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Brits to get taste of NFL

The Third Dukes

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For those of you not American, it's an acquired taste. Much like many Americans would find your football to be rather dull with the lack of scoring, lack of scoring opportunities, and plenty of just running around and kicking the ball around to each other.

However, some of us choose to get past all that and appreciate the game for what it is.

Okay now I've defended the NFL in this thread since I happen to enjoy watching it and am one of those people who's displayed an interest BUT this is coplete crap. The number of times I see an NFL game when a team are one or two scores up grind to a halt and really slow up the last quarter, sometimes even the half. It is just as dull, for football there are near constant opportunities, including when it's coming to the end.

Jyust last night I watched a game just like that. In the second half one side were 1-0 up and the other lot had a couple of chances. Rather then sitting on their lead they went for it. Not only did they get a second goal but they didn't stop there... They carried on and scored a 5th after four minutes of stoppage time. That's NOT something you ever see in the NFL. Although there are 0-0 games which are dull you can have very exciting 0-0 draws and that's where the average ~American starts to show his ignorance to the sport when they start harping on about scorelines.

I'm not saying that I find it boring. Some people are just dumb and only do care about scorelines. If a basketball game is 136-133, they will only be happy. If a football game (American) is 49-41, they will only be happy. Soccer doesn't tend to create out of control scoring like other sports, so some people get easily bored with it.

At least the Europeans should get credit. Even though I hate Manchester United, they ran up the score on Tottenham in the second half. In America, the team ahead would have just sat back and looked pretty not to insult the other side, which is bullshit.

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One thing that really limits my enjoyment of American football is that the players don't strike me as being particularly involved in the game. There are teams of strategists on the sidelines that control what they do, and since downs only last for 5-10 seconds, there's never really any requirement for independent thought. Obviously the quarter back is the exception, and WRs and running backs have some creative options - but I don't really have any empathy or appreciation for the work done by most of the players on the pitch. The moments of spontaneous genius that I love in football just aren't there, the flowing football from the likes of Arsenal or Argentina aren't replicated on the football pitch, it just seems like you pick a play, and every now and then something amazing might happen. That's why I respect and care about basketball more than I ever will American football.

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For those of you not American, it's an acquired taste. Much like many Americans would find your football to be rather dull with the lack of scoring, lack of scoring opportunities, and plenty of just running around and kicking the ball around to each other.

However, some of us choose to get past all that and appreciate the game for what it is.

Okay now I've defended the NFL in this thread since I happen to enjoy watching it and am one of those people who's displayed an interest BUT this is coplete crap. The number of times I see an NFL game when a team are one or two scores up grind to a halt and really slow up the last quarter, sometimes even the half. It is just as dull, for football there are near constant opportunities, including when it's coming to the end.

Jyust last night I watched a game just like that. In the second half one side were 1-0 up and the other lot had a couple of chances. Rather then sitting on their lead they went for it. Not only did they get a second goal but they didn't stop there... They carried on and scored a 5th after four minutes of stoppage time. That's NOT something you ever see in the NFL. Although there are 0-0 games which are dull you can have very exciting 0-0 draws and that's where the average ~American starts to show his ignorance to the sport when they start harping on about scorelines.

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At least the Europeans should get credit. Even though I hate Manchester United, they ran up the score on Tottenham in the second half. In America, the team ahead would have just sat back and looked pretty not to insult the other side, which is bullshit.

Just for reminding us of this I'm going to refuse to listen to it ;)

For 0-0 draws I still disagree... You can still have damn good games, never seen a keeper play a blinder? Never seen a missed penalty? Never seen goals from the half way line not given? ( ;) ) Just because it's a low scoring game doesn't mean there wasn't entertainment or talking points.

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There's plenty of thrilling 0-0 football games. I can't remember who it was recently, but I think it was Newcastle(?) and another team had a blinder, it was back and forth ALL GAME and got insane at the end and it still ended 0-0. It was sad that the game finished 0-0, but in the end, it was a just result to a hotly contested game.

There are some games however where both teams would rather defend a 0-0 scoreline and get a draw that risk getting nothing, and that usually results in a dull game. But you can tell if a game is going to be like that about 20 minutes in, and you can turn it off, maybe keep an ear out on the radio to see if something sparks some competitiveness.

I think the problem some people have with the NFL is that even a good game has a multitude of stoppages, and there's more emphasis on show and drama, rather than actual playing of the game. But you know, some people like smooth peanutbutter and some people like chunky. And some people have nut allergies. >_>

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