as all of the storylines fall into place and such.

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WCW Worldwide

Sunday January 13, 1991

Hosts: Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff

WCW Studios Atlanta, GA

Tony: Hello and welcome to WCW Worldwide again this week with myself and Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff: We have a good show for you this morning, including our big four team Main Event to determine The US Tag Team Titles Number One Contenders.

Tony: And we kick it off with a TV Title Match.

TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. Bobby Walker

Walker is in the ring hopping around as Austin comes out from the back wearing his glittery red robe. Bischoff compares the look to Flair, and then talks about how both have been overrated in his book, which gets Tony and him into a discussion as they ignore the hard fought battle of Bobby Walker in the ring. Not that they miss much though, as Austin is barely able to carry Walker to a passable match here. Austin puts us all out of our misery with a Stun Gunn and a roll up for the 1-2-3.




OR: 58

(The TV Title lost in image dropping from 77 to 75)

(Bobby Walker gained in over rising from 30 to 33)

Interview With Stunning Steve Austin

Tenay begins to say something as Austin walks over nut Austin grabs the mic.

Austin: Shut up Tenay. Listen up, what in the world was that? Was that supposed to be competition? That kid wasn't worthy of drinking my sweat, let alone going after the title I'm trying to bring prestige and honor back to after The Z-Man made it look like, well, something a Z-Man would have. Bobby Walker is not, I repeat, NOT in my league, and not, I repeat, NOT fit to even compete for this belt. While The Championship Committee was worrying about The US Title and The US Tag Titles they should have set up a decent schedule for me to wrestle worthy opponents. Maybe they are in there listening now, and maybe next week we can forget the Bobby Walker's and The Z-Man's and bring some people into the ring who could possibly beat me. Now if you'll excuse me, I feel sick after having spent so much time here in Atlanta and standing so close to Bobby Walker.

OR: 80

(Austin was kind of off his verbal game, but it's always good to have a cocky heel completely bury the new guys)


Al Snow vs. Louie Spicoli

The match starts with both men in the ring already going at it. Tony and Bischoff are quite impressed already with Snow, and compare his win over an established professional to what Austin did with Z-Man. This is a pretty decent match, but Snow ends it fairly quickly when he counters a Cross Body Block by Spicoli into the Snow Plow and gets the 1-2-3. The camera catches Bobby Eaton walking into the back, and it is speculated that he was scouting Snow.




OR: 50

(Louie Spicoli gained in over rising from 6 to 9)

(Nice little match that no one cared about.)


Interview With Brian Pillman

Tenay is standing next to Pillman who looks upset.

Tenay: Brian, we are all wondering who is going to be your partner tonight in the Number One Contenders Match?

Pillman: Well that's the problem Mike. All of my "so-called" friends have backed out on me, even though they don't have a match today. But that's okay, I'll keep looking or I'll forfeit my spot I suppose.

Tenay: That's too bad Brian.

At this most opportune time up walks The Z-Man all smiles, and a black eye.

Zenk: Brian, I know things have been tense between us, but this is our opportunity to relive a little past glory and make some new memories as we face The Steiners at the Clash for The US Tag Team Titles. I will be your partner, it would be an honor.

Pillman looks at him oddly, then slowly smiles.

Pillman: Where were you at Saturday Night when I got quadruple teamed? I already told you, Tom, you and I are over with in the ring. Besides, we just don’t work together anymore. There is no flow and...

Zenk: I tell you what Brian. If you can't find anyone else then we are a team, but if you do no problem. How's that?

Pillman: Fine Tom, fine. I just hope you're not too disappointed because I will find someone else now, I promise you.

Pillman walks off.

Zenk: Good luck either way Brian. (turning to Tenay) We are so going to be partners.

OR: 62

Interview With The Four Horsemen

Arn and Barry walk up, as Z-Man walks off, and glare at Tenay.

Anderson: Shut up and listen Tenay. Last night The Horsemen took care of a little business with Luger and Sting. Now we're back on our own mindset about Doom. As the time grows closer we will do what The Horsemen always do, and that's step it up a bit. Doom, your time is just about here. It won't be pretty at all.

Windham: It's almost time boys, I hope you have them belts ready for us.

The Horsemen walk off.

OR: 72

(Arn Anderson lost in over dropping from 90 to 88)

(It is officially been decided that Barry and Sid KILL Horsemen interviews badly)

Steven Regal vs. Ultimo Dragon

Bischoff and Tony discuss how this is an international match-up. What it really is however is a major mismatch, as the match starts in progress, but has no flow and no build. It's technically sound, but the fans just never really get into it. Regal wins with a move Bischoff calls The Regal Stretch, to which Dragon submits.




OR: 66

Interview With Michael P.S. Hayes and Missy

Hayes and Missy are at the announce position alone.

Hayes: Well look what happened last night, The Fabulous Freebirds went and found themselves another manager. Ladies and ladies, I present to you the world's greatest manager, Missy.

Missy: Thank you Mikey baby. That's right, when you mess with any one of The Fabulous Freebirds, you mess with all four of us from now on. And I can personally guarantee that later tonight we will be walking out of this arena as The Number One Contenders For The US Tag Team Titles. Now Mikey, let's go rub your body down with oil before your big match.

Hayes gives a goofy look and they walk off together.

OR: 93

(Go figure THAT getting so much heat. Must have had to do with Missy's low-cut tight shirt.)


Diamond Dallas Page Makes Another Addition To The Diamond Mine

Page and Big Kev walk out of the curtain all smiles as the crowd lightly boos them.

Page: Tonight we're going to do it one more time, as I present to you the second member of The Diamond Mine. This is a man you all know, you've all seen him before, and you all remember what an extreme talent he is. And if you don't know or remember him, well, then you're another of the many inbred hicks running around in Georgia and it's understandable. You will understand just how great this man is when I bring to you...The Diamond Studd Scott Hall!

Hall walks out of the back to a few more boos. His hair is all slicked back and he's wearing a jewel encrusted, glittery vest and being accompanied to the ring by a woman. She walks off and Hall gets in the ring and shakes hands with both Big Kev and Page, then is handed a mic.

Hall: Well howdy partners. Let's just cut right to the chase and I'll let my talking happen in the ring. So since Big Kev beat up one of these Japanese wrestlers last week in his debut, why don't I do the same thing. Any takers?

OR: 69

(The Diamond Studd Scott Hall gained in over rising from 50 to 54)

The Diamond Studd Scott Hall vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Liger comes racing out of the back and into the ring and it's on as he delivers kicks and punches to Hall, and then delivers a Standing Drop Kick to Big Kev that sends him and Page over the top rope, perhaps overselling a bit. Liger is in control all the way until the end, when Hall catches him in Mid Air and delivers a Fall Away Slam followed by a Leg Drop off the ropes and gets the 1-2-3. Big Kev and Page get in, and Kev delivers a Powerbomb, assisted by both Page and Hall, on Liger. They set him up for another one, when Muta comes running down. He hops on the top turnbuckle and delivers a Missile Dropkick to the back of Big Kev then sprays red mist in Page's face. Hall hits him from behind though, and soon Big Kev and Hall have laid Muta and Liger both out. They help Page out of the ring, as he is blinded.




OR: 74

(Liger and Hall bring in the best wrestling of the night even if the crowd was cold. I can smell some matches coming, even if Liger and Muta refused an outright feud)


Main Event Number One Contenders match For The US Tag Team Titles: The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express vs. The Harris Brothers vs. Pillman and Z-Man

Cornette comes out to introduce the return of The Midnight Express and the fans cheer, until Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose come out, then they boo heavily. The Harris Brothers come out followed by Pillman and Zenk, with Pillman looking miserable, and finally The Fabulous Freebirds and entourage. The match is fast and furious with a ton of tags in and out. The ending comes when The Harris Brothers are both on the floor dealing with Missy and Tammy, while Pillman and Zenk are being double teamed by The Freebirds and TMNE. Garvin then turns on Condrey and blasts him with a huge Clothesline while Hayes sends Rose to the floor after some Chops, and Piledrivers in sync happens and The Freebirds pin BOTH Pillman and Zenk to become The Number One Contenders. They exit the ring as The Harris brothers rush back in, and the show ends with The Freebirds and the women celebrating in the aisle.




OR: 61

OR: 67


Best Segment: Interview with Michael P.S. Hayes and Missy

Worst Segment: Al Snow vs. Louie Spicoli

Edited by TGC The Nazi Mod
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I just read it this all in the last few minutes and I can't wait for the next post. Im really enjoying this diary, I usually skim through and look at who wins but with this I have been reading the whole thing. I really enjoyed the Bischoff remark on Austin it made me laugh out loud and I like the way you have been giving Austin a mini push of sorts since his debut and stayed true to his "Stunning" character. The freebirds getting another manager didn't really make sense to me but maybe thats just me so meh. I saw Scott Hall being the new member of the Diamond Mine coming a mile off, DDP will be a good manager to get them over but I really wish he was a wrestler because I mark big for all three and in a stable they would be awesome. I was never a big Tom Zenk fan but he is just about barable in the diary Pillman should ditch him though hes better than that. All in All its an awesome diary, I would say keep up the good work but its a repost so I look forward to the next post and il be reading (Y)

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Well, since I always missed out on this god damn things...I decided to check one out from the start.

Now, I've never seen any WCW from this era, so I won't be able to add much of the era to this (I have read about it through Death Of WCW though, so I know minor things) but I do know all the superstars based in it (or atleast I should...) So, I can enjoy everything else and I love WCW, all eras of it, it seems at times I'm one of the only people who can put up with what everyone else saw as "shit" Hell, maybe reading this will inspire me to go out and buy some more WCW tapes, but this time of the earlier era.

First off...love the backstory, well done.

Jan. 5th, Saturday Night

Heh, good Sid promo...realistic ;)

Oooh, Stych...another heh. It should be quite interesting to see if you bring any of her Sunny/ECW traits into her in this diary.

As for the two US titles, thats quite cool...I'm sure you'll get a few more comments like this from me, because as I said, my knowledge isn't that great on the period. It's good this will bring more focus to tag teams, like once was...not like the current day.

Sweet, DDP. I assume that you'll start using his charimsa as he slowly gets his in ring ability up to par before tossing him in the ring. I can't wait for him and his client(s)

Tag Title feud continues, (Y)

Seems like Sid didn't put up much of a fight after Sting got back in the swing in the match, that was the only big thing that bothered me on the show, although...it seems he may be invovled more with Luger some way, so it doesn't matter much. Unless, he was attacking Luger to get to Sting's head.

Jan. 6th, Worldwide Wrestling

I like the recap style, I assume that fits the way it was back in the day.

Steve Austin, (Y) I'm interested to see if you try anything with he and Pillman. It's quite funny you choose Pillman's now ex-partner for Austin's first match... -_-

Wow, he won in his first match, quite the surprise. Actually, from your write up, it seems you were really targeting Zenk's not so great wrestling (or maybe I just took it the wrong way)

KEVIN NASH!~ Oh man, I love this whole angle, I knew I would...

Hmm, interesting jobbing the great one to Nash, not that I'm against it. I just see it as a surprising move.

Possible three way feud for the title, might not be pretty workrate wise as I know Luger may not add much to the combo.

Jan. 12th, Saturday Night

Interesting announcements by James E. (By the way (Y) on him) A three way is somewhat taboo for the day if I recall, wasn't ECW in the mid 90's the first? I may be wrong...And for the tags, Pillman and Austin? :w00t: Although with Austin being a heel, I'm probably getting my hopes up.

Another debut, another surprising win, especially after Eaton won last week...

Jan. 13th, Worldwide Wrestling

Zenk and Pillman heats up, COME ON AUSTIN! :unsure:

SCOTT HALL!~ Man, I love this group, 2 of my favourite workers of all time, plus one person who I like alot (Page) It's gonna be amazing to see what you do

Liger loses again, hmmm...even though Muta and Liger get a match again, I can't seem them winning it, again...not that I'm mad at them losing based on who they've put over...just very surprised.


I like it so far, may take you a few more shows to get more of a footing with what you're doing, but what you've layed so far, I like for a large majority. Keeeeeep it up! (Y)

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Might I suggest slowing down on the reposts? In a span of less than 24 hours, you've posted four shows already.

Hush you, he has a thing about stopping in the middle of it, and I'm thinking if he posts them all, then he'll want to get to the shows.

Anyway, I actually went back awhile ago and read most of this from the archives section, and it is one of the best portrayals of the old days that I've ever seen anyone do, and that is without using the jobber matches. You've still got the "air" of jobber goodness so it works out perfectly. Poor Z-Man jobbing though brings tears to my eyes. He was always a favourite of mine but I think that was mainly cause I was like 9 or 10 and I loved the name "Z-Man" *shrugs* Not to mention the Horsemen are always good, and you've done a very good job of portraying them much like they should be portrayed.

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WCW Saturday Night

Saturday January 19, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Atlanta, GA

Ross: Welcome to another fantastic edition of WCW Saturday Night on TBS. We are one week and one day away from Clash Of The Champions live on TBS, and so far we have four stellar matches lined up.

Ventura: Since Ross forgot to mention it, I'm Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and indeed we do Ross. Four titles on the line, and I'm sure very soon we'll have a match announced for Stunning Steve Austin's TV Title.

Ross: Let's not wait a moment longer and go right to the ring.

Johnny Ace vs. Steven Regal

Ace is already in the ring, as Regal emerges from the curtain looking, acting, and walking with an air of superiority. The crowd gives him a pretty decent heel reaction. He gets in the ring and wipes his hands on a towel he is handed and then he sets the towel on the apron and locks up with Ace. Regal finds himself out maneuvered a few times by Ace, which only seems to make Regal work that much stiffer. Finally Ace misses an attempt at a Flying Cross Body Block and Regal is quick to capitalize by locking in The Regal Stretch to make Ace give it up. Regal then grabs the towel and wipes his hands and chest with it, then makes a disgusted face and throws it onto the face of Ace before walking off with that same look of superiority.




OR: 63

(Nice opening match that served its purpose)

Interview With Sting and Lex Luger

Tenay is in the interview area and Sting and Luger are standing there all smiles.

Tenay: Well your troubles with The Four Horsemen continue, as last week saw your match with Flair and Sid get interrupted by Windham and Anderson, who cost you a victory, then all four of them beat the two of you down pretty bad.

Luger: Well, Sting and I both know the way The Horsemen work. They never do anything one on one or two on two, it's always four against you. We should have known that would be the case, but we let our guard down and we paid the price. I know Flair did whatever he had to do to ensure that he got Stinger at Clash Of The Champions, and while we don't like it, in the end we probably got what we deserved by underestimating The Four Horsemen. However, today is a new day, and it's going to change. Tonight we take on Windham and Double A, and it just so happens that we have a great little stipulation added in. Flair and Sid are barred from coming down to the ring. Let's see The Horsemen defeat The US Champion and The World Champion when the numbers are even and the fight fair.

Sting: It's just like Lex said. The only thing I would change is that tonight I can all but guarantee a victory over The Enforcer and Barry Windham. I'm pumped, Lex is pumped, the Little Stingers are pumped, and the Old Stingers are pumped. With that many people pumped Mike, is there any way The Horsemen can do anything but lose? As for Flair, The Nature Boy, WOOOOOO, he may get ANOTHER shot at my title at Clash Of The Champions, but it will be his last. I will walk in the champ and I'll walk out the champ. OWWWWWW!

Luger and Sting walk off amid a slightly less enthused crowd than normal.

OR: 78

(Sting lost over dropping from 97 to 95)

(Perhaps the weekly Sting and Luger interviews are starting to bore the fans?)


Ross: These two have met already once, and that ended with a nasty attack by Beautiful Bobby even though the newcomer Al Snow won the match, prompting Al Snow to request and to get this match.

Al Snow vs. Beautiful Bobby Eaton

Beautiful Bobby comes out first to a somewhat mixed reaction, and he is followed rather quickly by Snow, who smiles and waves at the fans, who are beginning to warm up to the youngster. Once the bell rings, Eaton once again has the upper hand for the first half of the match, but this time Snow comes back strong hitting a variety of moves that work on the upper back and neck of Eaton. Snow hits a Clothesline to the back of Eaton, then scoops him up and nails The Snow Plow to get a 1-2-3. Snow waits as Eaton slowly gets to his feet, then he again offers a handshake. This time Eaton just glares at him and walks off amid a chorus of boos.




OR: 66

(Al Snow gained in over rising from 44 to 46)

(Beautiful Bobby Eaton lost in over dropping from 74 to 72)


Interview With Ricky Morton

Tenay is with Morton.

Tenay: Welcome back to WCW Ricky. It's been a few weeks since we saw you here.

Morton: A quick tour of Japan, a few days spent with my Tag Team Partner Robert Gibson.

Tenay: How's his injured leg doing?

Morton: It'll be some time, but I’m back, and I'm taking a hand at singles action tonight.

Tenay: Yes, as tonight you get a shot at The TV Title.

Morton: This Stunning Steve Austin guy said he wanted a true competitor, and while I think he's faced some top notch talent in WCW's TV Title Division, I do believe myself to be a notch above those he's wrestled thus far. So tonight I suggest Steve Austin isn't too stunned when I take his title off of his hands for him.

Tenay: This should be a classic encounter. Thank you Ricky.

Morton: Thank you Mike, and great to have you here in WCW.

OR: 52

(Ricky Morton lost in over dropping from 74 to 70)

(Valuable lesson learned there. Add Morton to the list of people who never get within 10 feet of a mic again)

TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. Ricky Morton

Morton walks from the interview position to the ring, and all of a sudden the fans care about Morton again. Then Austin comes out in the red robe and The TV Title, and the crowd boos him pretty good. He takes off the attire and gets in the ring, where he badmouths Morton, until Morton responds with a punch to the jaw and the match is underway. It's back and forth for the opening minutes, then Morton is pounded upon by Austin. Austin hits a Stun Gun, but at the last possible second Morton kicks out, leaving Austin looking stunned. Austin picks Morton up, and delivers a Vertical Suplex that has Morton crashing to the mat. Another cover and again Morton kicks out with but a second to spare. Ross announces that there is only 1 minute remaining in the TV Title time, as Austin again looks shocked. Austin goes to pick Morton up again, and Morton gets a Small Package which barely gets two, as the time dwindles down. Morton to his feet groggily, and he executes a Short Arm Clothesline and as quickly as he can climbs to the top rope with 5 seconds left. He hits a Flying Fist to the head of Austin, and goes for the cover, getting two as the time keeper rings the bell and the match ends due to the time limit. Morton is visibly upset, and can't believe it, as Austin rolls from the ring and grabs his belt and staggers to the back looking at Morton in shock. The fans first boo, then cheer Morton as he stands alone in the ring.




OR: 74

end of first hour Commercials

The Midnight Express(with James E. Cornette) vs. Brian Pillman and The Z-Man

Cornette leads The Midnight Express to the ring all smiles as the crowd gives little indication that they remember the team at all. Pillman and Zenk come out, and while Zenk is hyper and happy looking, Pillman looks both discouraged and upset about being here. It starts with Zenk and Condrey, and it's a decent match to start, with plenty of tags on the side of TMNE. Zenk, however, doesn't tag in Pillman even though he's yelling at him to do so and Zenk is getting visibly weary. Finally Zenk is double teamed, and TMNE begin to work him over while Pillman stands on the apron yelling and screaming. Condrey misses a Leg Drop attempt, and quickly tags in Rose, which allows just enough time for Zenk to tag in Pillman. Pillman is on fire, as he lays into both members of TMNE. Unfortunately, while Pillman is coming off the ropes Zenk hits a blind tag and comes in. Pillman is forced from the ring by the ref, and as this happens Cornette tosses the tennis racket to Condrey who lays Zenk out. He tosses it from the ring and gets the 1-2-3 while Rose pulls Pillman from the apron preventing him from stopping the count. Zenk rolls to the floor as Rose, Condrey, and Cornette get in the ring. Pillman verbally attacks Zenk, even pushing him in the chest before walking off. Ross and Ventura talk about how maybe the former tag tem partners need to go back to being former tag team partners.



OR: 62

(Dennis Condrey gained in over rising from 44 to 46)

(Randy Rose gained in over rising from 48 to 51)

(The Z-Man lost in over dropping from 71 to 70)

Comments From James E. Cornette

Cornette has a mic, and he is all smiles as Condrey and Rose high five each other and celebrate.

Cornette: This is what the future of Tag Team wrestling is by the way, not some big, overblown, non wrestling, behemoths like Doom. I brought The Midnight Express back last week, and while they didn't win and become Number One Contenders to The US Tag Team Titles, they didn't lose either. Not like Pillman and The Z-Man have done every time they wrestle together. Not like The Harris brothers did last week when they had a Non Title Match against The Steiners. The Express is back on track, and soon enough they will be in the spot to get their title shot, and then it's on to the big one, The WCW World Tag Team Titles. This is just the beginning. I present to you all, The REAL Midnight Express.

The crowd erupts in boos as the trio leaves the ringside area.

OR: 75


Nikita Koloff vs. Steve Armstrong

Armstrong is already in the ring, as Ross talks about how Brad suffered a minor injury last week at the hands of Vader and was taking a week off. Koloff is out next to a sizeable amount of boos, but those subside as he got in the ring and demolishes Armstrong before locking in The Russian Sickle and getting the victory in under two minutes. He yells something incomprehensible into the camera and walks off.




OR: 51

(Just a nice SQUASH to show how dominant he is leading into Clash)

Ross: The Steiners are in Japan this week, but they will be back next week to defend The US Tag Team Titles against The Fabulous Freebirds, who, coincidentally, are also in Japan. We do have these pre-taped words from the champions though.

Ventura: In other words, bathroom and snack break

Pre-Taped Interview With The Steiners

Rick and Scott are in a locker room setting.

Scott: Allow me to, on behalf of both Ricky and myself, congratulate The Fabulous Freebirds on your victory last week to become The Number One Contenders for The US Tag Team Titles. I need to keep this short and sweet, as we do have a match coming up here soon to defend these belts here in Japan, but don't you boys worry, we'll be bringing them home with us so you two can have a shot at them.

Rick: WHOOOOO WHOOOOO WHOOOOO! And one shot is all you get, just like one shot is all we need to put you two down on your back and pin your shoulders. We're the current champs, and we're going to be the future champs. WHOOOOO WHOOOOO WHOOOOO!

The Steiners walk off camera.

OR: 80


Non Title Street Fight Match: Doom(with Teddy Long) vs. The Four Horsemen

Flair and Sid come down first, and the crowd reacts pretty negatively towards them both. The same when Doom comes down with Teddy. Unfortunately, while the match is not bad, the fans aren't really interested as they hate both sides. In the end Simmons hits a Running Powerslam on Flair, while on the outside Reed nails a huge Shoulder Tackle on Sid. At this point Anderson and Windham rush to the ringside area and double team Reed. The ref's attention is grabbed, and he misses the pin attempt by Simmons which is clearly a 3 count. Windham sneaks in behind the ref and Simmons, and hits a huge Axe Handle followed by a Sit Down Powerbomb on Simmons, then rolls Flair on top and calls for the ref. As Anderson and Sid pummel Reed, and Teddy cowers in fear, Flair gets the 1-2-3 on Simmons. Windham pulls Flair from the ring and The Horsemen head up the ramp all smiles, while Doom is decimated.




OR: 71

(This combo didn't work quite as well as Doom vs. Anderson and Windham, but it furthers the story perfectly)


Main Event: Sting and Lex Luger vs. The Four Horsemen

Ross reminds everyone that Flair and Sid are barred from ringside during and immediately following this match as Anderson and Windham are already in the ring. Ventura wonders if this means that Flair and Sid are next in line for a World Tag Team Title shot if Doom gets past Anderson and Windham as Sting and Luger race to the ring and the action starts right off. The match is fast paced, but not very long, as five minutes in Doom rushes the ring and pulls Windham from the apron and beat on him. Anderson is unable to get to help his partner, as Windham is hit with first a Flying Shoulder Tackle by Reed followed by a Running Power Slam on the floor by Simmons. Anderson is leveled by a huge Clothesline by Luger, followed by Sting tagging in and locking in The Scorpion Deathlock to which Anderson quickly submits. Sting and Luger celebrate, while Doom walks up the aisle and through the curtains all smiles. The show ends with referees running to look at Windham who is not moving.




OR: 82


OR: 69




Best Segment: The Main Event

Worst Segment: Nikita Koloff vs. Steve Armstrong

(Numbers wise it was the worst Saturday Night yet, however creatively we felt it was the strongest. It was a nice beginning to the three show set-up for Clash Of The Champions, so we remain pleased)

WCW Worldwide

Sunday January 20, 1991

Hosts: Tony Schiavone and Eric Bischoff

WCW Studios Atlanta, GA

Tony: We are back in The WCW Studios for another installment of WCW Worldwide.

Bischoff: And boy oh boy do we have a great show for you tonight. I have heard, Tony, through the grapevine that one of our big matches for WCW Clash Of The Champions next Sunday Night may be altered or even postponed as one of the participants was injured last night on WCW Saturday Night.

Tony: I've heard the exact same thing Eric, and I'm hoping this isn't true, but we'll have an official report and an answer later tonight. But now, on a night when The Z-Man will get one final re-match for The TV Title, we go to an interview taped earlier with Al Snow.

Interview With Al Snow

Snow is at the interview position alone.

Snow: I know most of you hadn't heard of me prior to my debut on WCW TV when I beat Beautiful Bobby Eaton, so I've asked for this time to get acquainted with you and to share a few words with Beautiful Bobby. First of all, while I am new to WCW TV, I'm not new to this great sport. I've been wrestling my butt off for the past few years, going up and down the road with a ton of other guys learning my craft, getting my butt kicked, kicking some butt, and preparing myself for my shot at the big-time. As far as I'm concerned, I'm now in the big time, and I don't plan on messing up my opportunity. That leads me to you Bobby. I met you in competition, I beat you, and then I offered you a sign of my respect and of my gratitude by extending my hand. You took my hand, shook it, then brought me in and laid me out. Then you hit the legendary Alabama Jam on me. I was incensed, and I won't pretend that I wasn't, because you happen to be an idol of mine. I have watched you for years. Yourself and Sweet Stan Lane, the legendary Midnight Express. Not those two running around here now pretending to be the team, but you and Sweet Stan, in my mind, in the mind of a lot of the other wrestlers, and I'm sure in the mind of the fans are The REAL Midnight Express. I watched the two of you have legendary battles with the two running around here now, with The Rock-N-Roll Express, and with The Road Warriors that sent shivers down my spine. So I was hurt, angry, and most of all disappointed that you did to me what you did last week. That's why I requested a re-match for last night, so I could show you that my victory a week earlier wasn't a fluke or a night off for you, but the emerging of a new star. I'm worthy to have my hand shook by you Bobby, and when you walked away when I tried to do it last night I was further enraged. So what I'm asking now is for a match, with you, one more time at Clash of The Champions. If, no, WHEN I beat you I want you to not only shake my hand, but to raise my arm in victory. Now, do you have what it takes to accept my challenge and get beaten for the third week in a row?

OR: 61

(Al Snow gained in over rising from 46 to 48)

(Al Snow did a respectable job in his first time on the mic, as our first real attempt to push an unknown has thus far been a resounding success)

Tony: Bold words from the newcomer here tonight.

Bischoff: He goes from praising Beautiful Bobby to challenging him in a few short breaths. Pretty gutsy if you ask me. Let's see how he does in his next match.

Al Snow vs. Bobby Walker

Snow comes out to an awaiting Walker, and these two go right at it. Halfway through the match Eaton once again walks out from behind the curtain to watch, as Snow outwrestles Walker, once again working on the upper back and neck of his opponent. Eventually Snow hits the Snow Plow and picks up the 1-2-3. Eaton walks back through the curtain with Snow never being aware he was there.




OR: 51

(Bobby Walker gained in over rising from 33 to 36)

Commercials hyping Sting and Flair for The WCW World Title

Interview With Stunning Steve Austin

Tenay is with Austin.

Tenay: I'm sure I'll get the usual, but Steve, can I ask you a few questions before your re-match tonight with The Z-Man?

Austin: As a matter of fact, no you can't. I'm STUNNING Steve Austin. I'm The TV Champion. I'm the man that has thus far beaten The Z-Man twice. I ask again, what in the world is a Z-Man anyways? I also ask why do I have to keep wrestling one week after week after week? How many times do I have to beat this guy? Isn't he wrestling in Tag Team matches anyway? When do I get a REAL competitor to go at my TV Title?

Tenay: Well, while I disagree with your assessment of The Z-Man, what about Ricky Morton, who wrestled you to a time limit draw this past Saturday Night?

Austin: What about him? He didn't beat me, he just had the conditioning to wrestle a 15 minute match. Big deal. I'm Stunning Steve Austin, and if need be I could wrestle an hour, and Ricky Morton STILL couldn't beat me.

James E. Cornette walks up and snatches the mic away from Tenay.]

Cornette: I'm glad you feel that way Steve. You see, I know I don't need to remind a man of your intelligence, but I do need to remind the morons here that not only am I the manager for The Midnight Express, but I'm also a representative for The WCW Championship Committee, and those of us on the committee have decided that since Morton was able to wrestle you to a Time Limit Draw, he should be awarded another TV Title Match at Clash Of The Champions.

Austin: (looking less than enthused) What?

Cornette: Believe me Steve, I'm not the biggest fan of Morton either, but he does deserve the shot. I personally have no doubt that you will not only defeat him, but that you'll do it in less than 15 minutes this time. I'm sure you agree with me.

Austin: (regaining his composure) Well of course I will, I'm Stunning Steve Austin, and I'll do to him EXACTLY what I'm going to do to The Z-Man later tonight.

Austin walks off, as does Cornette after he shoves the mic back in Tenay’s chest.

OR: 85

(The combined might of Austin and Cornette on the mic is gold)


Brian Pillman vs. Dennis Condrey

Both men are already in the ring and going at it as we go to the match. Cornette is at ringside with Randy Rose, while Pillman is alone. Eric and Tony wonder if Cornette or The Midnight Express have heard the comments of Snow yet as Pillman hits a Hurricanrana that sends Condrey through the ropes and to the floor. The ref begins a count on Condrey, as Rose sneaks in behind Pillman with the tennis racket and lays him out. He slides back out as Condrey rolls in and crawls for the cover. Zenk runs from the back, but he's too late to stop the 1-2-3 as Condrey picks up a big win. Zenk is in the ring and lays into Condrey, but Rose comes in and it's soon two on one against Zenk. One Flapjack later, and TMNE and Cornette are walking up the ramp laughing. Pillman gets to his feet slowly and walks over his fallen partner, glaring at him the entire time, to go to the back.




OR: 64

(Dennis Condrey gained in over rising from 46 to 47)

Bischoff: And now the moment I talked about at the top of the hour. An exclusive interview with The Enforcer Double A Arn Anderson regarding his Tag Team partner, and The World Tag Team Title match at Clash Of The Champions.

Interview With Arn Anderson

Anderson is at the interview position alone.

Anderson: First of all, let me challenge Ron Simmons right here and right now for tonight. It may be last minute, but if you have any guts at all Simmons you will face me one on one. Secondly, let's talk about last night. We put one over on you both, heck, on all three of you if you include that loser Teddy Long. Barry and myself cost you a Non Title match against The Nature Boy and Sid. Made you look pretty darn stupid actually. You repaid us later that night however, when not only did you cost us a match with Luger and Sting, but you took Barry out. By out, I mean he's on the shelf for God knows how long with a badly injured back. Nice job Doom, worthy of The Four Horsemen themselves. However, don't think for a second that this means you get a night off at The Clash next Sunday, because what you did was sign a match with The Four Horsemen, not with Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. So what that also means is next Sunday I will be there, and I'll have by my side the newest member of The Four Horsemen. You can try and guess who, but I'm gonna bet you pick the wrong one. Simmons, I hope to see YOU later tonight.

OR: 74

Tony: Who could it be?

Bischoff: I have my guess based upon what Double A just said.


Tony: For the last two weeks we've seen Diamond Dallas page debut his Diamond Mine, and tonight Big Kevin Nash and The Diamond Studd Scott Hall will team up to face the debut of a team that has quite a pedigree in this sport.

Bischoff: That's right Tony, The Diamond Mine will face The Next Generation, Scott Putski and Eric Watts, two second generation stars of legendary fathers.

The Diamond Mine(with Diamond Dallas Page) vs. the Next Generation

All four men are already in the ring, and Hall is locking up with Watts. Hall and Watts start off strong in the early goings, but unfortunately they have to contend with three men, as Page continually gets involved and distracts the ref at the most inopportune moments. At the end Hall hits Putski with The Diamond Drop, while Nash nails a huge Powerbomb on Watts. While the ref is busy getting Nash from the ring, Jushin Thunder Liger and Muta come to ringside. Liger hits a Hurricanrana on Page on the floor, and Muta gets in the ring and sprays green mist in Hall's face, then delivers a brutal Super Kick to the jaw that sends Hall down. Muta leaves as Putski rolls over and places his arm over Hall's face and picks up the win. Liger and Muta leave satisfied, but Nash gets in the ring absolutely livid. He grabs Putski and Powerbombs him over the top rope to the floor and onto Watts. He helps Hall up as Page staggers to his feet on the outside.




OR: 55

(Eric Watts gained in over rising from 33 to 40)

(Scott Putski gained in over rising from 31 to 38)

Challenge From the Diamond Mine

Nash has a mic as Hall tries to wipe the mist from his face.

Nash: That isn't how it's going to work around here, not with Big Kevin Nash and the Diamond Studd Scott Hall. No way. Liger, Muta, you two are so jealous of us, so upset that we beat you two Japanese “stars” in our big debuts the last two weeks that you cost us our first Tag Team match? Well, try and cost us our second tag team match, at Clash of The Champions, where we are now officially challenging you to a match.

Page looks shocked on the floor.

Hall: Hey yo, you two from the east, if you've got what it takes, we'll see you next Sunday Night, where you won't be running away from us cuz you won't be able to walk.

Hall throws the mic down and rubs his face as he and Nash leave the ring.

OR: 79

(Big Kevin Nash gained in over rising from 61 to 62)

(The Diamond Studd Scott Hall gained in over rising from 54 to 56)

Commercials hyping the Three Way US Title Match at Clash of The Champions

TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. The Z-Man

Z-Man comes out to the ring looking a little shaken up from earlier, while Austin comes out looking cool, calm, and collected. Once in the ring, Zenk never gets a moment to shine, as this is a glorified squash for Austin who puts on a wrestling clinic and beats Zenk in 3:33. The camera catches a glimpse of Pillman smirking in the aisle. Austin grabs a mic and announces that he beat The Z-Man in under 5-minutes, something he'd do to Morton at the Clash. The crowd expressed their growing hatred of him.




OR: 76

Tony: It has been accepted, and up next in out Main Event, Double A vs. Ron Simmons.

Main Event: Arn Anderson vs. Ron Simmons(with Teddy Long and Butch Reed)

Anderson comes out alone, while Simmons is accompanied by Reed and Long. Ref Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson doesn't like this, and after much protesting sends Reed back to the locker room. Anderson and Simmons go at it for nearly ten minutes, with Anderson outwrestling Simmons while Simmons overpowers Anderson. In the end, Simmons misses a Top Rope Flying Shoulder Tackle, and when he gets up Anderson plants him with a vicious DDT and gets the 1-2-3. As Anderson gets up Long is motioning towards the curtain and Reed is running out. He slides in and meets boots by Anderson. Anderson executes a perfect Spinebuster, but turns around and this time is hit by a Flying Shoulder Tackle by Simmons. Reed is up and he holds Anderson up in the air as Simmons comes off the opposite ropes with a huge Clothesline that sends Anderson down. Long can be heard asking where The Horsemen are, where's the newest member, as the show ends.




OR: 71

OR: 67



Best Segment: Austin and James E. Cornette interview

Worst Segment: Al Snow vs. Bobby Walker


WCW Saturday Night

Saturday January 26, 1991

Announcers: Jim Ross and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Atlanta, GA

Ross: We are one day away from The Clash of The Champions LIVE tomorrow night from The Omni right here in Atlanta, Georgia, and the feeling is one of electricity

Ventura: No doubt about it Jim. Things have been heating up to a fever pitch all month long, and tonight I expect them to explode.

Ross: Indeed they just might Jesse. Let's go to the ring for our opening match of the evening.

Bobby Walker vs. Johnny Ace

Both men are in the ring as we cut to it, and the immediately lock up for a match that is as quiet as can be. They exchange weak looking rest holds for a few minutes before Ace powers out of a Sleeper and goes for a pin attempt. Walker comes back however and soon thereafter hits a Tornado DDT to pick up the 1-2-3. The fans cheer mildly, but that may have been because it was over more than anything else.




OR: 44

(Bobby Walker gains in over rising from 36 to 42)

Commercials for Clash featuring Doom vs. the Four Horsemen

Nikita Koloff vs. Al Snow

Snow is already in the ring receiving a mild crowd reaction when Koloff comes from behind the curtain. The crowd reigns boos upon him, but once the match starts it dies down, as Snow tries everything to get Koloff down but nothing works. Eaton comes from the back to watch, and the crowd pops a mixture of cheers and boos, but they soon die again. Koloff gains an advantage and does not let it go, eventually locking in The Russian Sickle to gain the victory. Eaton walks back, but Koloff picks Snow up and proceeds to beat him from one corner to the other, ending things with a Running Powerbomb to the mat. The crowd boo him again as he walks off.




OR: 60

(Nikita needs more face time on TV, especially since he is wrestling for The US Title at Clash, and this served its purpose. Plus, Snow can afford the loss, as he's still a rookie, and it isn’t viewed as anything big that he did lose)


The Body Shop Featuring The Four Horsemen

Jesse: Welcome to another installment of The Body Shop. My guests this time are my same guests last time, minus Barry Windham, as I welcome The Four Horsemen.

Flair's music plays and he along with Sid and Double A make their way to the set.

Jesse: Welcome, and don't you three look sharp. Tomorrow night is a big night as each of you go after gold in your respective matches. Sid, tomorrow night you face off against BOTH Nikita Koloff and US Champion Lex Luger as you try to become Champion again.

Sid: Hehehehaaaahahaha...that is right Jesse, and it's no wonder that we just saw Nikita Koloff demolish Al Snow. He knows that no matter what happens he had better be at the top of his game, he had better be more vicious and evil than ever before, because come tomorrow night he's in the ring with the meanest, sickest, most evil man in wrestling today...Hehehehaaaahahaha...ME! However that won't help him and NOTHING can help Lex Luger. I will destroy them both and I will become The NEW United States Champion, and a whole new day of violence, terror, and sheer insanity will rule over WCW as only I can provide. Hehehehaaaahahaha.

Jesse: I said it before, I'll say it again, I fear for anyone who has to step into the ring with you Sid.

Anderson: You should Jesse. Just as EVERY opponent of The Four Horsemen should fear stepping in the ring with any of us. Later tonight Sid and myself will show Doom what fear is all about as we meet them in a Non-Title Match as a nice little warm up for Clash Of The Champions, Now I know you're both already scared, but it's only a one night deal. Come tomorrow, just as I promised, The Four Horsemen debut the NEWEST member and it will be him that teams up with me to take you both on for the belts. Mark my words Simmons, Reed, and even you Long, come tomorrow night The Four Horsemen will be better than we have EVER been, and you can mark my words on that one.

Jesse: Tomorrow night it's yourself and Sting, Nature Boy, one more time for The WCW World Heavyweight Championship in what I am sure will be a true classic, but later tonight you take on Lex Luger in a Non-Title Match in out huge Main Event.

Flair: WOOOOOOOO! Body, tonight I do meet Luger, a former Horseman who simply couldn't cut it as a member of the most elite group of wrestlers in the world, and I'll do what I did every other time we wrestled, and that is beat him 1-2-3 in the center of the ring. It doesn't take a genius to see that Lex is bigger than me, stronger than me, and dumber than me, and it's that last fact that will GUARANTEE a win for The Nature Boy. Then, after that, after Arn and Sid have embarrassed The World Tag Team Champions, the Horsemen go out for a night on the town, styling and profiling as ONLY we can. It'll be a shorter night though Body, and come along with us and ride in style, because tomorrow is a big day for not only The Nature Boy, but the entire Four Horsemen. A new member, perhaps the greatest new member ever, and after that, we bring home not one, not two, but three Championship titles, including the biggest prize of all, The World Heavyweight Title. Sting, you can run around here yelling all you want with your face paint and your Little Stingers, but the loss I suffered to you last year when you took MY World Title will be avenged tomorrow night. You were another person who couldn't cut it in The Four Horsemen, and JUST like Luger you will know why we are all jet flying, limousine riding, wheeling dealing sonofaguns, and why I've ALWAYS said, to be the man you have to beat the man. You may be carrying MY World Title around Sting, but I will ALWAYS be the man. WOOOOOOOO!

The Horsemen walk off as Ventura stands smiling and shaking his head in agreement

OR: 90

(And that is why The Four Horsemen rule)


Jushin Thunder Liger and Muta(with Kimberly) vs. The Harris Brothers

Ross explains that Liger and Muta went and got themselves a new manager so as to be able to relate to the American fans as she leads them down the aisle. The Harris Brothers come out next, threatening a few fans in the process. They make it to ringside, and Liger comes over the top ropes with an impressive Suicide Plancha that sends both men to the floor. Liger rolls Ron in and the match begins. While there is a slight contrast in styles, the match is designed to showcase Liger and Muta, and The Harris Brothers do a great job of selling the moves as well as the risky and daredevil style of them both. The Harris Brothers gain a small advantage, but in the end one stiff kick to the head by Muta later and Liger covers while Don gets a face full of Red Mist to send him to the floor. Liger picks up the 1-2-3 on Ron.




OR: 64

Revenge For The Diamond Mine

As Ron rolls from the ring, Big Kev, The Diamond Studd, and Diamond Dallas Page rush to the ring. As Page holds Kimberly, a brawl ensues between the other four. Eventually the slightly winded Liger falls to a big boot from Nash, and then it's two on one on Muta. The Diamond Drop is assisted by Nash, who also gets an assist on his Powerbomb on Muta. Page releases Kimberly, who runs into the ring while Hall, Nash, and Page walk up the aisle, laughing and smiling.

OR: 67

(The Diamond Studd Scott Hall gained in over rising from 56 to 59)

Commercials for Clash featuring The TV Title Match

Six Man Tag Match: Ricky Morton/Brian Pillman/Z-Man vs. The Midnight Express(with James E. Cornette) and Stunning Steve Austin

Cornette leads TNME and Austin down first and grabs a mic to tell everyone that as The Championship Committee Representative he has given Austin a night free of defending The TV Title so that he may participate in this Six Man Tag. Ross talks about abuse of power as Morton, Zenk, and Pillman come out. As usual of late, Pillman looks quite upset. Zenk and Austin start it off, and Zenk actually gets a momentary advantage, but that soon shifts to the favor of Austin. Zenk tags out to Morton, who is on fire, but soon he is triple teamed while the ref is busy with Zenk, and Morton is beaten down repeatedly by the swift tagging heels. Morton is soon able to make the hot tag, but as he reaches for Pillman, Zenk shoots his hand down and tags in. Pillman is irate, but Zenk clears house on TMNE and Austin. Zenk tags back out to Morton, who looks confused as does Pillman, but before long it doesn’t matter as it's a pier six brawl as all six men are in the ring. Pillman and Condrey go to the floor, as do Zenk and Rose, leaving Morton as the legal man against Austin. Austin misses a Running Knee Drop and Pillman is able to hit The Stun Gun on Austin and gets the 1-2-3. Pillman rolls from the ring as the crowd erupts, and Zenk and Pillman make their way over to him as Austin is livid in the ring. He pushes both Condrey and Rose and throws a huge fit. Meanwhile in the aisle, Pillman walks away from his partners as they celebrate the huge win.




OR: 67

end of first hour Commercials

Interview With Kimberly

Tenay is in the interview are with a still shaken Kimberly.

Tenay: How are you doing? Perhaps even more importantly, how are Liger and Muta doing?

Kimberly: About as good as could possibly be expected. They're actually searching for The Diamond Mine as we speak, and I feel real sorry for them if they find them.

Tenay: Tomorrow night they will face The Diamond Mine in a huge Tag Team Match. I'm curious how you came to be involved with them though?

Kimberly: A friend told me that they were looking for an American Spokesperson, and I was qualified to take the position.

Tenay: YOU speak Japanese?

Kimberly: (offended) Don't look so surprised Mike. Just because I'm drop dead gorgeous doesn't mean I'm dumb. Now if you'll excuse me.

Kimberly walks off.

Tenay: She's the new Spokesperson for Liger and Muta, she IS gorgeous, she's NOT dumb, and in my opinion she's a tad bit conceited.

OR: 69

(That was a little waste of time, and a little more of a builder for tomorrow night's match)

Michael P.S. Hayes(with Missy) vs. Scott Steiner

Missy accompanies Hayes as Ross and Ventura argue over whether Garvin and Tammy should be allowed at ringside or not, which they are not. Steiner comes out alone to a huge ovation, and after he hands The US Tag Title to the ref the two lock up. A technically sound match with Steiner doing most of the work, but every time he gets an advantage Missy grabs him or distracts the ref. Eventually Steiner has had enough, and he goes to the floor and begins to chase Missy as Hayes is on his back in the ring following a Steinerline. Just then Garvin and Tammy run out, and Garvin lays a running Scott out with a huge chair shot to the face. The ref sees this and instantly calls for the bell as the match is ruled a No Contest. Hayes to his feet and he and Garvin beat on Scott on the floor, but Rick comes running out and The Fabulous Freebirds and the women hastily retreat to the back as Rick checks on his fallen brother.




OR: 71

Commercials of The Clash featuring The US Tag Team Title Match

Non-Title Match: Doom© vs. The Four Horsemen

The speculation is hot and heavy, as Anderson and Sid come to the ring, as to whom will be The New Horseman. Doom comes out and the match begins immediately. Sid and Simmons go power move for power move, while Reed finds himself out wrestled by Double A. Sid and Reed eventually fight to the floor while Anderson and Simmons are going at it in the ring. The ref is distracted by Sid and Reed and doesn't see TULLY BLANCHARD come from the back and into the ring, where he attacks Simmons from behind. The crowd erupts for the first time since the opening bell as Arn and Tully deliver a Double Brainbuster on Simmons. Tully rolls from the ring and calls for the ref as Anderson covers to get the 1-2-3. The crowd is both booing and cheering as Sid stands back and watches as Arn and Tully beat the hell out of both members of Doom. They hug, and the three members of the Four Horsemen leave the fallen World Tag Team Champions down as Ross says that Tully must be the newest Horseman, and Ventura says he knows for a fact he is, as the newest Horsemen is also one of the founders.




OR: 71

Commercials for Clash Of The Champions featuring Sting and Flair for The World Title

Non-Title Main Event: Lex Luger© vs. Ric Flair

Luger comes out first to a huge applause, and he is followed soon by The Nature Boy, who is booed for all he's worth by the crowd. The match begins and Luger over powers Flair at the outset. Flair soon comes back with a rake of the eyes, and the dirtiest player in the game is soon cheating left and right to control the momentum. He works on the legs and knees of Luger, and eventually locks in The Figure Four. Luger comes close to submitting, but finally makes it to the ropes. He comes back, and even gets Flair into The Human Torture Rack, but his hurt knee gives way and he crashes down with Flair on top. Flair hooks the leg, and the tights, and pulls out the 1-2-3 to win. Sid runs down immediately, and he just pummels Luger, then he and Flair double team him. Sid Chokeslams then Powerbombs Luger, but Sting rushes to the ring and The Horsemen leave. Anderson and Tully come from the back and meet Flair and Sid, and The Four Horsemen stand united and strong in the aisle. Sting grabs a mic.




OR: 89

(Flair carried Luger to his best match since the new regime started, and it served to hype up both The US and World Title Matches for Clash)

Irate Words From Sting

Sting: Nice try guys, but I think we all know The Total Package will be there tomorrow night to not only defend, but to retain his US Title. As for you Naitch, I wouldn't go around calling myself the man after Starrcade. I beat The Black Scorpion one on one in the ring and, wait, let me rephrase that, I beat THE NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR WOOOOOOOOOO last month at Starrcade, and I'll be sure to do it again tomorrow night. I'm The World heavyweight Champion now, and I will be after Clash of The Champions too.

Arn and Tully hold Flair back after the Black Scorpion comments, and the show ends with a good old fashioned stare down.

OR: 98

(Sting gained in over rising from 95 to 98)

OR: 75



WWF: 5.83

Best Segment: Sting tirade after Main Event

Worst Segment: Bobby Walker vs. Johnny Ace

The Finalized Card For WCW Clash Of The Champions:

-Al Snow vs. Bobby Eaton

-WCW US Tag Team Titles Match: The Steiners© vs. The Fabulous Freebirds

-WCW TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. Ricky Morton

-The Diamond Mine vs. Jushin Thunder Liger and Muta

-WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: Doom© vs. The Four Horsemen

-WCW US Title Match: Lex Luger© vs. Nikita Koloff vs. Sid Vicious

-WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting© vs. Ric Flair

(Why 3 shows in one post? Mainly because this is the last of the shows that actually survived all written out. From COTC until June it's monthly recaps. Sorry, but I consider it lucky this exists as I've moved this through four boards and had multiple computer crashes over the three years and like five months that this was originally posted.)

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Saturday Night

Eaton losses again, seems like a pattern :P Also, seems like he's going to explode in the near future...

Someone seems to have tested Austin, interesting. Atleast you're going to make something out of this, I was worried about Morton kicking out of the Stun Gun with nothing to happen later, would have been a little bit of a wasted build up of the move and Austin.

I'm liking the build of the Zenk/Pillman feud some, I could see it going somewhere...or no where.


I somewhat like the progress of Snow, this is a good story to get him started on.

Damn, too bad about Windham (if it's real injury) I liked the way the story was progressing, but I can't lie...the prospect of a new Horsemen is really cool, just don't give me any Paul Roma's.

:( Diamond Mine lost :( Oh well, storyline purposes I guess, lets just hope that Putski and Watts amount to something in this reality.

Jan. 26th Saturday Night

I don't see why Snow had to lose, doesn't make much sense to me...I don't really understand what he gains other then a squash win, although I don't know what you could have done for a Snow win without booking Eaton another way, really heel like.

Cool bringing back Tully, I was expecting a NEW member, but don't get me wrong, this still works.


I'm cool with monthly recaps, whatever is easiest on you.

As for COTC, my predictions...

-Al Snow vs. Bobby Eaton

-WCW US Tag Team Titles Match: The Steiners© vs. The Fabulous Freebirds

-WCW TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. Ricky Morton

-The Diamond Mine vs. Jushin Thunder Liger and Muta

-WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: Doom© vs. The Four Horsemen

-WCW US Title Match: Lex Luger© vs. Nikita Koloff vs. Sid Vicious

-WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting© vs. Ric Flair

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- Al Snow vs. Bobby Eaton - I don't think you'll keep having Snow beat Eaton, revenge time.

- WCW US Tag Team Titles Match: The Steiners© vs. The Fabulous Freebirds - Just seems to me like you've been building them up to win

- WCW TV Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin© vs. Ricky Morton - Austin needs to win this match, he couldn't get the win on Saturday Night, so he'll definitely come up with it here

- The Diamond Mine vs. Jushin Thunder Liger and Muta - Unfortunately, I have the feeling that you're gonna use Liger and Muta just to put The Diamond Mine over. Fine, I guess, still makes me shed a tear though :P.

- WCW World Tag Team Titles Match: Doom© vs. The Four Horsemen - Yeah, just a personal preference.

- WCW US Title Match: Lex Luger© vs. Nikita Koloff vs. Sid Vicious - Can't see Koloff or Vicious winning the title, Luger should keep it

- WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting© vs. Ric Flair - As much as I'd like to see Flair winning the belt, Sting's not going to lose it quite yet. But I'm 100% sure that Flair'll get a run with the belt in a little bit, can't wait to see when that happens.

Edited by HaasOfPain
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