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Apocalypse Now Redux - 9/10

Honestly, what can be said about this movie that hasn't been said again and again? Francis Ford Coppola managed to produce quite possibly the best war movie ever, despite the huge amounts of problems that arose during production. But it's such a cop out to call it just a war movie, as it really is a lot more than that. World-class performances from Sheen, Brando, Duvall, Hopper, shit, even the 14 year old Laurence Fishbourne gave a good performance. All in all, if you haven't seen it, you don't know what you're missing.

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The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse - 6/10

My opinion of this film is the same as my opinion of the League of Gentlemen series in general: has some amusing moments, but generally very ehh.

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Brave New World (Or something like that, it was on ITV last night/this morning) - 5/10 : I was half asleep, it didn't really perk me up. It should have really explained more about "The Wars" etc. I get the idea and all, it pretty solid but the film itself just didn't really do it for me.

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The Stepford Wives - 4/10

From writer Paul Rudnick, the same man responsible for the daringly awful 2003 film Marci X, comes the remake of the 1975 horror feature The Stepford Wives, a comedy that features the same stereotypical behavior as Rudnick's previously mentioned bomb. Let me start off by saying that the first 20 minutes may have some of the worst attempts at humor you'll see in a film from '04. Not even Mike White's brief cameo livens the slipshod festivities. The middle act is just chock full of weak sexual references that just make you think, "If this film wasn't set in the idyllic past, would we even care?" In the final act, the film grows a little smarter, with Walken's bit and a nice little social statement tagged along. But this film can't hardly escape its own peril. Not even a cast with great talents like Kidman, Broderick, Close, and Walken can save it.

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The Eye - 5/10

A decent film, but doesn't really provide a lot of scares. In fact, I can only think of two - the first ghost, and the girl that "asks" our heroine to "Get out of her seat!" (You'll know it when you see it.) The movie, which is already being turned into the next American horror re-make, centers on a girl who has been blind since the age of 2 who gets a cornea transplant. But of course, nothing ever goes as planned in movies, especially horror movies, and she begins to see the spirits of those who have either recently deceased, or those who have deceased but are so distraught that they can't yet leave this plain of existence. Let me say right now that the movie looks very low budget, however the special effects are decent in small portions, too much and you see just how animated they are. So yeah, anyways, long story short, the movie ends with her and her psychologist go to visit the family of the doner. I'll just leave it at that, don't want to spoil it. Overall, okay movie, but could of been much better.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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In Good Company - 7/10

I felt somewhat underwhelmed, but not really disappointed. The film has a good mix of reality and fantastic acting from Quaid, Grace, and Johansson (as expected for all three, really). It's just that every damn scene ends with a frickin song. The songs are excellent, especially the stuff from David Byrne and The Shins, but they're just played too much and get old fast. Still a film I'd recommend. Weitz continues to grow as a filmmaker and writer and I can't wait to see what he does next.


Be Cool - 4/10

Barring the stuff I haven't seen from him (the Psycho remake, The Cell, etc.), this may be the only role that I hated Vince Vaughn in. Sure, he does a decent job, but the character is so damn awful, that I couldn't laugh at any of his stuff. He just doesn't fit the role at all, and he's MUCH better with his deadpan stuff in movies like Swingers and Old School. Also, a two hour comedy that can't keep up the laughs for that long just gets tiresome and stale. That said, The Rock, Cedric The Entertainer, and Andre 3000 did well with their stuff, and squeeze out the few laughs Be Cool gets. Overall, weakly made and hardly near Get Shorty.

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Versus - 8/10

Whoever thought of mixing the Yakuza, zombies, kung fu, big guns, and samurais is a fucking genius. Much like Evil Dead, the acting is laughable, and the dialogue corny, but god damnit it's entertaining as all hell. And funny. And bloody. And also, much like Evil Dead, the movie doesn't take itself seriously, which is a huge plus. The plot's pretty simple, two convincts escape prison and run to a forest where the Yakuza'll help them escape and shit, but they get double crossed and soon enough it's they're on the run from the yakuza, and the zombies of the forest as well, they also take a girl that the Yakuza kidnapped with them. It gets more complicated and shit at the end, but that's pretty much the just of it. So if anybody's ever gets the chance to see this, definately check it out.

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Con Air - 7/10

Pretty good movie, it has been a while since I saw this one. I think the first time I saw it was when it came out to the cinemas then like 2 or 3 times after that so this would be my 3rd or 4th or maybe more viewing of this.

**Possible Spoilers**

The cops on the bikes if anyone rememeber at the end when Cyrus and Co are getting away on the Fire Truck get owned with the water cannon..hehe

Anywho, Solid movie with good actors, Cage, Cusak, Malcovich, Buscemi and others...

I Got The Whole World In My Hands (Y)

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