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2006/2007 Hockey Season Thread

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Canada = pwned.

When a team from Southern California wins the Stanley Cup, you know the NHL is in financial trouble.

Very intelligent comment. But rather than tear you apart as one could easily. May SDM have mercy on your soul. I want you to justify your comments. Explain to all of us how it is that because of a team's location, specifically The Duck's location would make it so the NHL is financial trouble.

Actually, in the interest of playing Devil's Advocate, having a team in California win the cup is far from a best cased scenario. Sure, the cup will have a huge impact in the local market, but California, and to a large extent, Florida, are magnet cities, primarily where dreams go to die. In a city like New Jersey, there are enough people who live and grow up in Jersey and then migrate to a better city, like any city. New York, Boston, Washington, Buffalo, Chicago (not so much Chicago because they've sucked for decades), big American cities will have people come of age and move on. When people have dreams of money they head to California and when they've made the money and it's time to sleep they head to Florida. I think you'll find in terms of migration vs immigration those two states grow a lot faster then they shrink and would hold true in comparison to other states (with one marked and notable exception which is another discussion all it's own). That would mean that the fanbase for teams in the those states are a lot more localized then you might find, say, fans of the Rangers. There's another reason for this, as well: history. It's hard to root for a team that starts golfing at Christmas. Trust me, I live in Vancouver. The year I was born was the very beginning of the Edmonton Oilers dynasty with their first cup (their last cup coming when I was about old enough to begin really talking interest in hockey). Back then, the Canucks still blew, and when the Oilers came apart, I put my support behind the Flyers... I've always been a fan of smashmouth, mutant league hockey, and back in the 1990s they weren't bad. Following a brief flirtation with delusions of the Canucks getting success, I noticed another team in my division was making something of a dynasty for themselves. It's no surprise that teams which were successful when I needed a team to root for have laid root in my heart. Whereas you can find fans for the teams that built up constant success, such as the Leafs, Habs, Bruins, Oilers, Red Wings, Avalanche... not so much the Devils since they suck... but any team that had a dynasty during the 80s or 90s probably sowed the seeds of fandom across their entire country. And what did California have? The Kings, even when they made runs, were outclassed and didn't have a real shot. The Ducks run was largely maligned outside of California. Florida is a bit different, since the Lightning DID have the tools to make a dynasty, though losing Knabby hurt them a ton, but Florida is a harsh market for sports, since the fans down there have been so widely reamed (look at the constant construction and destruction of the Florida Marlins), so it's not surprising they don't show much loyalty. I think that this win is a good deal for California but is definitely not what the NHL wanted. Ideally, Gary Bettman would have had the Buffalo Sabres and the Ottawa Senators in the Stanley Cup final, and I'm sure he considered ways of making that work. The one benefit of having a team in California win is that it gets the NHL some celebrity attention. Sure, hearing Scott Oake "represent" was something I don't think I ever need to see again, listening to Brian Burke talking about Paris Hilton was almost worth the Canucks losing to the Ducks on it's own. If the NHL can get some more celebrity involvement, it will do wonders for their reputation amongst the casual audience. Sure, we all laugh when Hulk Hogan was a bad call from running wild on the referees BROTHER but how many people tune in and say "Hey, I didn't know Hulk Hogan was a hockey fan". All of a sudden you have slutty debutantes out on the town and you think all you have to do is root hard enough and you'll get One Night In Paris. And even if she's been handled by more men then the Stanley Cup and probably urinated on about as often, it's going to raise some eyebrows and the more people talk about hockey the better. It's absolutely buried as far as sports coverage goes so any side show they can get to get interest in the game, Bertuzzi The Sequel notwithstanding, can only be a good thing. This is probably not going to be as good as, say, Pittsburgh winning would have been, but it isn't totally a bad thing either.

Also, and god I never thought I'd say this, but I hope the Leafs make the playoffs next year. ANYTHING to make Clawson less of an insufferable cock.

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Did I mention that the Maple Leafs resigned Nik Antropov for 2 years, roughly $2,000,000 a year?

Oh, and Manny Fernandez wants out of Minnesota. Backstrom just signed a big money deal for the next two years, but Wild managment have stated that they plan to keep both. Do you really think they will keep both? And if not, who do you see going for Fernandez?

Edited by desiredtoe
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I'm asking because I simply do not know, but is Toronto Overpaying for Antropov?

Also how does anyone think the draft is going to go? I'm hoping Montreal maybe trades up their choice, but they've have to get #5 or 6 which I don't think would happen.

I'm real excited to see what Bob does in the off-season. There's some weight to get rid of, some players still to re-sign and some players that we need to sign... which I don't see happening. The ego of the average NHLer is far too weak to play in the most fickle market.

Edited by The Sultan of Swank
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I'm asking because I simply do not know, but is Toronto Overpaying for Antropov?

Also how does anyone think the draft is going to go? I'm hoping Montreal maybe trades up their choice, but they've have to get #5 or 6 which I don't think would happen.

I'm real excited to see what Bob does in the off-season. There's some weight to get rid of, some players still to re-sign and some players that we need to sign... which I don't see happening. The ego of the average NHLer is far too weak to play in the most fickle market.

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The signing for Sundin makes sense since he's getting less then market value BUT by doing so he allows the team more wiggle room. The problem is that if Toronto wants to hang on to the same core of stiffs they insist will some day be a good team they're just wasting that money anyway.

I think Giguere deserved the Conn Smythe. It's been a while since we've had a repeat offender win that trophy.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

http://www.thefourthperiod.com/freeagents.html for a complete list. Names that jump out at me:

JS Giguere





Anson Carter


Jiri Fischer






Yashin (finally)


Rory Fitzpatrick :shifty:

Also, an anecdote for y'all. When Colorado won their first Stanley Cup (1996), they were invited to the White House to meet President Clinton. This was of course during the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Before they were allowed into the White House, the Avs' bus was visited by Secret Service agents, who warned all the players to be on their best behaviour. After giving them a fair-length lecture, they said "And now, if you'll follow us through the back door..."

Mike Ricci, head full of hair as always, perked up - "Is that where Monica goes in every night?"

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Thanks, you are my hero.

I can dream of the Leafs or Blue Jackets picking up one of those players, but that is just dreams.

I'd like Peca to resign, as he spent a good part of the year injured. The Leaf's signing Briere or Drury would be funny, as their division rival is Buffalo. And other than that, I cannot think of anything else to say in my tired state.

You also missed Tkachuk, but I guess it's safe to assume he'll be going back to the Blues. Also Lindros and Nagy.

Can't wait for July 1st to see how things go down.

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I'll be happy if the Leafs pick up at least one of these players. But they'll probably go with Yashin and overpay him <_< As for the two goalies, both are better than Raycrost, even though Aebischer isn't the best, he's still better than Raycroft. I keep on asking myself Maybe Raycroft had a bad year, and maybe we should let him grow with the Leafs and improve? I think I could give him one more season to at least improve.

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JS Giguere - Either him or Bryzgalov will probably be gone. Knowing Brian Burke it could be either player, but he's been talking to Giguere since the day after Game Five, so I'd lean towards Burke staying.

Selanne - If he plays next season I imagine it would be in Anaheim.

Briere & Drury - To my surprise from what I'm hearing, is that Buffalo went to Drury first. That implies to me that either Drury is the priority or Drury was asked to take a paycut. Their talking to Briere now either means it's plan B time or that Drury is onboard with a paycut. That said, I'd expect one of three scenarios to come of this; either Drury is already signed and Brieres walks, Drury took the paycut and they keep them both, or they both walk. Briere must know by now if he was a second fiddle or not, and if he does don't expect him to agree to a deal, even one at market value. Personally, I STILL think that despite everything, they are going to keep both. Failing that I think there's a 50% chance it's Drury and theres a 50% chance they're both free agents.

Hamrlik - Not as big a draw as he used to be. Kind of past his prime.

Anson Carter - In line for a big paycut. Maybe a big haircut too.

Bertuzzi - Needs offseason back surgery, probably won't be signed when the season opens but will join a team before Christmas.

Jiri Fischer - Probably never going to play in the NHL again.

Aebischer - Montreal doesn't need him. Carey Price winning Calder Cup MVP honors means a Price/Halak platoon at backup, with PLAY HET as the starter. That said, who would want him?

Forsberg - Probably heads to Sweden, maybe retires. It's about that time and really, what's left to prove?

Kariya - Wouldn't be surprised to see him stay in Nashville, he was damaged goods coming out of Colorado and he's revitalized his career. If he gets on the open market though, any team with 3 or 4 million who needs a first or second line sniper will give him a call. Maybe Toronto, or Montreal, but Montreal seems to be too busy overpaying for average defensemen.

Gomez - I have a hard time seeing him outside New Jersey, but it could certainly happen.

Smyth - I wouldn't be surprised if the Islanders make a serious push to keep him now that Yashin is gone. Failing that of course popular rumor has him going to Edmonton... but I'd love to see him in Vancouver.

Yashin - I heard Ottawa needs some depth at center. :D

Peca - Probably another guy looking at a serious paycut. Wow, did he have a bad year last year.

Rory Fitzpatrick - Hey, what teams COULDN'T use an All-Star Defensemen on their team?

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JS Giguere - Either him or Bryzgalov will probably be gone. Knowing Brian Burke it could be either player, but he's been talking to Giguere since the day after Game Five, so I'd lean towards Burke staying.

Selanne - If he plays next season I imagine it would be in Anaheim.

Briere & Drury - To my surprise from what I'm hearing, is that Buffalo went to Drury first. That implies to me that either Drury is the priority or Drury was asked to take a paycut. Their talking to Briere now either means it's plan B time or that Drury is onboard with a paycut. That said, I'd expect one of three scenarios to come of this; either Drury is already signed and Brieres walks, Drury took the paycut and they keep them both, or they both walk. Briere must know by now if he was a second fiddle or not, and if he does don't expect him to agree to a deal, even one at market value. Personally, I STILL think that despite everything, they are going to keep both. Failing that I think there's a 50% chance it's Drury and theres a 50% chance they're both free agents.

Hamrlik - Not as big a draw as he used to be. Kind of past his prime.

Anson Carter - In line for a big paycut. Maybe a big haircut too.

Bertuzzi - Needs offseason back surgery, probably won't be signed when the season opens but will join a team before Christmas.

Jiri Fischer - Probably never going to play in the NHL again.

Aebischer - Montreal doesn't need him. Carey Price winning Calder Cup MVP honors means a Price/Halak platoon at backup, with PLAY HET as the starter. That said, who would want him?

Forsberg - Probably heads to Sweden, maybe retires. It's about that time and really, what's left to prove?

Kariya - Wouldn't be surprised to see him stay in Nashville, he was damaged goods coming out of Colorado and he's revitalized his career. If he gets on the open market though, any team with 3 or 4 million who needs a first or second line sniper will give him a call. Maybe Toronto, or Montreal, but Montreal seems to be too busy overpaying for average defensemen.

Gomez - I have a hard time seeing him outside New Jersey, but it could certainly happen.

Smyth - I wouldn't be surprised if the Islanders make a serious push to keep him now that Yashin is gone. Failing that of course popular rumor has him going to Edmonton... but I'd love to see him in Vancouver.

Yashin - I heard Ottawa needs some depth at center. :D

Peca - Probably another guy looking at a serious paycut. Wow, did he have a bad year last year.

Rory Fitzpatrick - Hey, what teams COULDN'T use an All-Star Defensemen on their team?

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From what I heard, Smyth's family isn't happy in New York and want to move to a nicer town. They were happy in Edmonton having grown up there and whatnot so it's entirely possible he'll go back.

Logically, one would think that after how he was let go he wouldn't want to go back, but family comes first. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if Smyth comes to the Oilers wanting more then he was asking before and the Oilers simply balk. If it wasn't clear how important Ryan Smyth was to that team then their record following his trade should clarify a few things.

Like I said, I think without Yashin the Islanders are going to put together a serious offer for Smyth. They gave up enough to get him so it only makes sense they try and resign him.

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I'm looking at the list of unrestricted free agents for Toronto, and other then Nik Antropov (who they already signed) and Bates Battaglia, I don't see the Leafs keeping any of them. Paul Maurice is a big fan of Battaglia, and he was a hard worker no matter the minutes he was given. Mats Sundin isn't on the list because of the option year on his contract, and Carlo Colaiacovo and Jay Harrison are both RFAs and I think both will be resigned by the team soon. The list of UFAs not including the two above is:

Travis Green

Tyson Nash

Jeff O'Neill

Michael Peca

Yanic Perreault

Aleksander Suglobov (VI)

Jean-Sebastien Aubin

With the salary cap going up and with these players leaving, I think the Leafs will have $5 or 6 million to work with this off-season, barring any moves - and the only big money players without no-trade clauses are Kubina and Gill. I don't think there will be a lot of interest in Gill (and I think he played a role with the team, especially when the team was down two on the penalty kill), and Kubina showed his strength and was just starting to turn it up offensively when the season ended. His huge contract would keep teams away. Gill and Kubina were both in the top five among Leaf players in plus/minus, with Gill leading the team with a +11.

The Canucks have a ton of free agents this year. Resigning Pyatt was a good move. I think Trevor Linden and Bryan Smolinski are guys that need to be kept among that group.

Stephen Weiss is an unrestricted free agent that no one listed as someone to get. He is still developing as a player, scored twenty goals in as a secondary guy for Florida, and would be a good pick up at the right price for anyone. And OMG Nathan Horton is a player that, if he leaves Florida, will be highly coveted and rightly so. Only 22 years old, he scored 31 last season and is going to be a top power forward for years to come. If Toronto decides to spend a lot of their money this off-season on one dude, I think that Horton would be the way to go.

I forgot that the Islanders have Jason Blake to resign as well as Smyth, Kozlov, Poti, and Trent Hunter (RFA).

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I'd like to see Calgary hold on to Brad Ference, Jeff Friesen, Roman Hamrlik, Wayne Primeau and Brad Stuart.

The rest of the guys they have as UFA's aren't super important to the team, especially McLennan, who despite showing great team spirit in doing his job against Detroit in the Playoffs, isn't really what Calgary needs in goal behind Kiprusoff.

In fact, the man that Calgary SHOULD have behind Kipper is on their Restricted Free Agents list, and his name is Brent Krahn. He's spent years in Calgary, having played with the Hitmen in the Western Hockey League, and I think he's ready to step up and take on the role of backup to Kiprusoff.

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I'd like to see Calgary hold on to Brad Ference, Jeff Friesen, Roman Hamrlik, Wayne Primeau and Brad Stuart.

The rest of the guys they have as UFA's aren't super important to the team, especially McLennan, who despite showing great team spirit in doing his job against Detroit in the Playoffs, isn't really what Calgary needs in goal behind Kiprusoff.

In fact, the man that Calgary SHOULD have behind Kipper is on their Restricted Free Agents list, and his name is Brent Krahn. He's spent years in Calgary, having played with the Hitmen in the Western Hockey League, and I think he's ready to step up and take on the role of backup to Kiprusoff.

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I'd like to see Calgary hold on to Brad Ference, Jeff Friesen, Roman Hamrlik, Wayne Primeau and Brad Stuart.

The rest of the guys they have as UFA's aren't super important to the team, especially McLennan, who despite showing great team spirit in doing his job against Detroit in the Playoffs, isn't really what Calgary needs in goal behind Kiprusoff.

In fact, the man that Calgary SHOULD have behind Kipper is on their Restricted Free Agents list, and his name is Brent Krahn. He's spent years in Calgary, having played with the Hitmen in the Western Hockey League, and I think he's ready to step up and take on the role of backup to Kiprusoff.

Really, with Kipper is net, it is just like in New Jersey. The back-up only matter for the last game of the regular season.

I agree with you though, the guys you named as keepers should be kept by the team. I don't think Stuart wants to stay though, I remember hearing he wants to head back to California after finishing with the Flames.

Edited by CZWGabe
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