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Help Finding A Song....


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I need to find a song that has a message about society in it for school. I've tried to find some but with no luck.

I'd like something a bit older or not mainstrem to avoid someone else having the same song.

Any help would be appreciated,


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"Emo Holocaust...Take 1"


No you can't, no you can't, you cannot save you

No you can't, no you can't, you cannot save you

Its a death, the death of your kind

Emo Holcaust, your blood is mine!!!




That's what you want..."Emo Holocaust"...a bit Death By Stereo.

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Matthew Good - 21st Century Living

You know, today I was asked only one question

One question all day

Do you know what that was?

"Do you want this supersized?"

Come to think of it, I'd like the whole fucking world supersized

Supersize guns

Supersize planes

Supersize satellites

Think about how many more channels you could get with supersized satellites

Supersize sales

How do you supersize a sale?

How about we supersize 3rd World debt relief?

Supersize love

Supersize honesty

Supersize government

Come to think of it

Actually, nah, let's not supersize the government

Supersize death

Can I have a supersized death?

I'd like to supersize a death with a Coke

You know what we need?

Some back-up singers, hook up like a little jingle

["It's all right, it's sooner or later" repeated in background]Kinda like that

Supersize the song

Really, if we supersize the record, we'll sell more records, it's a supersized record

That is, after all, our ambition

Ambition, ambition's a tricky thing

It's like riding a unicycle on a dental floss tightrope over a wilderness of razor blades

Ambition can backfire

Ambition means more

Ambition means faster

Ambition means better

I wonder if you can sup—

Can you supersize ambition?

Does that make you ambitious if you supersize ambition?

Around here, our ambition hurts more than it helps

Around here our ambition throws an non-perishable item in a donation bin at Christmas

And it pats itself on the fucking back because it thinks it's done something decent

["It's all right, it's sooner or later" repeated in background]

Yeah, we're supersizing ambition

Make no mistake about it

Our ambition will televise the revolution

And it'll sell more fucking commercial spots than the Super Bowl, the Olympics, the World Series, and the Tragedy Du Jour


We're supersizing

We're supersizing the record

'Cause we're ambitious

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