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Official 2006 College Football Season Thread.


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Alabama sickens me. Luckily, though, I sold my student ticket for $20 yesterday. (Y)

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UM didn't look good late today, neither did OSU. I don't wanna say either weren't trying, but they probably were looking ahead. OSU's Offesnive Line didn't protect that well tonight and UM seemed to be very sluggish and getting others involved that haven't been this season as much (Minor).

Both win however.

Arkansas better be careful tonight. LSU d. UT was a good game.

About Boise St...

Wanna see them get a fair deal? They played a bowl game @ Home last year and lost.

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First conference win for Northwestern this season, 3-7 now, nothing special - a real step backwards but I'm pretty chuffed with the win, we took a heavy loss to Michigan State, and then gave Michigan a close match the next week so we done well to do win.

But Iowa really haven't lived up to expectations either this season, weren't they supposed to be challenging for Bowl Games?

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1. OSU - .98

2. Michigan -.97

3. Louisville - .89

4. Florida - .8

5. Texas - .8

Louisville straches closer with the quality win, and comes close to breaking the .9 barrier.

And for those Boise State lovers, if they get to #12 and are undefeated... they get an automatic BCS Bid I believe...

Edited by ACCBiggz
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I don't think Boise will lose in the regular season, and I would like to see them in a BCS game. They aren't a push over win by any strech, I don't care who they played. People talk about their home loss last year, but they almost won that game and had a couple of injuries. They were also in a 'reload' seasons. Besides, who wouldn't enjoy seeing Notre Dame getting beaten by a small time program (Other than Notre Dame fans :shifty:)

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I just like to see upsets/new teams winning stuff. I could really care less if it was Boise, TCU, Utah or any other Non-BCS program. It would make for interesting TV to see an upset of a "traditional" power by a "Mid-Major" program. I mean yes, they could get blown out, but much bigger upsets could occur than Boise State beating a school like Georgia Tech or Cal. I like the underdog, so I am pulling for them to make it. I don't understand why some people are so opposed to smaller programs making it to the big games, it's a breath of fresh air compared to seeing USC/Texas/Ohio State/Miami/Notre Dame every year.

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I hate this debate because I straddel the fence horribly, and the pickets dig into my balls ...

There are mid-major teams that I feel could have done just fine in a BCS bowl. I'd have loved to see the 11-1 TCU team get a shot at a BCS bowl. I honestly feel THAT team was legit.

And there in lies the problem. There have been a few of those 'mid-major' teams that were on par, but the majority are not. The undefeated Marshall and Tulane teams would have been smoked.

Then there's the whole schedule argument which, as valid as it is, isn't really fair either. Sure, teams in stronger conferences have a 'tougher' schedule, however that strength is relative. Who's to say that OSU's schedule is harder for them than Boise St's schedule is for them ? Strength is relative, and I for one can't punish a team that does what it's supposed to do. At the beginning of the season EVERY team has 10-14 games on their schedule. When a team beats every single one of them, I can't justify someone saying that they aren't good enough for at least a shot at something huge at the end of the season. I mean, if it were that easy then we'd have quite a few undefeated teams each year. But we don't, because it isn't.

All in all, I feel that the mid-majors do get boned a bit, but at the same time don't feel that the majority of their top teams could hang if given the chance.

That's why I'm in favor of a playoff. Settle it on the field.

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Yeah, so is anyone else actually looking forward to tonight's game between UL and Rut ?

I can honestly say that this season, this is my 'most looked forward too' game so far. Aside from opening weekend's FSU/Miami game (which has since proved to be nothing outside of those of us that love one of those schools) this game actually has me 'not being able to wait for it.'

As much as I don't care which team wins because I happen to enjoy watching them both ... I find myself wanting to pull for Rutgers ...

Thoughts ?

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Rutgers downs Louisville 28-25 in what was one of the best games that I've ever watched. Rutgers could potentially go into Morgantown at 11-0 and in the top 7. As big a Rutgers fan as I am, hell will freeze over if RU runs the table, and the makers of the BCS will eventually roll over in their graves :P


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