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Fifa wants 18-team Premier League

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Fifa is heading for a showdown with the Premier League over its 20-club size.

On Thursday Fifa's Congress endorsed a proposal for Europe's top leagues to be reduced to a maximum of 18 clubs by the start of the 2007-08 season.

Fifa president Sepp Blatter said: "We've been given the power to work on it. We'll do it. It'll give four more days to the international calendar."

But Premier League spokesman Dan Johnson ruled out a reduction: "There's no appetite for this kind of change."

Johnson added: "The only people who are going to tell us how to run the Premier League are the league's 20 member clubs' chairmen.

"They are the only ones who can change the composition of the league and they are just not going to go for this - no way."

Fifa's decision could also hit the Spanish, Italian, and French leagues.

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The dutch have 18 teams ^_^ And yeah.. I prefer the english league 'cause it's just about right while with the Dutch it finishes to soon even though it's just a few games difference

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But it's the same chairmen and owners who push for MORE cup games, especially in Europe. They don't care about the fitness - they just want more games. When you've got half of the pitch falling down with cramp in the FA Cup Final, you KNOW they're playing too many games to be competetive. I can't remember a match being that bad. Both teams just had too many games, especially Liverpool. If Steven Gerrard had played every game this season, he would have played 96 professional games in the space of a season. Obviously he had a few injuries, which isn't surprising, considering.

Both sides have selfish reasons for more games, but I just think for the players health we should take a few teams out of the leagues. Besides, a few more teams in League Two would offer them more money and they'd play a schedule that is similar to the top leagues, but with the amount of teams who wouldn't have cups to worry about, it'd compensate itself.

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Who gives a shit about cramp etc? Back in the old days players played through all these little niggles that seem to keep players out for ages.

So Gerrard played loads of games, what is he paid a ridiculous amount of money to do?

While in nowhere near the same league, I play two competitive matches a week, train twice a week, play 5 a side on Sundays and have general kick abouts here and there. There should be no problem with 20 teams.

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Well for a start:

a) The UEFA Cup should go back to straight knock out.

b) Teams going out in Champions League qualifying should not be allowed to go into UEFA Cup.

c) No League Cup replays ever.

d) Champions League should only have four groups of four with quarters, semis and the final. Before that it should be straight two-leg knock out.

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Who gives a shit about cramp etc? Back in the old days players played through all these little niggles that seem to keep players out for ages.

So Gerrard played loads of games, what is he paid a ridiculous amount of money to do?

While in nowhere near the same league, I play two competitive matches a week, train twice a week, play 5 a side on Sundays and have general kick abouts here and there. There should be no problem with 20 teams.

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