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EWB's Top 50 Televison Shows


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Scrubs is my favourite American sitcom, but not my favourite sitcom. Fawlty Towers, Mighty Boosh, Blackadder, the better version of The Office (UK version ofcourse, the US ruined the show), Red Dwarf, Alan Partridge, and Father Ted (which was not on the list for some strange reason) i would rank so much higher.

And i am a loyal viewer of Lost, but i can see why people don't like it, it is complicated and it requires a little active thinking, a lot of people just don't want to do that when watching TV. It is amazing though that people complain about the dumbing down of TV then complain about Lost.

24 sucks. It is way too unrealistic. Spooks is a much better show in my opinion.

Doctor Who should have been number one, in my honest opinion there is no better show.

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As a reference, I've seen quite a lot of the Japanese Naruto and FMA and a smattering of Bebop, but wasn't even close to considering them for this list. I reckon that the fraction of people on these boards that have come across enough anime to think about putting them on a list of 'Best TV Shows' will be relatively small.

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I'm of the opinion that Champloo is the better series than Bebop, but taking any one episode as of its own then the large majority of Bebop's are absolute genius.

I like Champloo but I can name more episodes of Champloo that I didn't care for than I can with episodes of Bebop.

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No. Zatoichi is about a wandering blind samurai. Kenshin just has a facial scar. Kenshin uses a reverse blade katana, also.

I'd hate to see a best anime list compiled on this board, because it would likely have Dragonball Z and possibly GT high on it, and any true list of best anime would only have the first series in the top 10 on it. There are a lot of anime series better than DBZ, although DBZ is one of the most popular series. GT doesn't even rate at all, in my opinion.

Edited by GhostMachine
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Agreed in terms of the DB series. Luckily this has stemmed off a "television shows" thread and so anime films can be ignored. Else we would just see entirely unimaginative lists dominated by the likes of Akira, Ghibli/Miyazaki, and Ghost In The Shell. I see those sort of lists in the media all the time, and I really just want to give them a slow clap, ala "well done, you've read a few mainstream blurbs on anime and produced a list identical to that of everyone else who has seen perhaps three pieces of anime ever. Bravo."

We didn't get down to producing a proper list in discussion last night, but the sort of names thrown out as contenders included:

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Cowboy Bebop

Azumanga Daioh

The Full Metal Panic! franchise (including Fumoffu and The Second Raid)

Fullmetal Alchemist



Furi Kuri

I've forgotten at least 2 here, dammit.

And so on.

There are a lot of great series that I absolutely LOVE that I discarded immediately for various reasons.

For example, Mai-HiME - of which the final 10 episodes are astounding, the first 16 are not quite so amazing.

Elfen Lied was thrown out after a direct comparison with Saikano (on the common basis of Fucked Up Awesomeness) came with the conclusion that the latter was the better of the two. Similarly with Champloo vs. Bebop.

Azumanga Daioh makes the list for knowing what it's doing (light hearted comedy) and doing it to perfection, as well as being somewhat unique in its style (until lots of others ended up copying it).

Full Metal Panic is the best franchise of the 21st century thus far, in my heartfelt opinion, with Fumoffu and The Second Raid being faultless in their respective theatres.

Gankutsuou oozes quality in both production and plot (largely because it's Alexandre Dumas, of course). It was chosen in favour of Samurai 7 because the latter lacked the former's style and pacing.

Fullmetal Alchemist's credentials are well documented, and I simply couldn't think of a good reason for denying it a spot (other than the mediocre film, but as said, films don't count).

Furi Kuri was a controversial one between us. On the one hand, it's just a bit a typical GAINAX madness with a badass soundtrack. There is, however, some other special quality to it that puts it over other examples of Gainax madness like Abenobashi, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

I could go on, because there was A LOT of discussion. My favourite part was in flicking through our anime collection and coming to Inu Yasha. All that was said was, "Ahahahahahahahahaha.......Okay, moving on." :shifty:

I don't get what's so cool about anime anyways, please explain.

I don't see why this kind of question (which gets asked all the time) is even relevent. There are good anime and shit anime, in every conceivable genre, just like every other form of media in the world. Why anime should be "different" and require extra validation is beyond me.

Edited by stokeriño
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Ah, I remember now. Trigun was discounted from being worthy of a Top Ten list because, as time goes on, I appreciate it less and less. Yes, it has a couple of excellent characters (Vash, who is legendary, and Wolfwood), but as a series I find too much time is spent faffing about with Miscellaneous Gimmicked Gungho Gun Enemy #4. It's sad, but a good third of that series is filler.

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I don't get what's so cool about anime anyways, please explain.

I don't see why this kind of question (which gets asked all the time) is even relevent. There are good anime and shit anime, in every conceivable genre, just like every other form of media in the world. Why anime should be "different" and require extra validation is beyond me.

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No, because you've seen all the anime that American TV channels snapped up because they're the type that appeal to the "merchandise guzzling preteens" bracket. Hell, one of the shows I listed is an adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. Another is heavily influenced by Film Noir. You're lucky that films weren't included, because if you'd made that claim in the face of something like Grave of the Fireflies...well.

As for prefering to see real people instead of cartoons...to each their own. But that also rules out American animation and even printed comics. So you'll forgive me for not going along with that one.

Edited by stokeriño
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*edit, because I wasn't paying attention before I posted*: What stokerino said is correct: Just about any anime you catch on mainstream tv or on daytime cable is going to be crap that was picked up because it appeals to kids and early teens who are apt to run out and buy whatever merchandise they can find. In other words, they're 30 minute commercials more or less, NOT real anime. If you get Cartoon Network, watch Adult Swim and forget about anything else on tv, unless you have On Demand.

Hell, if you've got a video store near you that has a decent selection, take my advice go rent Ninja Scroll or any episodes of Ruroni Kenshin or Samurai X they might have. Not all anime is the same. If you don't mind watching something that could be considered hentai (anime porn. yes, they actually make that crap) go get Wicked City. It does have some sex scenes in it, but those are brief and it actually has a decent plot to it.

As for the stuff mentioned by stokerino earlier:

I haven't seen Full Metal Panic or any of its spin-offs, unfortunately, and couldn't get into Evangelion.

Furi Kuri, aka Fooly Cooly, is grade A crap, in my opinion. By the time I got through watching 2 episodes, I was convinced watching it can cause brain damage.

Inuyasha ended too soon, but I've never heard the specifics of why: wasn't pulling in enough ratings to justify it, the annoying Japanese habit of ending series too early before they get anywhere near jumping the shark, or on hiatus until there is enough manga to make a lot more episodes.

I'm not too thrilled Detective Conan (aka Case Closed) apparently wasn't popular enough over here for Cartoon Network to keep airing it and get more episodes. Considering its one of the longest running anime series in Japan....if not THE longest.....

(Right now, I'm limited to getting my anime fix off Cartoon Network and off Anime Selects and the Anime Network on On Demand, but they're not showing anything on the later two right now that's really grabbed me. I wish a decent video store would open up here......)

I get my Japanese fix off manga. Picked up Comic Party vol 4 earlier today, but haven't had time to sit down and read it yet. (Was planning on buying Read Or Die vol 2, but they didn't have any copies in stock)

Edited by GhostMachine
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Inuyasha ended too soon


I have never, ever, heard that said of Inu Yasha by anyone. Not even its fans...

The problem with Inu Yasha is that, after about 30 worthwhile episodes or so, Ms. Rumiko Takahashi (the creator) then proceeded to do what she does best, and pump out dozens and dozens of episodes of FILLER. Then, equally typically, despite having 190-odd episodes and four movies, STILL failed to end it correctly. That woman has a talent for squeezing money out of ideas, but she can't end a series to save her life. She did the same to Ranma 1/2, of course.

Can't stand Case Closed. Just...no.

Edited by stokeriño
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