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A couple questions for Angel fans


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I watched all the Angel episodes over at my friends house the other day. and I have some questions

1. Am I right in assuming that Everyone except Connor , and the green singing demon died in the final episode ?

2.I remember reading somewhere , that the original plan by the writers were to have Angel and company bring Willow in to bring back Fred and basically split the two . Illyria would still exist and Fred would be back as well. Was this scrapped because they got notice they were being cancelled.

3. I've also heard there's a book out that picks up at the end of the Angel finale . Where Angel and Spike are now in a post apocalyptic LA. Any idea what the name of the book is ?

4. Is there any word on whether or not a spinoff is in the works ? I would love to see a spin off based on Connor or Spike

Angel is an awesome show , in the earlier episodes I really liked the Cordelia character but around the time she received the extra powers to help with the visions I lost all interest in her. I really liked Fred and was kinda bummed when she died. Likewise with Wesley's death and asking Illyria to lie to him. I cried on both those episodes.

In the earlier episodes i was hoping Angel and Kate would get even closer but it never happened . I thought it was good as well for him and the werewolf chick to get together too.

A lot of people I've talked too hated it that Spike returned in the later episodes. Personally I loved the later episodes because the interaction between Spike and Angel usually end up being Hilarious.

hands down the funnies episode to me is the one where Angel gets turned into a puppet.

What are some of your favorite characters , episodes and general opinion of the show

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1. In "The Curse", Angel survives the final battle. In "Old Friends", I believe, all members of the gang survive.

2. I don't know.

3. "Old Friends", "The Curse" comic books.

4. Apparently Boreanaz is unwilling to do a third season of "Bones", and is open to revisiting "Angel".

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There were plans to do TV Movies or Mini Series involving the characters from both Buffy and Angel, but as Whedon commented on this past week in Entertainment Weekly they never got the films financed and they are now dead in the water. Also, the ONLY comic book that is considered canonical by Whedon is the upcoming Buffy Season Eight series, which does not deal with the series finale of Angel at all.

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2.I remember reading somewhere , that the original plan by the writers were to have Angel and company bring Willow in to bring back Fred and basically split the two . Illyria would still exist and Fred would be back as well. Was this scrapped because they got notice they were being cancelled.
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1. In "The Curse", Angel survives the final battle. In "Old Friends", I believe, all members of the gang survive.

2. I don't know.

3. "Old Friends", "The Curse" comic books.

4. Apparently Boreanaz is unwilling to do a third season of "Bones", and is open to revisiting "Angel".

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4. Apparently Boreanaz is unwilling to do a third season of "Bones", and is open to revisiting "Angel".

... so Boreanaz was originally reluctant/unwilling to do more Whedonverse stuff... and now he doesn't want to do his new show so he can do more Whedonverse stuff. WTF Boreanaz.

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Instead of starting another very similar topic, I'll just hijack this one ever-so-slightly.

There's one burning question that's been on my mind forever since season 6 of Buffy...

She's been fighting evil for years, slaying daemons and vampires and the like... so why did every single one of her "best friends" automatically assume she'd gone to hell? NOBODY even THOUGHT that she might have gone the other way.

Not only is this extremely weird, but if I was Buffy, I'd be quite pissed about it. Sure, she was pissed about being dragged out of heaven, but she didn't bring up the whole "Why did you assume I was in hell?" thing.

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