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Joss Whedon Is Off Wonder Woman


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Joss will not be fighting for our rights after all.

You (hopefully) heard it here first: I'm no longer slated to make Wonder Woman. What? But how? My chest... so tight! Okay, stay calm and I'll explain as best I can. It's pretty complicated, so bear with me. I had a take on the film that, well, nobody liked. Hey, not that complicated.

Let me stress first that everybody at the studio and Silver Pictures were cool and professional. We just saw different movies, and at the price range this kind of movie hangs in, that's never gonna work. Non-sympatico. It happens all the time. I don't think any of us expected it to this time, but it did. Everybody knows how long I was taking, what a struggle that script was, and though I felt good about what I was coming up with, it was never gonna be a simple slam-dunk. I like to think it rolled around the rim a little bit, but others may have differing views.

The worst thing that can happen in this scenario is that the studio just keeps hammering out changes and the writer falls into a horrible limbo of development. These guys had the clarity and grace to skip that part. So I'm a free man.

Well, sorta. There is that "Goners" movie I can finally finish polishing, and plenty of other things in the hopper I've wanted to pursue. I'm as relieved as I am disappointed, and both of those things lead to drink, so that's a plus. Truly, you may be hearing some interesting things brewing in the coming months. But all potential jets therein will be visible.

But most importantly, I never have to answer THAT question again!!!! And you don't have to link to every rumor site! Finally and forever: I never had an actress picked out, or even a consistant front-runner. I didn't have time to waste on casting when I was so busy air-balling on the script. (No! Rim! There was rim!) That's the greatest relief of all. I can do interviews again!

Thanks for your time. You are the people who make the world go 'round. Or, no, science does that.


ps All right, it was Cobie Smulders. Sorry, Cobes.

Edited by KouKou And the Moonwalkers
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Yeah he does. I didn't even watch Firefly until only a few weeks ago and I loved every bit of it. Damn him and damn Fox. <_< SciFi should get on him to pick that up and make some new stuff.

And isn't he directing an upcoming Office episode?

Edited by Fitzy
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Yeah he does. I didn't even watch Firefly until only a few weeks ago and I loved every bit of it. Damn him and damn Fox. <_< SciFi should get on him to pick that up and make some new stuff.

And isn't he directing an upcoming Office episode?

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Well, I'm glad he's off the project because I honestly think he's much better than doing a studio franchise pic. Better for him to have fun and create different and fascinating universes than just another comic adaptation. I mean, sure, he would've done his best, but Goners and a possible Serenity sequel sound a hell of a lot more fascinating than WW could ever be.

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Didn't Serenity basically tank at the box office, pretty much killing any chance of a second film?

It did pretty well on DVD from what I understand. Either way, a direct-to-DVD or made for TV sequel shouldn't be out of the question. Although I would still prefer a Buffy movie.

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Yeah, screw a Buffy film, just make a Angel film (which has more life left in it), and find a way to let Willow & Xander, Giles and Andrew make their respected cameos in it. Since they were pretty much the only handful of characters that had any life left in them by the end of Buffy. They would be the only reason I'd want to see another Buffy movie too. What with Buffy seemingly becoming a black hole of personality and character growth in the last few seasons.

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I read someone who claimed that Firefly had broken even after DVD sales, but I don't know for sure. Either way I don't think Joss is going to be quick to jump back to the small screen.

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Didn't Serenity basically tank at the box office, pretty much killing any chance of a second film?

It did pretty well on DVD from what I understand. Either way, a direct-to-DVD or made for TV sequel shouldn't be out of the question. Although I would still prefer a Buffy movie.

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Not trying to jump on you, but why would you want a Buffy movie over another Firefly one? Buffy had a great run, and they did pretty much everything they could with the characters, exploring them inside and out in virtually every conceivable scenario. Firefly, on the other hand, feels like we haven't even scratched the surface.

I should have said Buffyverse movie. I terribly miss the characters. While I would love another Firefly movie, as BEATNIK said, I feel Serenity could easily serve as a fitting conclusion if it must turn out that way. The Buffyverse, on the other hand, has always felt like a comic book to me that could go on forever. Don't get me wrong, would love to see more in both worlds (which is why I'm very excited about the Buffy comic), but that's the realm I feel could always continue.

Edited by Zero
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Not trying to jump on you, but why would you want a Buffy movie over another Firefly one? Buffy had a great run, and they did pretty much everything they could with the characters, exploring them inside and out in virtually every conceivable scenario. Firefly, on the other hand, feels like we haven't even scratched the surface.

I should have said Buffyverse movie. I terribly miss the characters. While I would love another Firefly movie, as the above poster said, I feel Serenity could easily serve as a fitting conclusion if it must turn out that way. The Buffyverse, on the other hand, has always felt like a comic book to me that could go on forever. Don't get me wrong, would love to see more in both worlds (which is why I'm very excited about the Buffy comic), but that's the realm I feel could always continue.

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