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24 Season 6 ***Spoilers *** for episodes that have aired


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S6 E1 and E2 were quite good. Not the ass kicking season premier I was really expecting, but there were a ton of good things. Random thoughts:

-Jack ripping the throat out of the terrorist and uncuffing himself was the best kill Jack has ever had bar none.

-Morris and Chloe are awesome together, but I already love Morris to death. Reengay, Fizzy, Beaty, and Srar, I hope I lose our death pool now.

-Seeing Kal Penn as a terrorist killer is just fucking with my head. I keep expecting him to call Harold and talk about getting high. :shifty:

-Fizzy is a fag, cuz Bill and Karen are both still all kinds of awesome, especially Bill.

-Sandra Palmer already annoys me however. And what do I remember her (Regina King) from? Was she on the stupid 90's sitcom with Urkel? I am too lazy to IMDB it, so someone else do it for me and let me know.

-I like Assad, terrorist or not.

-Fayed is no Ramone. There, I said it.

-Can they just fucking kill Curtis already and get us a good new agent in his place? Jesus Curtis is such a fucking lapdog.

-Wayne is no David.

-I hope we see President Logan soon. I miss that nutjob.

-Ditto Aaron Pearce. It's not 24 without some awesome Aaron.

-Bad cliffhanger for the second episode, but of course I'll be there tonight. 24 > Raw for damn sure.

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-Fizzy is a fag, cuz Bill and Karen are both still all kinds of awesome, especially Bill.

No, they are the worst pair ever for 24. Worse than Jack and Terri. Worse than Jack and Kate Warner. Worse than Jack and Audrey Raines. And worse than Jack and Diane Huxley. That's a lot of bad relationships to be worse than. :shifty:

I never said Bill was a terrible character. He is great. I just find the relationship between the two to be horrible.

You know it only hurts me when we fight like this. :(

And yet you are an even bigger fag now. No couple ever was worse than Jack and Terri...well except for Kim and Chase. And Kim and every other man ever that she was or will ever be involved with. :angry:

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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

It's funny, because I was watching the show with my lady friend, and the whole time, that punk-ass kid with the long hair kept on calling Ahmed "Ammed" (which granted is how it's pronounced in English, but I'm a huge tool) and I was all "how is this guy a self-respecting terrorist and not getting mad at being called Ammed all the time? I'd have shot him then and there" and she was all "lol arab" and eventually, he was all "my name is Agh-med" and I marked out. Granted, you don't normally pronounce the name Agh-med, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?


Yes, good shows and from the looks of things I picked the wrong character in the death pool because he wasn't even really there for long last night :@.

I'd say Fizzy/Beatnik's pick is the lead to die so far, those bastards.

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Once I get on MSN I will have to be reminded who everyone picked. I only remember Srar's horrible pick and my horrible pick.

And you are all such fags. Audrey is great, and is 10000000000% better than Kim or Terri. Although from best to worst it goes Audrey/Terri/Kim. Had Terri lived past the first season she might replace Kim, but she did not. We've only had one Kim free season thus far out of six, sadly, and she sucks worse in each one she was on. I hope this season makes it two though.

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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

Kim is hot and is forgiven.

I'd post the list of people because I wrote them down somewhere, but you would all throw a fit about someone spoiling it.

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-Fizzy is a fag, cuz Bill and Karen are both still all kinds of awesome, especially Bill.

-I like Assad, terrorist or not.

-Fayed is no Ramone. There, I said it.

-Can they just fucking kill Curtis already and get us a good new agent in his place? Jesus Curtis is such a fucking lapdog.

-Wayne is no David.

-I hope we see President Logan soon. I miss that nutjob.

-I wouldn't necessarily mind Bill and Karen if they were the only couple on the show. In just two hours, we got confirmation of Bill and Karen, Sandra Palmer and that other dude, and Morris and Chloe. With Morris and Chloe being the obvious best couple on the show, they could have just left it at that. Bill and Karen are fine characters on their own, but throwing them together seems forced.

-Asaad seems like a great character. He has a cool look and I like seeing something difference with the terrorist who is willing to talk peacefully.

-I don't think anyone's going to top Ramone, he was just a great character. But Fayed made a good first impression, who knows where it could go from here?

-I like Curtis. It's nice to see someone who is actually by the book in a pool full of rogues like Jack, Buchanan, Chloe, etc.

-Wayne Palmer is my favorite character on the show besides Jack and Aaron Pearce. His character has so many directions it can go, especially now that he's president. He has to cope with filling the very big shoes of his brother and he's more human. David Palmer was a fantastic character, but he was almost put in this God-like position. We know Wayne has a dark side, so it will be incredibly interesting to see him struggle with that and what his brother would have done. Plus, I'm a Buffy mark, so Principle Wood can hang out all he wants.

-I think it's safe to assume we're going to see Logan at some point this season. If you've seen the "you're hurting me"/"believe me, I'm not" commercial, then you know why.

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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet

Time for Ringo real time discussion!

*Jack shoves guy out of car*

Jack: Don't get up


Driving like a lunatic is also great.

Oh, and the car crash and the aftermath are great.

The people still can't pronounce Ahmed :@::@:@

Ahmed = emo terrorist

Edited by President Ringiah Bartlet
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Guest President Ringiah Bartlet





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