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Sony Drops The Ball


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I really hope you don't consider your own personal experience to be an accurate description though. The PS2 has covers a broad spectrum of gamers because it has an insanely huge installed user base. You cannot break down what system a person plays because of their lifestyle, that's like saying "well you're wearing tight clothes, you must be gay... and play XBox."

Erm firstly I said the PS2 has a broad spectrum of gamers pretty much due to the user base.

Secondly, I said that my observations on who bought the games were just that - OBSERVATIONS, and I said that. I've not done any major country-based interviews or studies. I'm talking about the kind of people I saw buy the games over a FOUR DAY PERIOD in one shop (as I made certain to say in my post). I was very careful to say that the groups of people buying WERE my own experience and I can't comment on a global-wide description as I don't sell games in Blackpool, or Dover, or Cincinnati, or Tokyo...However I stand by everything I said about the 90s gaming climate.

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I just don't think that's a fair assessment at all. One week in one store in one part of a country. Does that really prove anything aside from the people that come into that particular store? I definitely don't like the phrase "lifestyle console," and I know you didn't coin it, but there is no way you can generalize a person's lifestyle based off their video game choices.

And you talk about the Playstation brand, which makes it sound like the PS3 is a guaranteed success, when if the rest of the world's launch is any indication, that ain't gonna happen. Of course the PS2 is going to sell a lot, it's been the number one system for seven years and is the only console of the last generation that's still supported. I'm not giving you shit or anything, I just don't see how it relates to how this whole thing is going to play out.

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I just don't think that's a fair assessment at all. One week in one store in one part of a country. Does that really prove anything aside from the people that come into that particular store? I definitely don't like the phrase "lifestyle console," and I know you didn't coin it, but there is no way you can generalize a person's lifestyle based off their video game choices.

And you talk about the Playstation brand, which makes it sound like the PS3 is a guaranteed success, when if the rest of the world's launch is any indication, that ain't gonna happen. Of course the PS2 is going to sell a lot, it's been the number one system for seven years and is the only console of the last generation that's still supported. I'm not giving you shit or anything, I just don't see how it relates to how this whole thing is going to play out.

Bloody hell man, I said it was one weke in one store. I didn't say it was general, I said it was what was noticed in one store. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm sure you're not whichever group you take offence at. :pervert:

I'd say that the PS3 IS a guaranteed success purely cos of it's backing. However, if we're talking gradients of success I would quite happily say that it's possibly not gonna be as successful as previous consoles. However I still think they'll make money out of it which makes it...A success.

Anyways I've found some figures (whoooo scientific!)

End of 2005, worldwide X-Box 360 sales: 0.9mil (2 months of sales after 4th November release date)

End of March '06, worldwide 360 sales: 3.2mil (5 months after release)

End of June '06, worldwide 360 sales: 5mil (8 months)

End of September '06, worldwide 360 sales: 6mil (11 months)

End of 2006:

worldwide 360 sales: 10.4mil (14 months)

worldwide Wii sales: 3.19mil (month and a half after November 19 launch compared to 0.9mil 360 comparison)

worldwide PS3 sales: 1.84mil (month and two thirds after 11th November Japan, 17th USA compared to 0.9mil 360 comparison)

So, please tell me if my maths are wrong. Don't mean to mislead anyone.

Also according to gamesindustry.biz (though it's clearly lies as it dares to suggest PS3 success...)

"Retailers are reporting huge demand for PlayStation 3 as Sony gears up for what UK boss Ray Maguire says could be the company's "biggest hardware launch to date".

His comments were echoed by Gerry Berkley, head of games at Woolworths, who told GamesIndustry.biz, "PS3 pre-orders are coming in thick and fast. It is the fastest selling games product we have ever sold online and it is shaping up to be our biggest ever pre-order campaign for a console."

Berkley said Sony's new machine is "the hottest gaming system since the PS2", adding, "Demand will inevitably outstrip supply, so our advice to customers is to pre-order to avoid disappointment."

A spokesperson for Amazon.co.uk revealed that only one other product has seen a more rapid rate of pre-orders during 2007 - J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

"The customer demand for the PlayStation 3 is high and sustained and we are confident that it will take its place as one of the top selling items on Amazon.co.uk throughout 2007," the spokesperson said.

"We are only taking pre-orders until all our initial stock from Sony is accounted for - that way, no customer will be disappointed come day of release. We don't expect stocks to last long."

It's a similar story at Argos, with videogames buyer Anthony Stocker telling GamesIndustry.biz, "We're very pleased with the interest in the new PS3 and it is our most successful pre-ordered campaign for consoles."

Entertainment retailer HMV also said there is healthy demand for the console, as predicted. "Pre-orders are going well in line with expectations," a spokesperson confirmed.

But with such a high level of interest in PlayStation 3 and still just over a month to go until launch, will there be enough consoles to go round?

"Previous console supplies have been restrictive but Sony is promising such a big amount for day one that people can pretty much pre-order from whoever they like, and expect to be happy on the day of release," observed Chips MD Don McCabe.

"We've had they highest level of pre-orders of any machine to date - it's been phenomenal. Sony has guaranteed a healthy amount of units and we have every reason to believe they'll deliver."

The PlayStation 3 will launch in the UK on March 23, priced at GBP 425. Sony has previously stated that it plans to have one million units available in Europe on day one. A sizeable proportion of those will be allocated to Britain as it generally accounts for between 25 and 30 per cent of the market.

Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Ray Maguire said, "Feedback from retail has been incredibly positive, with early indications suggesting that this will be our biggest hardware launch to date.

"Whilst a successful launch is great, the real task is to build upon those foundations, in order to create a solid and sustainable platform, for consumers, developers and retailers alike," he concluded."

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Of course, I think a big issue we're butting heads on is that we're on different continents. I have no doubt the PS3 will start strong over there, it did here too. But it also lost a lot of stream incredibly quickly here too, whether or not that happens in Europe remains to be seen. Didn't mean to bust your chops or anything though.

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Of course, I think a big issue we're butting heads on is that we're on different continents. I have no doubt the PS3 will start strong over there, it did here too. But it also lost a lot of stream incredibly quickly here too, whether or not that happens in Europe remains to be seen. Didn't mean to bust your chops or anything though.

I just realised you're in Cincinatti :pinch: And I mentioned Cincinatti in my other post purely as a random city and not realising you were there. Yeah I think there are differences in different continents. Also different countries have very different balances towards consoles. X-Box sales in Japan for example, are minimal at best.

Anyway debate is the mother of all things good. Have a British hug. :wub:

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For the people who will buy a PS3 someday I think we should all purchase LittleBigPlanet and play together. This game looks amazing, seems simple enough to play and is incredibly cute looking.


look at the video called GDC 07 On Stage Presentation. All I can say is I call the brown guy with the pink things on his head. :shifty:

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Bahh, after reading the title, I got excited. I thought Little Big Planet might be in some way related to Little Big Adventure. Sadly not.

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For the people who will buy a PS3 someday I think we should all purchase LittleBigPlanet and play together. This game looks amazing, seems simple enough to play and is incredibly cute looking.


look at the video called GDC 07 On Stage Presentation. All I can say is I call the brown guy with the pink things on his head. :shifty:

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