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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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One of the hardest things to do in my opinion is to keep from posting something that can be misinterpreted, or turned against you. It really is a matter of watching the way you word something every single time you post, and being sure not to post before you have all the facts. I've always had a hard time not skimming posts, which tends to get me into trouble because I miss something in that post and completely make myself look scummy by seeming like I've ignored something obvious.

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It's a cool idea, but it'd be a complete disaster, probably :shifty:

I'm just trying to come up with something somewhat original for the next game I run. My current thoughts:

A more streamlined version of Ah-Nold mafia (Mafia where all the roles are from Arnold Schwarzenegger movies)

Reverse Mafia (Where the mafia is the town, and scum is the Feds)

US President Mafia (I really love this idea :shifty: )

Anime Mafia #Whatever (Using folks I haven't used in this one)

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I think Naitch did a President Mafia not too long ago.


Well...NFL Mafia has potential, just to send this PM

Cleveland Browns

Role: Miller

Alignment: Town

You are the Browns. You poor bastard.

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I played a game where the powers shuffled every night on mafiascum. Alignments remained consistent though. It would have been fun, but Day 2 saw a total claimfest. Every single player. Because mafiascum sucks.

That was my original idea before Pixar 2. The claimfest was exactly the reason I didn't do it.

Alternatively, I wanted to create a mafia where abilities would appear as the game goes on. So Night 1 would just be doctor and mafia kill, Night 2 would add a cop and mafia roleblock, so on and so forth.

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Is Zan around anymore? Could always shoot him a PM and see if he's okay with you doing one.

EDIT: I've noticed an increasing trend for peeps to do sequels/re-hashes of games they ran from a few years ago. I may have to do another / / game soon...

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Double post, but I'm really torn on how I'd run it anyway. Part of me wants to do it similar to how Zan did it, Seven Kingdoms vs Lannisters, another part says go unconventional and do War of the Five Kings, where it would basically be five teams of five and it's last team standing as opposed to the normal set up.

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