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Nerf's Weekly Top Ten


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From Myspace:

Welcome to my new blog. If you're reading this you're either interested in my opinions, want to see what shit I've posted and ridicule me for it, or because you clicked this link by mistake. In any event, read on as I list the top ten songs from my playlist for each week. The first entry is the week of Monday, March 12th. This week has had a lot of top songs dominating my playlist and when planning this out I originally came up with at least seventeen entries. After trial and error, I came down to a final ten, and here they are:

Number 10:

Name: Down To My Last

Artist: Alter Bridge

Album: One Day Remains

Genre: Post-Grunge

Alter Bridge get the nod for just breaking into the list this week. You can thank my MP3 Player for randomly throwing this track my way several times during the restless nights that I can't get to sleep. After hearing it at least twice every day for the past week, this track has been merited with a place in this week's top ten.

Number 9:

Name: Mother

Artist: Danzig

Album: Danzig

Genre: Doom Metal

Ironically, I must have listened to this track a maximum of twice this week, but it is without a doubt one of my favourite songs of all time. It's catchy, it's heavy, it's awe-inspiring, and that's why despite my lack of listening this week, it still earns a place at number nine. Danzig is an awesome front man, and whether going solo or with The Misfits, he belts out an awesome tune. Great song.

Number 8:

Name: Welcome Home

Artist: Coheed & Cambria

Album: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV

Genre: Progressive Rock

Well, when you talk about modern day classics you have to throw Coheed's name into the bag for me to even take you seriously. They're an awesome group, and all three of their studio albums have done nothing but please me. The recent leak of their live show at the Hammerstein Ballroom caused me to dig this track out for an old listen again, and I realised just what a cracker it really is.

Number 7:

Name: Found A Way

Artist: Drake Bell

Album: Telegraph

Genre: Pop Rock

What's this, Bradley listening to the Drake & Josh theme tune? Say what you will, this song is great, and saw itself on my playlist a number of times throughout the week. Whenever it's on, ya just can't help but feel uplifted. After bobbing my head to this song for a while, I came to the conclusion that this is a must-have on my list.

Number 6:

Name: Killing In The Name

Artist: Rage Against The Machine

Album: Rage Against The Machine

Genre: Rapcore

Say what you will about Rage Against The Machine, but this song is awesome. After receiving my new guitar pedal this week and realising one of the pre-sets was Tom Morello's groovy octave-up sound effect, I just had to dig this song out and jam along. RATM were so fucking influential in the way music is played today and this song epitimises everything they were about.

Number 5:

Name: Here Without You

Artist: 3 Doors Down

Album: Away From The Sun

Genre: Alternative

Wow, how come it took me so long to discover these guys? This was a late addition to the list after me only discovering this album yesterday, but man I've had it on repeat ever since. Great track by an even greater band. I predict big things for them in the future.

Number 4:

Name: She Will Be Loved

Artist: Maroon 5

Album: Songs About Jane

Genre: Pop Rock

Relationship troubles? This is the album for you. These steller tracks will get you through whatever downer you're on, and this track is in my opinion the best on the entire disk. It did it's job of getting me through a crisis this week and is a catchy tune to boot. Just pure goodness.

Number 3:

Name: Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced

Artist: Dropkick Murphys

Album: Blackout

Genre: Celtic Punk

With St. Patrick's Day rolling around this week, I saw it only fitting to bang the innovators of Irish punk on my CD player and relax. Fuck your green hats and Guinness, all you need for a good celebration of Paddy's day is this track. Just sheer awesomeness from start to finish. Go Dropkicks~!

Number 2:

Name: Famous Last Words

Artist: My Chemical Romance

Album: Black Parade

Genre: Pop Punk

I know what you're thinkin', an MCR track on my top tracks of the week list!? No, this isn't a sign of the apocalypse. You all know my opinions on MCR, and that they're a bunch of talentless goons, but hey, you cannot call yourself a fan of rock music and diss this track. The only real letdown is Gerard Ways pillocking around in the video. If he wasn't such a tosser, maybe the rest of their catalogue could be this good. Brilliant track.

Number 1:

Name: I'll Follow You Into The Dark

Artist: Death Cab For Cutie

Album: Plans

Genre: Indie

No drumroll needed, as I'm proud to announce gaining the number one spot this week are indie supremos Death Cab For Cutie with their brilliant song I Will Follow You Into The Dark. If you're a rabbit fan, I'd definitely recommend you check out the video. But really, this is a great song. A nice melody and almost-genius lyrics. I predict this band will be the breakout of 2007.

...what? You mean, that's not all? Hey, what would a music elitist's review blog be without a shit-list? This week's piss-poor track of the week goes to Avril Lavigne and her whole new level of garbage song "Girlfriend." If I have to hear that shit one more time, I'm going to seriously hurt somebody. And no, I don't want you to be my girlfried Avril, I'd much sooner you go put a plastic bag over your head and play in traffic. Have a nice day now.

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..Ho..ho..how can you not like "Girlfriend"?

Alright, I see how people can hate that song. I kinda like it, but only cause I'm a fan of Avril's. I can see how anyone else would hate the song.

I never heard of half the bands you mentioned, but then again, I don't keep up with current music (as of now there's only a handful of bands I like that are active). I like 3 Doors Down though.

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Better music taste than i woud of expected from the usual EWB'er. I still love "Killing In The Name Of" a lot. "Here Without You" is a song i liked but i am afriad that thanks to wwe.com, all i will ever think about when listening to it, is Eddie Guererro. Also, "She Will Be Loved" is a favourite of mine, i love it. Would Maroon 5 classify as a guilty pleasure ? Last time i talked about them, a lot of the indiesnobs hated on them for being succesful or something retarted like that, again...

Edited by mAXi
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What? No I didn't. =/ When I first heard the album I slated it, I couldn't listen to it. I said I was excited, 'cause I'd heard it was their best yet, when in fact it was the worst.

As for Trivium, same case. I said I was excited, because of what I'd heard, and after listening, I only pimped 2-3 songs off of it. I've never "creamed" myself over MCR. I did nothing but slate the album, from the get-go. I know that for a fact, because I argued with an ex about how shit it was for hours.

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Eh, it may have been somebody else.

I definitely remember you trying to convince me that The Crusade was actually alright listening to after I read their "power metal" interview in Metal Hammer. I do think The Black Parade is a fairly shit album all in all though, but Famous Last Words is a great track, if just for the main riff.

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DCFC wont break out in 2007, seeing as their next album is tentatively planned for first quater 2008. Also they've basically milked "Plans" dry as far as singles go. They've reached a fair bit of popularity over in the States, I believe, but not so much over here. Their last two singles charted, but only in the high 60's if I remember correctly.

10. Altar Bridge bore me. Thumbs down.

9. I like The Misfits, but never actually got around to checking out any of Danzig's solo stuff. Will probably get around to it eventually.

8. Co&Ca are very hit and miss for me, mostly due to the thin-ness of the earlier recordings. It's a catchy song, but drags on a bit, some nice riffage though. So no complaints. if push came to shove I'd say I liked it. But if it were on TV I'd probably change the channel before the end. :shifty:

7. Never heard of 7, no comment.

6. A classic. I find RATM vastly overrated (Especially on EWB), but this really is a 'classic' song. So good stuff.

5. It's sweet. Not something I'd spend a lot of time listening to. But a good song, I guess.

4. I quite like Maroon 5, but I have nothing but contempt for this song. So thumbs up for the band (Who get more flack than they deserve), thumbs down for the song (now "Sunday Morning", that's a track).

3. Dropkick Murphy's are alrite. Not a band I spend a lot of time listening to. Never heard the song, to the best of my knowledge, so I can't really comment.

2. I hate MCR. I really do. Never liked them. Never will...actually, I have a soft spot for "Hellena"...damnit. :shifty:

1. DCFC...awesome. :wub:

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I'll completely copy the YI system of commenting on the music, because that sounds like the best idea.

10. Can't really comment on Alter Bridge. They always struck me as Creed without the overplayedness...which is both a good and bad thing.

9. I haven't ever listened to Danzig, sadly. :(

8. Fucking awesome. As YI said, it tends to go on a bit too long, but it strikes me as the modern version of those classic rock rifftastic songs and is just incredible.

7. Well, for a TV theme...uhh...it doesn't suck.

6. Seeing that me and my friends have rolled into town on this tune many, many times, I can vouch for it being a classic. Of course, I'm biased as a huge RATM fan.

5. Sorry, but this track is one I've heard way too many times and just have no tolerance for anymore. I do admit in my younger years having a little cry to this song. God, I was (and still am) such an emo. >_>

4. Meh, I won't lie about the guilty pleasureness of Maroon 5 (I still need to...umm...obtain a copy of the last album from one of my female friends. >_>), but that song also tended to get annoyingly overplayed and not as impactful over time.

3. DM is alright, but never heard the song.

2. I will admit, I'm starting to radically change my opinion on My Chem. "Welcome to the Black Parade" actually started to sound awesome after several plays, and hell, it's not like any other groups that year took a riff from Queen (looking at you, Muse). "Famous Last Words" is also sort of growing on me.

1. I never really listened to it enough, but I was pleased when it did receive a little bit of play over here. Solid song and while Death Cab never really do much for me, they are great musicians.

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Number Two:

Welcome to edition two of my weekly Top Ten blog. This week was a little bit harder than last week, as opposed to having to cut seven from the list to make it ten, I actually had to include one or two tracks that aren't that great, as my playlist hasn't been very varied as of late. Without further ado, here it is!

Number 10:

Name: Carnival of Rust (NEW!)

Artist: Poets of the Fall

Album: Carnival of Rust

Genre: Alternative Rock

This is a song that - at first - I couldn't decide was either very good or very bad. In the end I went with very bad and gave it a couple of listens this week. It's nothing mindblowing, but it's a nice, catchy tune.

Number 9:

Name: A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free) (NEW!)

Artist: Megadeth

Album: United Abominations

Genre: Thrash Metal

It was leaked earlier this week for Megadeth Fanclub members. It is a relrelease of the hit from Megadeth's Youthanazia album and features Lacuna Coils' Christina Scabbia providing guest backing vocals. At first I was on the fence about the song, it's nothing in comparison to the original, but it's grown on me. Ya just can't hate it.

Number 8:

Name: House of the Rising Sun (NEW!)

Artist: The Animals

Album: The Animals

Genre: Rock n' Roll

Fucking classic. How can you - in good conscience - diss this track? I pulled it out for another listen this week and it impressed just as it did the first time I ever heard it. Great cover of the old folk song.

Number 7:

Name: Fade to Black (NEW!)

Artist: Metallica

Album: Ride the Lightning

Genre: Thrash Metal

Both Megadeth AND Metallica on this week's top ten? Somebody better keep an eye on 'em and make sure there ain't no trouble. Bad jokes aside, this is a classic song from a great band who were just reaching their peak at this point. This was the song that people first caused people to accuse 'Tallica of "selling out," but it was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.

Number 6:

Name: Welcome Home (+1)

Artist: Coheed & Cambria

Album: Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV

Genre: Progressive Metal

Not only did they remain on the list this week, but they moved up a spot. I've stayed on the Coheed bandwagon this week and it's this song that keeps me there for so long. Great track that really shows off all their talent. Look out for these guys, they're gonna be BIG.

Number 5:

Name: Hate Me (NEW!)

Artist: Blue October

Album: Foiled

Genre: Alternative

That's right - my current profile track! I don't care what you say, this song is great. It's got a really sombre tone and is perfect for those mid-week dramas. Ever looking to question yourself? This is the song for you. It's kept the novelty from when I really used to pimp this song to everybody a few months back.

Number 4:

Name: Get Stoned (NEW!)

Artist: Hinder

Album: Extreme Behaviour

Genre: Post-Grunge

Okay, so it isn't lyrical genius, but it's a catchy little song and it makes a lot of sense in certain situations. And it's true, the sex is always better when you're mad at me.

Number 3:

Name: Can't Catch Tomorrow (NEW!)

Artist: Lostprophets

Album: Liberation Transmission

Genre: Alternative

As most of you will know, I absolutely hated this album when it first came around, moreso because of the abomination that was it's first single in Rooftops. I gave the album a proper listen though and it grew on me, I picked this track (along with Town Called Hypocrisy and 4am Forever) up again this week and realised that Rooftops was not worth judging the entire album on. Great, catchy song.

Number 2:

Name: I Will Follow You Into The Dark (-1)

Artist: Death Cab For Cutie

Album: Plans

Genre: Indie

It's stayed on the list, but it's moved down a place. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, as it's managed to keep a place at the top of my playlist all week long. That's some going, and as I said last week, this is an awesome song and I expect great things from Death Cab in the near future.

Number 1:

Name: How To Save A Life (NEW!)

Artist: The Fray

Album: How To Save A Life

Genre: Post-Grunge

Thank Jess for this one. I hated The Fray the first time I heard them, but Jess playing them nonstop on her iPod forced both this and Over My Head into my ears, and y'know, they both grew on me. This track in particular, helps with the self-loathing mood, and it's great to relate too. Really great song from a breakthrough indie/alternative band that will be sweeping the nation soon enough.

Shitlist #2 this week features none other than that wonderful Grace Kelly track. Fuckoff, Mika, go suck a cock. No doubt Gem will complain about this edition to the Wall of Shame, but really - this song is the most annoying piece of shit ever. Urgh.

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