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The Borat Movie

Guest h.franklin

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"She had a vagina like a wizards sleeve"

"Oh Jesus...."

If they were real I can't believe some people answered some of the things Borat said, like the guy in the gun store who answered a question about killing jews, the car-lot guy who answered the question about running over jews, and the annoying Frat guys.

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"She had a vagina like a wizards sleeve"

"Oh Jesus...."

If they were real I can't believe some people answered some of the things Borat said, like the guy in the gun store who answered a question about killing jews, the car-lot guy who answered the question about running over jews, and the annoying Frat guys.

Oh, that car lot guy was clearly just absorbing all of Borat's bullshit in order to make a sale.

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The Reno 911 trailer was awesome. I fucking yelled once I saw Dangle and so did, like, five other people.

Also, on an unrelated note, my friend said to me "I wonder if they'll say anything about 9/11" and I didn't think it was possible. Then... it did come up... and it was fuckin' hysterical. Does that make me a bad person?

Edited by The Z-Man
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Saw this saturday night and never stopped laughing. I think if i was black or a Jew or any other race/religion that was offended in the film I still would have found it funny because it does offend everyone not just one group. Although im a white, working class Essex/Londoner that could not give two shits about PC so it was hillarious to me.

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Saw this saturday night and never stopped laughing. I think if i was black or a Jew or any other race/religion that was offended in the film I still would have found it funny because it does offend everyone not just one group. Although im a white, working class Essex/Londoner that could not give two shits about PC so it was hillarious to me.
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Saw it last night, it was honest to god, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. The whole theater was laughing from the very start to the end. Borat and Azamad (I think that was his name) wrestling naked was the funniest, and most disturbing thing I've seen in my entire life. The shot of the guy still in the elevator was amazing. The 'Running of the Jew' was awesome, along with the whole, "The Jews have shapeshifted again! Give them more money!" I think one of my favorite parts though was the children running after their ice cream truck and the bear scaring them all away. "Everyone knows that iPod minis are for little girls!"

As for the things being staged, I'd imagine only a handful of them were, obviously the Pamela Anderson part. But most of it seemed like it was probably very real.

Edit: Also, I have no idea how I forgot about Borat talking like a gangster in the hotel with the baggy pants.

Edited by crazedfan
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What was everybodies favorite parts of the movie? It sounds gay, but the naked fight was probably the best part. I have never laughed that hard in any movie. It had so many good parts, the only time that I could actually breathe was when Borat was left alone in his truck with only his chicken, but it was still funny.

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According to a buddy of mine, Borat wont be showing in Saskatchewan, where I just happen to live. I haven't been able to find a showing on it (though, I haven't tried too hard...) as of yet, so I'll take his word.

Shitty deal...

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I loved near the end where he said "Pamela! I no find you attractive anymore!... NOT!"

The 9/11 part was great too "We decided to not take airplane should the Jews repeat their attack of 9/11."

The other parts I liked were the rodeo scene and the naked fight scene because the atmosphere in the theater for that scene was what made it that much more hilarious.

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How about this for numbers ...

Domestic Total as of Nov. 9, 2006: $38,841,865

Worldwide: $59,710,409

Sure doesn't seem all that spectacular. Pretty damn good for most movies, but insane when you consider it only opened in 837 American theatres.

I think this is one of the most impressive:




3rd Ahead of all Harry Potter releases, X-Men movies, and all Star Wars after 82. Out of the top 25 listed only Farenheit 9/11 opened in less than 1,000 theatres nation-wide. I'm sure no one had any idea Borat would sell this well.

But anyway, I thought the movie was amazing. Probably one of the funniest I have ever seen and surely the "ballsiest". I would reccomend it to anyone.

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