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Kerrang awards...


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The only music magazine I ever read (Very rarely) is Q. Yes they've got their own bias going on (As every music mag does), but it's one of the only magazines that I can read and find out things I didn't really know. Plus there's lots of shit in there, so I feel as though I get my moneys worth.

I think Q is excellent in how it reports on music instead of trying to make any type of change in music trends. And at least they whore out on bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, bands who don't need or want the bum love of a magazine to actually make it in the music business. There's a such thing as a "NME" band and a "Kerrang" band, but Q has always been sat on the fence, which is what all music magazines should do at the end of the day.

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Rock Sound > Metal Hammer > Q > Kerrang

I don't know about overall quality, but for "readability" I'd go for...

Kerrang > Rock Sound > Metal Hammer > Q > NME

... and there'll all pretty crap. For me, the best mag would be one that follows the genres that K and MH cover, with the range and depth of RS.

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What i hate about all magazines are their album reviews. I dont really get why they spend an entire page talking about the band, their lives etc etc. Then dedicate one paragraph at the end about the actual album in question.

Yeah, this CD gets 5/5 from us. Dont ask us why, we simply do not know.

I remember when K! reviewed Say Anything - ...Is A Real Boy. They spent 90% of the review talking about Max and his psych ward visits and one line at the end about the album. And it got 4K's.

Edited by The Chief
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Terrorizer for the win.

Terrorizer does indeed own all the other metal/alternative music magazines. Even if you don't like the music covered, the reviews/reports/interviews are just so much better, its embarassing.

And wah wah wah, Kerrang is shit....or something. Frankly, I don't care who wins their awards, as they'll have fanboys/girls voting consistently for the same people, so it never works out. Kerrang still occasionally covers albums/bands I'm into, so I'm not going to slate them as some people do...if I don't like it, I don't read it, I guess.

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The only thing wrong with Terrorizer is that some of their core people are pretty biased towards certain bands and types of metal, nevermind that I feel like the magazine as a whole tends to have a certain "All metal used to be better"-feel to it. Still it is The Own on the music magazine market.

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Guest Pringle

Best Band On The Planet - Dream Theater

Best British Band - Dragonforce

Best Live Band - Edguy

Best Album - Amorphis (Eclipse)

Best Single - Edguy (Superheroes)/Dragonforce (TTFAF)

Best Video - http://youtube.com/watch?v=HcQXFWiX7Tg

Best British Newcomer - Dragonforce

Best International Newcomer - Pyramaze

Classic Songwriter - Emperor

Spirit Of Independence - Korpiklaani

Kerrang! Hall Of Fame - Immortal

Kerrang! Legend - Kai Hansen (Helloween/Gamma Ray)

Thats the way it should be ¬_¬

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Pesci could learn a lot from fineintent :shifty:

Why do you have to be Mr. Pink? BECAUSE YOU'RE A FAGGOT.

I agree with whoever it was that said that's the worst awards list they've ever seen. I agree full-heartedly, and I don't think there's a single band Kerrang pimps that I like... except Coheed.

In the NME vs. Kerrang debate, I don't read either and I've never once read Kerrang so I can't talk about their quality, but of the bands NME pimps and the bands Kerrang pimp, the NME bands are about a thousand times better in my estimation.

I don't read music magazines. Ever.

NME is the biggest crime against music journalism going, in my honest opinion. I like both sorts of music covered in Kerrang and NME, and they both have this bad habit of sucking off the bands of the moment, but NME just comes across with a big "We're better than you" smugness that I can't stand, and the interviews/reviews blow. Kerrang still covers some good stuff outside of the obvious pimped bands, and their features (like when they looked at the Black Metal Murders, the start of Grunge) are still pretty good reads, something that NME just fails in badly.

The bands NME pimp tend to be better, sure, but I'd rather avoid it and catch the coverage of the decent "underground" bands that Kerrang does.

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To be fair I'd rather avoid both, because neither entertains me. Since I don't read them, I couldn't care less about the writing, but SSTB seems to think all bands NME covers are god awful and prefers Kerrang bands, whereas I was just saying NME bands are better from where I'm sitting.

You could have the best writing staff ever, but if your favoured bands are shite, I'm not interested.

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Oh, of course, but then it comes down to personal taste, naturally.

My main problem with both mags actually isn't the bands they pimp, its just how often they pimp them. You can guarantee coverage of the same 3 or 4 bands every 2 or three weeks, taking up space that could be used for other stuff.

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