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Open Water - 1/10

What a piece of shit that was. They try and make seem all edgy and 'real' with the camera style, but it actually makes it look shit. Then they try and capture the emotions of the audience, but the dialogue is so shit that the entire cinema just laughed at them. Then the worst thing about the film...

Someone forgot to mark spoilers......

Hellboy - 3/10, I just don't like a lot of Comic Book Movies

Kill Bill Vol 2 - 4/10, do yourself a favor, rent Pulp Fiction and skip this

Starsky & Hutch - 7/10, It was ok, had a few funny parts but nothing spectacular

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Clerks.: I bought the Collector's Edition 10th Anniversary DVD last night while out with my girlfriend. Not having owned the movie and only seeing it once a couple of years ago I was waiting anxiously to see it, but had no time to when I came home last night, SOOOOOOOO... I saw it today and can finally appreciate it for what it was. While I still did find it funny a couple of years ago, I couldn't appreciate it enough without more knowledge and now I can finally love it for the absolute classic it is. It's amazing how much Smith did with so little in this flick. It's sad that some people just won't get it and only judge it as crappy cause it's in black and white (I've crossed a few of these people). In the end it's such a brilliantly funny movie and I loved every second of it. I plan to view all the extras very soon. 9.5/10

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Clerks.: I bought the Collector's Edition 10th Anniversary DVD last night while out with my girlfriend. Not having owned the movie and only seeing it once a couple of years ago I was waiting anxiously to see it, but had no time to when I came home last night, SOOOOOOOO... I saw it today and can finally appreciate it for what it was. While I still did find it funny a couple of years ago, I couldn't appreciate it enough without more knowledge and now I can finally love it for the absolute classic it is. It's amazing how much Smith did with so little in this flick. It's sad that some people just won't get it and only judge it as crappy cause it's in black and white (I've crossed a few of these people). In the end it's such a brilliantly funny movie and I loved every second of it. I plan to view all the extras very soon. 9.5/10

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Ginger Snaps 1/10. This movie was fucking awful. Worst movie I've seen. Its about a girl who gets attacked by a wolf and then she starts having wolf like behavior and grows hair and shit like that. It was just stupid and illogical. The way to cure the person is to take a drug(no joke). Very pathetic movie, but I guess thats what I get for watching HBO Zone at 2:15 AM.

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Just watched The Fan with De Niro and Wesley Snipes for the time all the way through. Fucking class I thought, great choice of De Niro for the role, had me thinking back to Taxi Driver and Travis Bickle. Brilliant, 10/10.

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Smokey and the Bandit II - 5/10 or (**) The first was fun, but this just was a mess. They should've just carried a lot more beer. I still mark for Reynolds, but this began his fall back in the 80s that he never recovered from.

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Friday - 10/10

Still a classic and probably the best comedy.


Decoys - 7/10

Very weird movie, and do not buy it if your looking to get a horror movie. This is nothing like a horror, and it actually has quite a lot of funny moments if you ask me. Not a bad film at all, but it's not a film that anyone would see as a classic. Did it's job and entertained me though, good stuff.


From Hell - 9/10

Seriously, I am so pissed off. I've tried to watch this film like three times and everytime something stops me seeing the last thirty or so minutes. I had to leave a friends to come home so missed the last thirty minutes once again. Anyway what I've seen off this is really awesome.


American Pie: The Wedding - 9/10

Still great stuff right here and it never gets old. I could seriously watch this over and over. Not as good as number two or one still. Seann is pure awesome though.

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Good news, I came back early. More about why I had to leave in the Bullseye on Florida thread. Anyways, the reviews.


Bring It On - 6/10 or (**1/2) While very meh especially for a teen movie, it certainly doesn't have the stereotypical problems of most of the teen flicks and certainly not the ones of its DTV sequel.


Blue Collar Comedy Tour - 8/10 or (***) I've seen this about ten times and Ron White's jokes are still raucously hilarious. While everyone else's jokes have lost their original hilarity, White's seem to stand the test of time. I need to buy that Tater Salad DVD.

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