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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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When do the Bears not throw interceptions? Beat a team that's actually playing to their normal standard, then maybe I'd care.

Also, you Patriot supporters can shut the fuck up. They are officially an unsporting bunch of arrogant dickholes, and it'll be a damn shame if they end up being the first team in the modern era with a perfect season. I really don't like the Colts, but at least they're not bad guys, and I hope they can ruin New England's party, if only to get Don Banks to shut the fuck up.

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Also, you Patriot supporters can shut the fuck up. They are officially an unsporting bunch of arrogant dickholes, and it'll be a damn shame if they end up being the first team in the modern era with a perfect season. I really don't like the Colts, but at least they're not bad guys, and I hope they can ruin New England's party, if only to get Don Banks to shut the fuck up.

When we were crap, we bitched about the Cowboys yes. But who didn't? It's just our turn to own shit, and it feels good. Didn't you guys kill us back in the mid 80s, bulldoze the league and be cockbags about it?

Crap, there goes the shutout.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Run it up Pats, run it up! *clap clap clap*

Run it up Pats, run it up! *clap clap clap*

I think they'll continue to do this because it irks people and that'll enable Belichick to continue the whole "it's us against the world", and "no one respects us" spin on things.

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We beat the Bucs last week Dragsy, and prior to that, they had not thrown an INT. Don't be bitter.

Care or not, Lions are 5-2 and as I said, finding ways to win. That's all that matters, regardless of the quality of our opponents.

Edit - and I'd just like to say that I am indifferent to the Pats. Win, lose, or draw. Good for them and all, I'd want my team to "run the score up" as well. So kudos to them for looking simply unstoppable.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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The only decent team the Lions have beaten this season are the Bucs. Get 2 wins out of your next four games (Denver, Arizona, NY Giants, Green Bay) and then I'll be impressed.

It really is a battle of good vs evil next week between the Colts and Pats. I want the Patriots to lose so much I even wanted the Redskins to pull out the upset (eww).

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Where did the Lions come from? I don't know. It seems this coaching staff is getting through to our guys. We are winning the war in the turnover battle through seven games. Our running game is now finding it's legs, which is helping keep Kitna off of his ass even he still takes too many sacks (O-Line be damned, Kitna holds the ball far too long sometimes).

We have four very good WR's. Two superstars, and two guys that are just absolutely reliable and seem to always make the big catch when you need it.

The defense gives up a lot of yards, but as I said, they win the turnover battle.

Seemingly, the team responds when necessary. They carry out a drive when they need a big score, they stop the opposing offense when we need a big stop, and they come up with turnovers to stifle the opposing team.

The special teams hasn't been great, but it hasn't been awful either, the coverage team flashing moments of brilliance at times. I think Stan Kwan is going to develop into a fine special teams coach.

Edit - and I see no reason that the Lions can't win two of their next four. Arizona? Should be a win. And Denver's run D hasn't been so good, and KJ is getting going now, I like our chances in all four games really.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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It's just crazy because seeing them do so well after all these years ( I don't care who they beat, 5-2 is still impressive) especially with ole' Jon Kitna.

And Patriots haters, would you kindly shut up already? We get it, you detest them. You don't have to reiterate it every damn week. It's really gotten old.

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Hell, I'm with you Krauser. I never would have expected Kitna to be the QB that Lions fans would laud as franchise savior. And I don't want to kid you guys, Kitna still makes me want to pull my hair out.

But there is something to be said for a savvy veteran that is surrounded by good coaching and good talent. Plus, as much Kitna pisses me off, I love the guy. He's a fucking warrior, he never gives up, he absolutely believes in our team, and plays as if he is willing to die just to get a first down. How can you not love that in your QB?

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...just maybe...

...if the Colts knock New England into their first loss next week...

...just maybe...

...people will actually remember that, oh yeah, there are other teams in the league outside of New England.

I mean, it seems like EVERY DAY on NFL Live, every week on the pre-games, there's some discussion about "can the Pats go 16-0?" Never any about the Colts, it's all about the Pats. For real, how about some equal time here?

And I like the Texans okay, but Rivers and Gates absolutely violating them made my week in a couple of fantasy leagues.

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And Patriots haters, would you kindly shut up already? We get it, you detest them. You don't have to reiterate it every damn week. It's really gotten old.

While we're at it let's stop talking about the NFL. We get it, everyone here likes it, we don't have to talk about it every damn week.

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...just maybe...

...if the Colts knock New England into their first loss next week...

...just maybe...

...people will actually remember that, oh yeah, there are other teams in the league outside of New England.

I mean, it seems like EVERY DAY on NFL Live, every week on the pre-games, there's some discussion about "can the Pats go 16-0?" Never any about the Colts, it's all about the Pats. For real, how about some equal time here?

And I like the Texans okay, but Rivers and Gates absolutely violating them made my week in a couple of fantasy leagues.

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I love the fact that everyone hates the Pats, especially when they get off on that shit. Last week, TO had made an innocent comment on the fact that it was going to be a fun, high scoring game (something like Don't forget the Popcorn). What did the Pats do? Blew it way out of proportion, got pissed and steamrolled the Cowboys. If I was the opposition, I'd make sure nobody from my organazation spoke to anyone on that team, cause they'll get fired up over nothing and kill you.

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First time since 2000 we been five and two. You can say what you want bout who we play and all that bullshit, but we won all three division games so far. We beaten a good Tampa Bay team.As a lions fan, I'm still not quite oppmistic yet because, I been on my whole life. But we won at a place that we been outscored at 70 something to 13. Its an attitude change more then anything, and I think they maybe just maybe get to ten wins like our Warrior QB said. Or we will go on like a 5 game losing streak. Yea. GO Lions.

I'm a New England fan by way of Tom Brady, and I think its awesome they're running up the score. If you cant stop them, then thats your fault. Cant wait for the game next week.

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The Pats have scored 331 points already. If they didn't score again for the rest of the season they'd still have averaged 20.7 PPG for the year. That's just not supposed to happen. In case you're interested they need to score 226 points in the last 8 games to break the single season team record.

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