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24 Season 6 ***Spoilers *** for episodes that have aired


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Guest Ringu

lol 24.

This show's gotten deeply dull and incredibly silly, especially with President Palmer's pseudo heel turn. "THEY THINK I AM PUSSY. I BOMB".

lol. And whoever cast Ricky Schroder should get shot. Guy can't act.

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I loved the It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Gredenko subplot. What a crazy bastard that guy is/was. And Fayed just trying to fight off the entire bar was kind of badass. Everything else really failed to interest me.

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Guest Ringy Said Knock You Out

This was a huge step in the right direction. Nice swerve at the end that I really didn't see it coming and Fayed's death was cool. Still can't stand that fag Schroder however.

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Shit, I missed the episode cause the timer on my VCR was off. I read the recap, looked pretty badass. Fayed down, Palmer swerves us all. If the last six episodes are going to be about the Chinese and Audrey, I'm going to be pretty fucking pissed. Enough about that bitch already.

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  • 4 weeks later...

... wow, this season has just become insultingly stupid.

Milo was one of the only likable characters left. CLEARLY HE MUST DIE. FOR NO FUCKING REASON EVEN.

You'd think they would have learned after Tony and Curtis, but no. Wow. This is ridiculous and I get the distinct impression I'm not coming back for the next season.

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Are my standards just really low, or was that a surprisingly decent episode? I'm happy to see they're actually going in a direction they haven't completely done already. Have they been on the verge of war before? Sure, but it wasn't America who were gonna get the fuck bombed out of them. There was minimal Doyle in this episode, and we actually saw CTU people doing something useful for a change, even if it had to be brute force. Would have been cooler to see Chloe fuck some shit up for the first time this season, but I'll take it. We're still a far cry away from any of the first five seasons, really, but at least it leaves them in a good place for the finale.

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What an incredibly "meh" season.

I'm sorry, but Josh was entirely expendable, regardless of anyone's moral standings. Just hours earlier, Jack was willing to murder a government agent to protect Asaad, but it's inexcusable for one kid to die in order to prevent Russia attacking the US? Yeah, sure.

Nadia is no Dessler and Doyle sure as fuck ain't Tony Almeida.

The acting was downright terrible in the latter episodes, specifically Marilyn Bauer, Josh and Ricky Schroeder.

Of course, can't go without mentioning how CTU is the least secure government agency ever. Seriously, after allowing nerve gas to kill a third of the staff, it's still possible for some terrorists to break in through the sewer? Are you fucking kidding me? I understand the show naturally requires some giant leaps in logic, such as people getting anywhere in LA in less than 20 minutes, but how many more times can CTU be breached?

The biggest problem with the show is what I brought up during the two night premiere, the show became way too feminized. And I don't mean that to disrespect female viewers, I'm saying it to the people who wrote it. It's insulting to the intelligence of all viewers to think we need everyone to be in some sort of relationship. The worst is when people decide to deal with their love interests DURING THE MIDDLE OF A GIANT TERRORIST THREAT! Agh.

Supposedly, the writers took the criticism pretty hard for this entirely lackluster season, hopefully that will light a fire under their ass for Day 7.

Edited by Zero
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Supposedly, the writers took the criticism pretty hard for this entirely lackluster season, hopefully that will light a fire under their ass for Day 7.
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I will agree that the wrap-up was good stuff and the first four episodes were fantastic. Jack going nutzo about wanting his life back was great, it's nice to see him completely break down since, ya know, his life really fucking sucks. CTU sucks/will suck without Tony, Michelle, Edgar, Milo, Bill, etc. Chloe and Morris are good, but they were really underused and there's not much they can do just sitting at a desk anyway.

The show will become far too predictable if they stick to the regular formula: Jack gets lured back into CTU, CTU forms plan, Jack disagrees, Jack goes rogue, CTU hunts for Jack, Jack solves problem, CTU puts Jack into custody, next problem arises, Jack fights his way out, CTU hunts Jack, Chloe secretly helps Jack, Jack solves problem #2, everything is forgiven. Oh yeah and throw in some boring arguments at the White House - this year was painfully boring whenever Powers Boothe was on screen, which is a shame.

Hopefully they take the show in a completely different direction next year, but I don't know what they can do. It's not like they can swerve us and bring back an old nemesis, everyone is dead except for Logan or Cheng and they're both in custody. Oh well, they have 8 months to think something up.

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... wait. Do they seriously pair up Nadia and Doyle at the end of the season after I just gave up on it entirely? Seriously?

No, I was just using them to illustrate that they're supposed to be the void-fillers of Tony and Michelle. Doyle is supposed to be this rugged badass and Nadia is supposed to be the smart, strong woman in a leadership role.

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Is it just me or would a prequel season be awesome? An excuse to bring back Nina Meyers and Tony Almeida! Ratings disaster? Maybe. But I'll take any excuse to have Tony back. :P

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Is it just me or would a prequel season be awesome? An excuse to bring back Nina Meyers and Tony Almeida! Ratings disaster? Maybe. But I'll take any excuse to have Tony back. :P

... honestly at this point I'd take a season with all the characters I actually like over a season with the people we have now, and I think a lot of the 24 fanbase probably feels the same way (... not that I interact with them at all).

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