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Favorite TV Relationships

Guest Ringmaster

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Guest This is classic Ringy

Yes. We always talk about favourite characters, shows and all that, but never about our favourite on-screen relationships. So what is everyone's favorites? There's lots of obvious ones, but the most awesome for me has got to be Winnie and Kevin from The Wonder Years. I never was an enormous fan of that show, but that relationship was awesome purely on the basis that it's pretty much works as the standard childhood relationship because they never wound up together. It was realistic :shifty: and just works on so many levels.

Other honourable mentions go out to:

- Angel/Cordelia from Angel. Angel/Buffy was good, but Angel and Cordelia just belonged together, damnit :(

- Wesley/Fred from Angel. Same as Angel and Cordelia. Two people that just fit in together really well.

- Veronica/Logan from Veronica Mars. Fuck Duncan up his fucking ass. Those two work really well despite being worlds apart and it makes them awesome.

- Corey/Topanga from Boy Meets World. Everyone loves Corey and Topanga. If you don't, you suck.

- Mulder/Scully from the X-Files. Not really a logical explanation, but I think that over all the years, seeing them evolve together really made me want them to get together :shifty:

I'm sure there's loads others.

Discuss <_<.

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I could throw out literally dozens of anime relationships, but it would take too long and no one would understand what I was talking about anyway.

But just to provide one: Sousuke and Kaname from 'Full Metal Panic'. They just keep teasing us and teasing us and when will they make the fourth series damn it? :(

Plus, needless to say, if Harima and Eri don't get together by the end of 'School Rumble' then heads will have to roll. Fuck Tenma. And fuck Yakamo too, even though I kind of feel sorry for her.

Edited by stokeriño
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Kurt and Brian - Teachers (Not gay...but still, best relationship in nearly any program together. They're just characters that work so well together...plus there was the episode when Brian "Divorced" Kurt)

Erm...erm...I don't really watch much 'coupley' TV. I just seem to stick to comedy....erm...erm...I always liked Steve McDonald and that one (Karen or something) on Corrination Street, purely for the fact that Steve McDonald may be the greatest character in any program ever...he's pretty much the only person in a soap who can act.

Edited by Mr. Kurt McKenna
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If we're going to go into non-coupley relationships, then the hatred, going into competitiveness, going into inseperable friendship between Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir on Star Trek DS9 was greatness. I mean, a working class Irish engineer and a middle class English doctor - it writes itself.

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Kurt and Brian - Teachers (Not gay...but still, best relationship in nearly any program together. They're just characters that work so well together...plus there was the episode when Brian "Divorced" Kurt)

Erm...erm...I don't really watch much 'coupley' TV. I just seem to stick to comedy....erm...erm...I always liked Steve McDonald and that one (Karen or something) on Corrination Street, purely for the fact that Steve McDonald may be the greatest character in any program ever...he's pretty much the only person in a soap who can act.

OH YES! Kurt and Brian for the win! Especially when they got the letter for "Kurt and Briony"

Definitely the best.

As well as Mark and Jeremy in Peep Show...Genius.

Rene and Edith/Yvonne/Maria in 'Allo 'Allo! (Y)

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Sticking with the DS9 love then I have to cast a vote for the relationship between Odo and Quark. The dynamic between those two just worked so well.

I'd also like to throw out Sam and Al from Quantum Leap as an excellent relationship.

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Lister and Rimmer.

God, they hate eachother so much, both annoys the other no end, but they can't function without eachother. And they love to wind eachother up which makes for fun viewing. One of my favourite Rimmer/Lister moments is when Lister is trying to console Rimmer after he gets a letter saying his Dad is dead.

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I find moments like that more touching because its more realistic. Real people make you laugh as well as have these touching moments. Which is why I can sympathise with comedy characters more than drama/serious ones.

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The epitomy of the Lister/Rimmer relationship is the series 7 episode 'Blue', after Rimmer's gone and Lister starts to miss him. Not least because it gives us an alternative reconstruction of the relationship as taken from Rimmer's diary, which is absolutely hilarious (and the subsequent munchkin song of course).

Could have done without them kissing each other though. :shifty:

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The epitomy of the Lister/Rimmer relationship is the series 7 episode 'Blue', after Rimmer's gone and Lister starts to miss him. Not least because it gives us an alternative reconstruction of the relationship as taken from Rimmer's diary, which is absolutely hilarious (and the subsequent munchkin song of course).

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If we're going to go into non-coupley relationships, then the hatred, going into competitiveness, going into inseperable friendship between Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir on Star Trek DS9 was greatness. I mean, a working class Irish engineer and a middle class English doctor - it writes itself.
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If we're going to go into non-coupley relationships, then the hatred, going into competitiveness, going into inseperable friendship between Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir on Star Trek DS9 was greatness. I mean, a working class Irish engineer and a middle class English doctor - it writes itself.

Bashir was Indian, you numpty. Universal Translators FTW.

Though born in the Sudan, Alexander Siddig spent most of his life in England. And as for Bashir himself - well, he's got a love for James Bond, the Battle of Britain, and sings "Jerusalem" when drunk. I mean, come on.

Edited by stokeriño
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