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That's Not Funny


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I kind of have a soft-spot for Larry The Cable Guy. Being from the southern U.S., you meet a lot of people like that. Or are related to them...

Him aside, I agree with all of your nominations, especially Carlos Mencia. I don't think I've ever laughed at anything he's done.

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Carrot Top, like what the hell, I can't STAND the guy. Another one for me is Pablo Fransisco. At first I found his voice cool, but later on it started to annoy me, he does the same annoying voice and shtick every freakin' time.

Oh and I love Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report too. I guess you just need to like seeing smart guys take the piss out of people who think they are smart but are not....hmmm...

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In response to Letterman, it's been said a lot of times that something in him died when NBC fucked him over for Leno, as being the handpicked successor to Johnny Carson was the be all and end all for him. I'm sure it's true as well, as he was never quite as good after he moved to CBS as he was when he was on NBC.
And in all fairness, I think I was only seven or eight when the whole ordeal that inspired "The Late Shift" happened, so all I've seen of Letterman on NBC is from clips. He was probably much funnier then I remember, but I've never been able to sit through one of his shows on CBS.

Dane Cook seems to be hit or miss to everybody and its a love him or hate him type thing.

I've actually opened a couple nights at a local comedy club and if I learned one thing in the few times I've done it, it's that comedians absolutely loathe Dane Cook. A lot of them call him a plagiarist, which he has blatantly ripped off Louis CK on a few occasions, but I think a lot of it boils down to jealousy. The guy is way better looking than most comedians, he's been extremely successful in a short period of time and he's very young. Again, working in that club, I saw comedians in their 50s who claim to have been doing stand-up for thirty years and more people in the club knew who I was because I was on the radio. Dane Cook is a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people. I think Cook can be funny, he's definitely not going to make any top ten lists for me, but he knows how to appeal to his audience and that works for him. He's likely just another fad that will overstay his welcome, but he's made me laugh quite a few times.

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Guest Titocoolace


People dislike Carlos Mencia?

Is it just his show or is it his stand-up? I could understand if it's his show. It's kind of a watered-down version of his stand-up. But I think that alot of his on-stage stuff is pretty golden.

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Jim Gaffigan. I keep hearing people say he's really funny. Then I see his stand up special, and I didn't see or hear anything even remotely funny.

I concur with every negative statement made about Carlos Mencia thus far.

Ray Romano. "I got into an argument with my wife again. She won. Don't you hate that folks?" repeat for the rest of his career.

Will Farrel. All his characters, in every movie he's ever done are exactly the same. And that character isn't funny. It's just stupid.

Ben Stiller. I hold him personally responsible for the rise of the 'outrageous' comedy film that's nothing but an hour and a half of stupid, immature, gross-out sex and bodily function humor.

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I've actually opened a couple nights at a local comedy club and if I learned one thing in the few times I've done it, it's that comedians absolutely loathe Dane Cook. A lot of them call him a plagiarist, which he has blatantly ripped off Louis CK on a few occasions, but I think a lot of it boils down to jealousy. The guy is way better looking than most comedians, he's been extremely successful in a short period of time and he's very young. Again, working in that club, I saw comedians in their 50s who claim to have been doing stand-up for thirty years and more people in the club knew who I was because I was on the radio. Dane Cook is a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people. I think Cook can be funny, he's definitely not going to make any top ten lists for me, but he knows how to appeal to his audience and that works for him. He's likely just another fad that will overstay his welcome, but he's made me laugh quite a few times.
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David Letterman - I just don't get it. I've never gotten it. I never will get it. Funny back in his NBC days (from what I saw), but he has just been consistently downhill since jumping to CBS. I don't want to stab myself in the eyes when he's on television like the above mentioned, but he just doesn't do it for me in the slightest.
Edited by Psicosis
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Dane Cook is to stand-up comics as Seth McFarlane is to animators; he may be popular and successful but he's generally loathed by much of the other people in his industry.

Also, I don't particularly find him to be very funny, so there's that.

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I really do like the Conan O'Brien show. But I do like silly humour. I can see how a lot of people hate him.

Jon Stewert I find to be pretty good, I like watching The Daily Show. But I don't like Colbert at all, the only watchable segment on The Colbert Report is "The Word", after that I change the channel.

South Park is overall a pretty good show, I do enjoy it for the most part. I just don't find it as funny as a lot of people I know. But that's because I don't find racial/ethic jokes funny.

Family Guy was watchable in Seasons 1 and 2, but not past that. Simply because of the humour. It's just extremely repetitive. And I don't like Stewey at all. The only character I like on the show is Brian. I have no emotional attachment for Peter, Lois, Chris, or Meg. Peter is only a watered down version of Homer.

And American Dad was never funny.

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Evidently you have no taste, as there isn't a bad episode of Family Guy or American Dad, and most episodes of South Park are terrible. <_<

Ahahaha oh my god. You've seen the one where Peter is on the New England Patriots or whatever, right? Because that is the single least funny thing I have ever seen on Adult Swim, and that is saying a lot.

And Rashid's right; Brian is the only consistently entertaining character in Family Guy after season two, and even that's diminished.

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