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Final Fantasy XII

Riceman 4K

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Anyone know why the auto-leveling won't work for me anymore?

I went in and had my party do it for 10 levels or so, and then I went and saved the game and turned it off. I came back, planning to do it with the other three, but I cleared all the monsters in the area....but the creature (can't think of it's name) never appeared.

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It's weird, I kill all the monsters and when I return to the area, there is only one left standing. But I think leaving and coming back would work, I was planning on going for a hunt...but ended up finding that Esper and dying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also finding myself to be over-leveled for pretty much everything that has happened after Archades. Right now I'm just doing sidequests and whatnot, since I feel as though I'm practically at the end of the game.

Reddas just died :thumbsdown: , and I'm about to board Bahamut.

Edited by Venom
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I'm having trouble getting the weather right for Fafnir :(

Also, was Shadowseer the one in the Gate of Fire or whatever back in that Gelgavhdehgejrtghregehjr place? If so I laughed at that fight.

Shadowseer's the one you fight in the Subterra level of the Pharos at Ridorana.

For Fafnir, this is what you do - you talk to Relj in Mount Bur-Omisace, which triggers a blizzard. Then you go into the Paramina Rift, and you go around it anti-clockwise, without going into the region where you fight/fought the Trickster. You basically take the long route that you'd never normally take, and go to the region of Silverflow's End that doesn't have the exit to the Stillshrine of Miriam.

I've now polished off Ixion, Behemoth King, and basically every hunt I can think of, but according to some bastard in Clan Centurio, I have to kill "some really tough monsters that ain't even marks" before I can defeat the Hellwyrm. Fuck.

PS: Level 55, Venom? Bah. Try 78, biznitch.

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Thanks for that SC! I will have to do that....so I can kill it and become cool and such.

Almost everyone in my party is level 60, and my main party is usually Ashe (Masamune), Fran (Holy Spear or a bow) and Basch (Save The Queen).

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I've currently got Vaan swinging the Ragnorak, which is hella useful because it does Immobilise on hit, and my main party also consists of a Fomalhaut-toting Balthier, and Fran who is using whichever bow is best at the moment.

Meanwhile, the B-team of Basch, Ashe and Penelo is roughly level 72-73 right now, featuring Basch with a Golden Axe, Ashe with the Deathbringer sword, and Penelo using either the Masamune or the Save the Queen depending on my mood. Although the Masamune tends to get tossed around in very long battles when somebody has very few MP, as in conjunction with the Genji Gloves and the 'recharge MP by doing damage' augment it's one of the best combinations around.

A note for Fafnir, Ruki - its 1,400,000 HP may fuck you over, just because it takes a long time to bite the dust and you'll run out of MP almost surely. The white breath attack it does is also major rapeage, unless you can make yourself immune to Stop (Ribbon FTW). Also, Renew is your friend.

Does anybody know where I can get the black magic spell Ardour? It's the only spell I haven't got yet... grr.

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I know the bunny things in the Silkawood drop Stardust and a ninja sword/katana....both can be sold for a decent price.

Or you can find the creatures that you steal and make them drop "Suculent Fruit", not that rare, and worth about 800 gil.

Oh, and those Curiela(sp) things in the jungle, steal/kill them...their pelts are worth a pretty penny.

And why do you need so much gil?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I too have beaten the game in the last little while. Last boss was hard, but after doing everything else to get 100% completion, not exactly impossible either. The ending was okay, not as good as some of the previous games IMO though. Bit of an anti-climax, what with leaving things open for Revenant Wings and not having Balthier show up again which is how FF usually deals with the character who 'sacrifices' themselves in the final bit, usually the leading man. Bit disappointing, probably a better ending in pure narrative terms but not very Final Fantasy either.

I've started playing Suikoden V since finishing FFXII, if you want a great RPG with tons of replay value, cool characters and the ability to fight not only one-on-one duels but also pitched war battles - it's the game to get. Awesome.

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