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I watched Jurassic World yesterday on the SKY Superscreen, loved it! Yeah the story is stupid etc. but it was just great fun to watch and clearly that was the opinion of many people around me who all went out saying how great it was.

Certainly the best of the sequels.

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The best thing about Jurassic World is reading the potential scripts that were considered during the 10 years of development.

Human/dinosaur hybrid mercenaries being the best of the bunch and obviously the creative evolution of the series I'm sure Michael Crichton envisioned.

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The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015). Tonally this is two different movies. The first half is all based on the Mad Max franchise and proves to be really freaking dark for a kids movie. It also features my biggest gripe with the movie, but I'll get back to that. The second half of the film is all the Avengers based stuff from the trailer where the main characters are superheroes on main land. Overall, it was meh. Recycled a lot of the jokes from the show, which I haven't seen in years. Had a few entertaining parts though.

The biggest problem I have with this - they gave Sandy tits. I mean, when she's not in her aqua/space suit she's always been in her bikini but it's just an outfit. Her outfit in the first half of the film, she literally has curvature. Really weird choice by the animators

Edited by I Diem
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This was like the 6th time that I've watched Police Story (1986) and it's still the best action movie of all time and best Jackie Chan flick! The story is simple but good, the humor is great, the stunts beyond epic and the fights insane!


Just damn look at it!

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Last night I went to an early screening of the latest Pixar effort Inside Out and it was very nice, touching, creative, and relatable. I feel confident in saying it's another victory for Pixar, despite it not being their best effort. It was very funny and sweet, though. Couldn't ask for much more.

The short that played before it was too hammy, though. Definitely one of their weaker efforts in that department.

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Last night I went to an early screening of the latest Pixar effort Inside Out and it was very nice, touching, creative, and relatable. I feel confident in saying it's another victory for Pixar, despite it not being their best effort. It was very funny and sweet, though. Couldn't ask for much more.

The short that played before it was too hammy, though. Definitely one of their weaker efforts in that department.

Yes, thank you LL. I'm been a little afraid I won't enjoy it because it's their first film in a while and Monsters University was a bit of a dip in their quality. Was kinda' afraid they were going to put all their actual effort into Incredibles 2 and Toy Story 4.

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