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Lonely Hearts: 5/10

Not really a bad movie, but not a good one either. There just didn't seem to be a point to the whole thing.

The Last Time: 6.5/10

Good beginning, followed by about 80 minutes of total boredom. The climax was fantastic, and completely made up for everything that came before it...but the actual ending went all Typical Hollywood Bullshit and left a bad taste in my mouth. It should have ended immediately after the big reveal.

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The Simpsons - 6.5/10

Meh, well I did enjoy parts of it. I personally felt the storyline was pretty weak in some areas and strong in others - the comedy was great in some areas and poor in others. The whole film is just so hit and miss that I found it hard to keep my interest. I probably will watch it again when someone buys it however just to give it another chance.

Transformers - 8/10

Now, Transformers was completly different for me than the Simpsons. While being at quite a length and sometimes quite difficult to keep up (the CGI battles especially) it was very funny and well put together. It was pretty predictable in areas but I just loved how cheesy it all was, I think it was definatly the best approach than a completly serious film. Shia LeBouf also did a very good job in his role, he can pull off those sort of performances consistantly and it was just what the film needed for that character.

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Rush Hour 3

It was funny, had some good action sequences. When Carter tells the French cab driver to pretend he is a secret spy while driving, and then the cab driver just drives like a mad man, that was my favourite part.

I recommend the movie to anyone who enjoyed the previous two films.

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Pathfinder: 6/10

The action wasn't nearly as brutal as the box led me to believe, and the Vikings were really fucking stupid. I guess it's a decent movie if you have nothing else to watch.

Fracture: 3/10

HATED the protagonist, and the ending seemed really, really iffy.

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Punch-Drunk Love: 9/10

Much better than I was expecting. A very odd movie, almost psychedelic. The camera shots were beautiful. Sandler's acting was great, better than he was in any other movie. My new favorite Adam Sandler movie.

Thir13en Ghosts: 5/10

And to think this scared me when it first came out. It was pathetic. And it gets as high as a 5 cause of the amazing glass death scene. One of the greatest kills in any horror movie.

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The Bourne Ultimatum: 7/10

Not a big fan of the series, but it was a good movie...even though I got a splitting headache about halfway through 'cause they absolutely would not hold the camera still. I swear, I only counted like four static shots in the whole film.

Pan's Labyrinth: 5/10

Too much reality, not enough fantasy. A lot darker than I thought it'd be, too.

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Hot Fuzz: 9.5/10

Brilliantly funny. And when the action picks up, it just gets better and better. From the person who directed Shaun of the Dead and the Don't trailer, I was expecting greatness. But Hot Fuzz passed all my expectations.

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Superbad - 8.5/10

Great movie. A couple of moments where I nearly pissed myself laughing and yet I like the story's core. Regardless of the American Pie-style "we must have sex" plot, it's really just about two friends dealing with their own nervousness about separation. And I liked that I saw elements of both Evan and Seth that were very relatable. (Even how Seth described his sex life... *shudder*) Just a great little movie, and despite the cops stuff (which still was awesome) and the plot, a very real movie.

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Evan Almighty - 7/10

I actually enjoyed it. Nice little movie.

Its seriously got bad reviews, but if you have nothing to do, like me, and don't expect too much then give it a shot.

Edited by Lost Soul
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Full Metal Jacket: 9.5/10

One of the best movies I've ever seen that didn't have an actual story. The first part I found to be quite hysterical (well at least up until the end). And the second part had its upbeat moments but was fairly depressing. I actually watched this movie in parts over a span of a few days. As one movie it does seem kind of odd but it works.

Of the 5 Kubrick films I've seen as of now, I've yet to be disappointed. 'Lolita' is one I'd love to watch next.

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Mr. Bean's Holiday: 8.5/10

I've always loved Mr. Bean, so I really enjoyed this movie. I can see how some people might not like the movie, or the Bean character, but I can't help but love them both.

The movie gets major bonus points for the oyster scene, which was basically a re-working of my all-time favorite Bean skit.

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Seraphim Falls 7.5/10

Good. Slow, but good, and the last twenty or so minutes are a metaphor-fest. Not the sort of film you could watch any day though, it's a definate see it once, then wait AGES to see it again sort of film. Pierce Broznan is excellent, Liam Neeson is great.

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The Legend of the Drunken Master (Drunken Master II): 9/10

Slow at parts, but the final 15-20 minutes really made up for it. Jackie Chan vs Ken Lo was one the best fight scenes I've ever seen on film, coming close to Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris.


The Hills Have Eyes II: 2.5/10

No better or no worse than the original (the 2005 remake, not the Wes Craven original).

The Descent: 7.5/10

A fine quality horror movie. I wonder why it took me a year to actually get around to see it.

Ichi The Killer: 9.5/10

I'm happy I just bought the DVD and never streamed it online. It was amazing, a movie I'm definitely gonna watch again and again. The reason why I hate movies like Hostel 1+2, The Hills Have Eyes (the recent ones) and TCM: The Beginning is because they have heavy amounts of violence just for the sake of having violence. And nothing else. I enjoy movies like SAW and Devil's Rejects cause I can tell they actually try to have a story. Why the stories/plots may not be great, they're passable. But Ichi The Killer has an excellent plot, and I LOVED the characters. Especially Kakihara, my new favourite movie character. Some of the violence was also highly entertaining. The only reason I don't give it 10/10 was because it was a bit hard to follow at times.

And the blood pack DVD packaging is pretty sweet.

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Sunshine: 9/10


Right, I bought the DVD on it's release this week and while it of course loses some of it's epic scale on the transition from the big to small screen, I can happily say that it's an even more rewarding experience the second time around. Easily EASILY the best film of the year.

Excellent direction (Danny Boyle), writing (Alex Garland), soundtrack (John Murphy & Underworld), acting (especially Cillian Murphy, Chris Evans and Hiroyuki Sanada) and special effects.

Indeed, it's the look and sound of this movie that set it apart from anything else. Yeah of course it's CG but it's intelligent CG. It's there to create a backdrop, an awe, a wonder to support the story.

Also second time around a few things made more sense, Pinbacker's character fits into the story a little more (as an exploration of humanism, beliefs, religion, science etc) and I have nothing but admiration for it all.

Please watch it.

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I am about 60 Minutes in 28 weeks later and i have to say that it is about one million times better than the first movie.

For some reason i don´t get scraed by anything "unreal" on TV besides Zombies and needels (i fucking hate needel @.@) and this movie realy dos it... very well (even thoug running zombies are silly :-P)

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