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Buford Ripley

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The 800 points is a little high for my taste but damned if I don't want some DLC Crackdown action.

If Kaney ever got around to getting that new headset I would probably leech this stuff off him big style. (lol, inherent irony)

Edited by Richard Ellis
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It's about time they sorted out the targeting priorities. The invisibility cloak should add tons more hilarity to multiplayer co-op. Not sure about the cheat menu as it seems to take away from the whole point of the game in my mind, but eh. I thought there was supposed to be a whole new area to explore, so I hope thats just being kept under wraps. Tons of stuff though, should give the game a shot in the arm for a while >_>

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Can I ask, as someone that's getting XBL as soon as CEX get a pre-owned wireless adapter, how exactly do MS Points work, how do I get them? And sorry for the retardation.

EDIT - Huh huh, I get the basic idea..... REALLY sorry for the retardation if it's that simple.

Some of the additions look nice and could be real improvments to a game I got slightly bored of a few weeks back, others, like the cheats don't do anything for me at all.

Edited by Mushiking timmayy
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MS Points are just the XBox version of currency for it's downloadable content. You can use your credit card to 'top up' your account with a certain amount of points or buy a card from places like Gamestation and use it like a voucher. If the dlc costs 800 MS points then you'd use real money to buy a batch of MS points and buy the content through your XBox with those. If that makes sense >_>

I think there are only three different amounts you can buy, ranging from 5000 for £40-something down to about a £5's worth. I forget, it's been a long time since I last bought any >_>

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OK, thanks man. When I'm online, I can't see me spending that much TBH, just this probably, and the Ultimate Alliance expansion pack, maybe the odd demo.

I really should play this game more, I wiped out the Los Muertos gang, then got owned by the Volk, didn't get a chance to play for a while due to work, uni and other stuff and never went back.

Edited by Mushiking timmayy
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360fanboy says that the DLC is live now. Wooo!

Time to go put Crackdown and for that matter, my 360 in general, through it's paces for the first time in a while.

So long in fact that I have forgotten where my ethernet cable is. Well cock.

Yay! I found it, freedom!

Edited by Richard Ellis-Bextor
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So, if there was a lot of Crackdown videos on youtube before....ooh boy, it's gonna get a helluva lot worse and that is down to one thing.

Keys To The City.

If Crackdown by itself is sandbox, this is some kind of super sandbox on steroids or something. So much fun to be had by turning on the super agilty and by spawning tons of barrels. Not to mention the spawning of ramp cars or agency viechles, gonna be a lot of kids messing around with this stuff and posting videos online.

Though, there is an issue ATM with people's progress being deleted after playing a Keys To The City game on co-op and then going into their single player. Apparently RTW is aware and now working on a fix but just a word of warning to anyone here about to undertake such actions. Word is turning off your 360 when you're done in KTTC mode will suffice in keeping your records safe.

Edited by Richard Ellis-Bextor
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I love the new content. :lol:

Harpooning people to civilian cars and buses and watching them drive off is hysterical (you can also harpoon them to your own cars and drive around with a nice trophy gangsta hanging from your bumper).

Not to mention being able to spawn about a hundred explosive barrels. It makes everything so easy. I love it. :D

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I can't bring myself to pay another 10 bucks for the DLC. I feel like the industry is looking to rip us off this way...release a partial game so we want to spend on the DLC.

But now on to my question, if you resurrect gangs, does that bring back everybody or just random gangsters? And if it brings back everybody, will they take your stats and stuff effectively making you replay the whole game? I've grown bored as hell with no gangsters or anybody to shoot at, I've been picking fights with cops as I jump the rooftops hunting orbs.

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