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I didn't mind Daredevil, but with me, part of the appeal is always the bad guys, and how cool they are. I was a little let down that the main guy after Daredevil throughout the film is pretty much just able to always hit targets with things he throws. It was a bit "meh", to say the least. Otherwise, I quite enjoyed it, taking it for what it was.

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I didn't mind Daredevil, but with me, part of the appeal is always the bad guys, and how cool they are. I was a little let down that the main guy after Daredevil throughout the film is pretty much just able to always hit targets with things he throws. It was a bit "meh", to say the least. Otherwise, I quite enjoyed it, taking it for what it was.

You die now, Bullseye is cool as fuck :shifty:

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I loved the Director's Cut of Daredevil. Never seen the theatrical cut and have no desire to, because I've seen what I feel is the definitive version. It changed legacies a little, but what superhero movies don't? I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I really enojyed The Punisher as well, and Fantastic Four was OK.

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Okay how THE FUCK can anyone say that was a bad film? My single problem with it was Bullseye's lack of costume, which was amusingly addressed during the film. I'd put that right up there among the best of them, and that was going into the film with all the negative shots people have taken out of it, I managed to get past all that and genuinely enjoy the thing.


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I didn't mind Daredevil, but with me, part of the appeal is always the bad guys, and how cool they are. I was a little let down that the main guy after Daredevil throughout the film is pretty much just able to always hit targets with things he throws. It was a bit "meh", to say the least. Otherwise, I quite enjoyed it, taking it for what it was.

You die now, Bullseye is cool as fuck :shifty:

And Colin Ferrel makes him even cooler in the film if that is somehow possible.

In the pantheon of movie bad-guys, Bullseye sucks copiously.

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I loved DD, the music was solid, the casting could have done better (Garner tends to overact and this funny thing with her mouth that really pisses me off) but still solid and the storyline was tops. Despite the fact that it's about 3 or 4 years old, it's still one of my favourites.

You die now, Bullseye is cool as fuck :shifty:
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Good casting... CHECK

The cast are all well performed, every person plays their role to perfection in my view, my only complaint was, as I mentioned, Bullseye, and that was costume department.

Good script... CHECK

Well organised, left nice and open at the end, but closed enough for you not to be dissapointed (although I wish they'd killed off ONE of Kingpin or Bullseye).

Good soundtrack... CHECK

That's a fucking big check.

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I liked Frank Miller's Daredevil back in the 80's and 90's. Not a huge DD fan otherwise, as I prefered a lot of the other Marvel characters to him. But I didn't find the movie insulting in any way. I think you're safe. It had some good moments and was even quite enjoyable. It's faithful enough and has good action. Just don't go in with HUGE expectations.

EDIT: didn't read the thread completely and missed how you already saw it. Anyway, to make this post worth something, I'll rank the Marvel movies I've seen:

1. X-Men 2

2. The Punisher

3. X-Men 3

4. Spider-Man 2

5. Spider-Man

6. Daredevil

7. Fantastic Four

8. X-Men

Never saw Hulk or Elektra.

As for comics, I was a long-time subscriber of the Spider-Man. Bought lots and lots of X-Men comics back in the Marauder and Morlock Massacre days (Chris Claremont was the shit). Loved Byrne's Fantastic Four and McFarlane's Hulk, too. I stopped buying comics in my early teens, but I still like a lot of them. The Infinity Gauntlet and the Secret Wars were pretty awesome.

Edited by lari
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