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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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So that was a good episode of Lost. I liked Sayid being the focal point of the episode for once. And I knew Locke would beat the chess game and him not figuring out something bad would happen if you type in 77 was clearly stupid. I mean, seriously, how can he not expect to see something happen? He is so obsessed with the numbers for anything that he was willing to beat the game a second time just to type in 77. Dumbass. I'd like to see a flashback episode on the patch guy, too.

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So that was a good episode of Lost. I liked Sayid being the focal point of the episode for once. And I knew Locke would beat the chess game and him not figuring out something bad would happen if you type in 77 was clearly stupid. I mean, seriously, how can he not expect to see something happen? He is so obsessed with the numbers for anything that he was willing to beat the game a second time just to type in 77. Dumbass. I'd like to see a flashback episode on the patch guy, too.
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Oh good god, maybe I should stop and admit I have a slight LOST problem. Look at the spoiler bits (some bits are actually spoilers)

Something I just posted as a bulletin on MySpace

Look over here guys. It's the security system.


And let's shove this guy through.

Ummm...what? Why?

Because I'm Locke, and this guy just told you all I used to be paralysed.

Hmmm...paralysed you say? Okay, shove him through and kill him, and then we'll have a chat.


Mikhail's dead -

So, Locke, about your paral-


You shot me, Danielle, why?

Because, I am one of the Jacobites, the people who you have been calling Others, and my husband is Jacob's last surviving prophet, Robert.

What about me?

No-one cares about you Kate, go away.


So, now what, now that we are your prisoners?

I do not know, J has run out of story for now, and had no idea where this was going anyways.



Edited by Exposé
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So that episode of Lost was truly not worth watching. I mean, who didn't see Jack's dad being Claire's father? So we basically got nothing out of that since we all knew it. The only thing I liked was seeing Jack playing football with Tom and having a good time. It seemed odd that in the span of a couple of days he would be friends. Unless he was drugged? Who knows. And that eye patch guy dying was good as I didn't like him.

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Did anyone else realize that Paulo and Xerxes from 300 are the same person, Rodrigo Santos. I couldn't believe that when I found out.

Anyways, about the show. I actually enjoyed this episode. The flashback wasn't all that great because yes, we all knew that Claire and Jack are half brother and sister, but the island story was very interesting. This next episode will have something extremely important uncovered about Locke (and not just why he was paralyzed) I think, so I'm hyped about that. The very last scene with Jack playing football was awesome, very well done.

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I kinda enjoyed this week's show, aside from the flashbacks. While Claire was hot, the flashbacks were boring as fuck. The rest was okay though. And I am sure the previews for next week also make it look better than it will be. All in all, I am tiring of Lost big time though. SOMETHING HAPPEN! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING INTERESTING!

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Well according to PanGlobal (media company over here who get press releases etc from networks) Lost is planned for 6 seasons.

I believe it's five seasons with an option for a sixth season if the creators feel the need. And with all the additional characters that weren't originally planned I'd say they might just make that extra season.

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I like Locke's flashbacks as Locke is a great character, but seriously, he survived an eight story high fall?! What the hell? Make it more believable than that. That's just ridiculous. Other than that, I liked the stuff with Locke and Ben and how Locke wanted to find this submarine and Ben used Locke to blow the thing up so Jack and Juliette couldn't go away like he promised them. Having Locke's father held captive was really interesting, and I was surprised they gave that away. Normally when they have these type of reveals, they will never show it until the next episode, but this time they gave it to us. This should be interesting to find out how he got there now.

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Lost was awesome this week. The complete opposite of last week's clunker. Locke was the best he's been since "Walkabout"; him and Ben playing off each other was just great. Locke/Ben is better than Jack/Locke, and I hope they allow for more of that. Wasn't thrilled that they went right back to teasing Jack/Kate, but otherwise it was all gravy. If it'd had another "Don't tell me what I can't do!" moment it would have been "Walkabout" good, but as is it's the best episode of season 3 so far and really reassuring after last week. Now all they have to do is get back to one big group instead of going away for a couple weeks and having us wait to find out what happens to Locke with his dad.

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