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Is a book worth $75?

Your Mom

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Why won't you say what they are? is it something embarrassing? or is it hardcore porn?

Because thats not really the point of the discussion. At least thats not what I meant it to be. I meant it to be more of an abstract would you pay $75.00 just for something to read kind of thing. Was just curious since it came up with me.

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I tend to throw money away like it doesn't mean anything, but that's more or less because I have no priorities at all, so I would pay that much for a book, but the question really comes to whether you can afford it, or whether you have other committments. Don't put of buying something you need like I would :pervert:

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I wouldn't spend that much at all, but knowing that it's three books now, it's not that insane of an amount. Just not what I would think is worth it. I would say only buy it if you collect this author's books or something. In that case it might be worth it. However, to buy it just for one good read and then have it thrown on the bookshelf... no way.

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I'm in college, so I've done this before. Fucking textbook companies. This semester I may not buy any books unless they are absolutely needed for anything.

But for recreational reading, I think 20-25 is too much ... nevermind 75. But, I also don't find much time or energy to recreational read anymore.

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If I want something that I feel hesitant about buying due to price, I typically give it a couple weeks. If I'm still thinking about it, and intensely wanting it, I'll buy it. There's nothing wrong with buying expensive stuff from time to time -- the trick is to filter out the stupid impulse buys you'll regret later on.

Like, say, spending $200 on wholesale fireworks, and only managing to set off a fraction over the 4th of July. Sigh.

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$75 is, what, £40?

I'd say it was worth it for three books in one.

I paid about that for a three-in-one hardback dealio the other day (but that was by Dan Abnett, so I'd probably've paid far more for it anyway, but that's besides the point ¬_¬).

So yeah, it's not really THAT expensive when you think about it. And like you said, you wouldn't have thought twice if it was a DVD or a PC game...

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