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Best Guinness Ad?

Best Guinness Ad  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Though it may be obvious...

    • Surfers (he waits, that's what he does...)
    • Snails (snail race)
    • Dreamer (guy dreams about the meaning of life)
    • The Race (old man swims against pouring Guinness)
    • Rhythm of Time (guys go back through evolution)
    • Mustang (the criminal tames the wild mustang)
    • Fridge Man (the little dude in the fridge pours a Guinness for his master)
    • Other

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As someone said, Guinness are kinda the kings of the ads so meh, might as well do this one too.

For me, of course Surfers is probably one of (if not the best) advert ever but I'm also a massive fan of The Race and Dreamer.....

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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I'll go with surfers, as it's just a fantastic, iconic advert, and a great piece of cinematography regardless. It's a difficult choice, though. As you said, they really are the kings of advertising.

Was it Guinness who had the guy talking about how he wouldn't want to be a dolphin? That was awesome.

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What don't you get about it? Guinness is a stout/bitter (can't remember which, to be honest), and thus takes a small while to pour and settle....the advert likens the waiting to that of a surfer, waiting for the perfect tide. "Here's to waiting" indeed.

As for me, I think it had to be Surfer, but I do like the man swimming against the pint.

Going even further back, I used to like the dancing around the Guinness pint adverts.

Edited by liamwannabe
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What don't you get about it?

To be fair, it's a pretty bizarre advert, especially the first time you see it. It's probably so ingrained in our national consciousness that we just don't think about it any more.

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What don't you get about it?

To be fair, it's a pretty bizarre advert, especially the first time you see it. It's probably so ingrained in our national consciousness that we just don't think about it any more.

Well, I editted my post to include this:

Guinness is a stout/bitter (can't remember which, to be honest), and thus takes a small while to pour and settle....the advert likens the waiting to that of a surfer, waiting for the perfect tide. "Here's to waiting" indeed.

I guess if you didn't overly know what Guinness was, and hadn't seen the over adverts of a similar nature, it'd be hard.

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Yeah, I thought it was, but I wasn't sold on it so covered my bases.

I also like the man walking over the hot lava, though admittedly I thought that was a Stella Artois advert.

Is there anywhere to check out the adverts? Youtube only seems to have that one.

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The old swimmer and the Rhythm Of Time are both brilliant. The latter being the greatest thing on television recently (Including programs :shifty:). But I have to go with the surf advert. For the reasons said, it makes sense. Plus it just looks really cool.

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And for the record Guiness is a nice drink. I don't understand why lots of people give it a bad rep. I know like 2/3 other people (Personally) who like it.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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I've drank it a few times, but the commerical was just... yeah. I got it and all, but I didn't see what was so great about it.

Around the time it came out, it was a really innovative way to deal with your advert, I guess, it is visually stunning (especially when you see it in cinemas and larger TV's and what have you) and is just a really good continuation of the concepts that were in the other adverts.

Guinness is delicious, but is a really acquired taste.

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Yeah, I love Guinness too. Four or five of my best friends drink it too, I much prefer it to any lager I've ever drunk, I can't understand people who don't like it, I have done since the first time I drank it

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I love the Rhythm of Time advert and the follow-up Extra Cold ones. More than the surfer advert? I don't know. Guiness has been one of the companies that haven't ever gotten lazy with their adverts, unlike stuff like the current slew of Weetabix adverts. Using reality TV and docusoap conventions is seriously lazy and effortless.

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Ugh. I tried Guinness and black once and nearly vomited, it's a horrible, horrible drink. I tend to go for extra cold, but I'm not fussed either way, to be honest.

I've had bad cider experiences, so I can't drink Magners any more, I'm moving more towards John Smith's at the moment, as well as white wine, which I drink every now and then anyway. Real ale if I'm in a decent enough pub, but that's not often. Very, very rarely, I'll resurrect an old local tradition of Snakebite Sundays, too.

Edited by Skumfrog
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