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Lost Season Three Discussion Thread


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I don't understand why we needed this episode, these two came out of nowhere and have now gone nowhere. Hooplah. Although I too liked the twist on the end of the show.

And as for Sun, Charlie and Sawyer, whose the daddy? Or was it not her that was pregnant.

Of course, I love the way we get to see things that happened before to other characters and why they were where they were.

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It was quite a surreal experience; first I spoke to Annabel who I'm guessing produces the show (she was the one who asked me if I wanted to be on the Lost line), who said that she'd put me on hold. Then there was a two minute interval where Annabel was asking someone how to put me on hold, so I could hear everything Iain, Paul and Tom were saying, which included something about "benevolent Sawyer" not being good and Hurley being the leader of the Others (that caused Annabel and everyone else to laugh, if I remember).

Then they introduced me, and let's just say I made an auspicious start where I may have accidently messed up my facts. Anyway, I finished my theory after what seemed an age...and thankfully, Iain didn't say it was stupid. Instead, it was "complicated, but there's a nugget there". Iain then wrapped it up after Annabel told them that the second email wouldn't be on it because they were running overtime. He finished it with his "Namaste.", and then it ended, and just before I got cut off I heard Tom say "you always do that..."

Edited by Katsuya
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Episode 15:

The monster appears in its black smoke form, chasing Kate and Juliet, before dispanding against the sonic barrier, turning around, and fleeing.

Juliet & Kate: *NO SELL*

That annoyed me. A lot.

Edited by Chris2K
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I guess it depends on what the monster turns out to be. If it's an animal sort of creature it's understandable that it might be cautious about attempting to bypass the fence. That being said Juliet mentioned that all they know about the monster is that it doesn't like their fences, which suggests it's come into contact with it atleast once before...so why it did it again, who knows?

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Listening to the podcast now...Chris. Will edit with my thoughts on your thoughts, once I hear 'em.


For the rest of you to listen.

EDIT: Hmmm...not bad. Loved that they have put the Monster sound at the end of the podcast. Hope they keep that.

Edited by Geeky J
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I tend to think this episode was much more about revealing answers to some of the island questions than it was about swerves. And in that regard, it was great. That's part of the benefit of having a show that's spent 3 years asking questions; eventually you get to give all sorts of answers.

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