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Favorite TV Relationships

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Mmmmm Karl and Susan :wub:


Also, excellence for the Red Dwarf loving. It's funny that, in the book especially, we never know quite why Rimmer was chosen to come back as a hologram as Holly "lies" that he brought him back as the one most likely to keep Lister sane, but if you look at those Lister surrounded himself with (Petersen, Chen, Selby) those bunch of drunks wouldn't keep him sane (Lister has a little more 'balance' than the other three) and Kochanski had left him previously after their short relationship (to go back to Tom, or Tim, or Tony, or Terry...)

So while Rimmer winds Lister up massively, it's what keeps him sane (3 million years from Earth and the last human being - that needs SOMETHING to keep you sane) and being able to act all fatherly and disgusted towards Lister keeps Rimmer sane! It's the perfect balance.

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Though the book says Holly lied, isn't it that he lied about being catagorically certain that Rimmer was the best candidate rather than the reason for picking him? And that his reasoning was actually more along the lines of that Rimmer was simply the one Lister exchanged the most words with.

I'll have to double check what he actually says when I get home.

Edited by stokeriño
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Niles and Daphne in Frasiers, one of the best written TV romances in recent memory.

That's the first that comes to mind, I'm sure I'll think of some more very soon.

I'll agree up till when they got together. It may just be the fact the later years of Frasier were really running low, or the fact the thrill of the chase is always better than the post-climax, but it was great fun. Throwing some more from Frasier, I'll say Niles and Marrice, as although you never even saw her, you didn't need to. Niles' sexual fixation and frustration is one of my favourite ever long-running gags. It's just David Hyde Pearce - the man does things to me.

Evelyn and Charlie in Two And A Half Men is brilliantly fun. It's just so true to life, but still really over the top, and is probably the best Mother-Son relationships on TV. But I'd say any of the 'constant' pairings in Two And A Half Men are great - Judith and Alan is always fun to watch in a cringe-worthy way, as is Alan and Rose, as although they don't really have any time on-screen together; when they do it's awkwardly amusing.

Buster and Lucille (hell, both Lucille's) in Arrested Development is brilliant. It's awkward, over the top and just like real life in similar fashion to Evelyn and Charlie, but it's completely worlds apart. I maintain the best part of the whole of that show is when Buster insults Lucille (Mother Lucille) in Episode 2 to his siblings, it's amazing. Still on Arrested Development; George Michael & Maebe are great fun to watch, if only because of George Michael's horrendous womanising skills!

Nate and Brenda in Six Feet Under is a great union relationship, especially in the first series, as they just seem to click so well, especially when Brenda's brother (whose name completely escapes me right now) is involved. Great chemistry from two great actors.

I'll stick with them right now.

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If we're not restricting it to purely love/marriage type relationships, then just about every combination of continuous characters in Firefly.

Mal/Inara have their "I know you love me, and I love you, but it's a whole lot simpler if we pretend we don't" thing.

Zoe/Wash have their "We're the most incompatible couple in the entire world, but that makes us perfect for each other" thing.

Kaylee and Simon is probably the most 'generic' relationship, "Working class girl falls in love with upper class (formerly-) rich man", but even that has it's twists.

Simon and River is also pretty generic, but given the situation I think we can forgive that :P

Jayne/Book has some hilarious moments (for me, that was more interesting than Book/Inara, which never really went anywhere).

Mal/Jayne was interesting, because it was far more than "Crewman hates Captain and tries to mutiny at every opportunity", because he doesn't really hate Mal. I think he's probably just jealous and greedy (well, we know he's greedy, but still...).

Kaylee and Mal also have some special thing going on. Not quite love, but I think Kaylee would be second only to Zoe if Mal was in a "desert island discs" type situation.

It's just so awesome from every angle. I know it's easier to build relationships when the scope is as narrow as it is in Firefly (compared to, say, a soap opera), but that doesn't explain why it beats the shit out of any series of Star Trek. Buffy and Angel don't have huge scopes either (admittedly I've never watched Angel) and Firefly blows Buffy away in terms of character development.

In fact, thinking about it, I think there are only two relationships in Firefly that are never really explored in any way, and we don't have any idea how the characters feel about each other: Zoe/Book and Zoe/River. Zoe never really has much meaningful interaction with anyone other than Mal and Wash come to think of it.

As for non-Firefly relationships:

Pete-Berg-Sharon-Johnny in Two Guys And A Girl, mostly because it was pretty much exactly the relationship as between me and my best friends in real life (with the exception of me sleeping with my best friends mum, and making out with another friends girlfriend). We even have our own Ashley, and sort of an Irene ¬_¬

Edited by TheReilDeal
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There's the Buffy/Angel ones, which people seem to be forgetting about Doyle/Cordelia from the first season. Another one that I loved from Angel was Wesley and Lilah. Such chemistry in the scenes with them in season 4.

Then there's house, which I believe Cuddy and House are going to end up together. Just the way they're writing it. Anyone with Dr. House is just great because he plays off them so well.

That's all I got for now.

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Zoe gets like one scene with River and Book, when River's terrified of Book's hair and Zoe has to try and coax her out of the cargo hold. That's basically it. She's awesome though, she barely needs to interact with anybody on a 'deep' level, 'cos she's such a badass. Her interaction with Jayne is wicked.

Jayne and Book is really good, I forgot about them, and I hate that they not only finished the series without exploring it, but never gave them any interaction in the movie, and killed Book without answering any of Jayne's questions about who and what Book used to be before becoming a preacher.

Jayne is damn awesome, one of the best fall guys on TV in recent memory. The scene at the end of the teaser in The Message, where Mal's dead army buddy has been mailed to them in a cryptic and weird fashion, is priceless, as they all look in, looking very upset, and Jayne just looks confused.

"What'd y'all order a dead guy for?"

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Jayne is without doubt one of the greatest characters in any story ever told :P He has so many hilarious one liners and interactions. Every episode has a "Jayne scene", whether it be eating apples off combat knives, making crude and hilariously innappropriate comments, whatever. It's just awesome.

And then there's the wooly hat. Don't get me started on the hat.

A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything.

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It's been said, buy Corey and Tapanga relationship is one of my favorites. More of my favorites are:

-Gohan and Videl (Dragn Ball Z, anime)

-Rurouni and Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin, manga)

-for cheesy relationships, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon, anime)

-Shuya and Noriko (Battle Royale, manga)

-Dawson, Joey, and Pacey (Dawson's Creek)

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Some more Jayne-age, 'cos I watched the whole series/movie with my mum last week to get her into it, so I'm all wistful/full of quotes.

"It's a code word, to send River to sleep. When I speak the words Etu Korum Na..."


"...It only works on her, Jayne."

"Well now I know that."

"They don't, y'know, cut it off or nothin'?"

"No. I simply... I direct my energies elsewhere."

"Like, masturbating?"

"I feel so stupid, so helpless."

"Yeah, all them years of priest training, and you get taken out by one bounty hunter."


Our love for him now ain't hard to explain, the hero of Canton, THE MAN THEY CALL JAAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE!

Edited by Sephiroth Clone
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Some more Jayne-age, 'cos I watched the whole series/movie with my mum last week to get her into it, so I'm all wistful/full of quotes.

"It's a code word, to send River to sleep. When I speak the words Etu Korum Na..."


"...It only works on her, Jayne."

"Well now I know that."

"They don't, y'know, cut it off or nothin'?"

"No. I simply... I direct my energies elsewhere."

"Like, masturbating?"

"I feel so stupid, so helpless."

"Yeah, all them years of priest training, and you get taken out by one bounty hunter."


Our love for him now ain't hard to explain, the hero of Canton, THE MAN THEY CALL JAAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE!

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Jayne Cobb: Ain't logical. Cuttin' on his own face, rapin' and murdering - Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid. But these Reavers... last ten years they show up like the bogeyman from stories. Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"

Mal: "I'm standing right here."

Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."

Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."

Jayne: (mock reading Simon's journal) "Dear Diary...today I was pompous and my sister was crazy." (flips page) "Today, we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."

Mal: "But she does have an oddness to her. And I ain't just talking about her proficiency with firearms. Girl knows things. Things she shouldn't. Things she couldn't."

Jayne: "Wha-...are you-are you sayin' she's a witch?"

Wash: (sarcastically) "Yes, Jayne. She's a witch. She has had congress with the beast."

Jayne: "She's in Congress?"

Wash: (amazed) "How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious."

and how could anyone forget this one...

Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command."

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Karl and Susan Kennedy!!!

Not in a loving way, but Odo and Quark from DS9.

And Mal and Inara!

EDIT - Just laughed until I was red in the face and crying with laughter at the Jane quotes. This doesn't involve Jane, but;

Mal: Well who was I supposed to shoot? You? The girl? Jane? (pause) Well, Jane.....

Edited by timmayy rave
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I'm glad to come in here and see that JD and Elliot's relationship on Scrubs hasn't been mentioned a lot. It's terrible. I hope they don't try to magically tie them together for the final episode, that would be uber-awful.

The Michael Vartan/Jennifer Garner relationship in the first season of Alias was good. It was crush-like and good for the show without really taking anything away from it. After season one though, that's a different story.

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Mal: "Now, we need to know how much you told the feds about us. So, I've given Jayne here the job of finding out."

Jayne: *brandishes knife* "He was non-specific as to how."

Mal: (whispers) "Now, you only gotta scare him."

Jayne: "Pain is scary."

And to get some non-Jayne quotes in...

Mal, after spending ages telling Kaylee off for slacking in Inara's room when there's work to be done...

"Do you have time to do my hair?"


Mal: "Hey, I actually thought I was defending your honour, and I never back down from a fight!"

Inara: "Yes you do! You do all the time!"

River: "You're afraid. Afraid we'll die gasping."

Book: "...Yes."

River: "We won't. ... We'll freeze to death first."

*Mal gets off the comm with feds, who have been continually shooting at the ship for a while before even speaking to them*

Wash: "Police procedure has changed since I was little."

Operative: "I'm not here to fight. I'm not threatening you, I'm unarmed..."

Mal: "Good" *shoots him, goes to leave. Operative gets up and tackles him*

Operative: "I am of course wearing full body armour. I am not a moron!"


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