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SmackDown vs. Raw 2008

Riceman 4K

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First impressions of the demo... It's shit

I guess this'll probably grow on me but why would they change a successful control layout for something like this? the old strike button is a useless button, i can't do anything with grapples apart from irish whips and trying to strike and reverse is so awkward.

I couldn't play a full match, turned it off when i found out that pinning had also changed.

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The demo is a bit of a pain because there doesn't seem to be anyway of seeing the control scheme, bizarrely, and certain things like grapples and running have been changed, so it's a bit of guesswork needed. The only move I saw that looked like it was a new animation was Takers Tombstone, but I've only played one match so far.

The wrestling styles thing is a bit strange, you can have two for each wrestler, but you have to pick which one to use before a match. It seems only high flyers can plancha now, but theres a new dirty move where you can hide behind the ref, which is an awesome idea.

Either I'm not understanding, or you can't seem to store finishers anymore, you store...something to do with your style, which I did in the first minute of the match and never figured out how to actually use it, but I think you need to just hit your finisher when your meter flashes. Also didn't seem to have a way of restoring stamina, but then it is only a demo.

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The demo is a bit of a pain because there doesn't seem to be anyway of seeing the control scheme, bizarrely, and certain things like grapples and running have been changed, so it's a bit of guesswork needed. The only move I saw that looked like it was a new animation was Takers Tombstone, but I've only played one match so far.

The wrestling styles thing is a bit strange, you can have two for each wrestler, but you have to pick which one to use before a match. It seems only high flyers can plancha now, but theres a new dirty move where you can hide behind the ref, which is an awesome idea.

Either I'm not understanding, or you can't seem to store finishers anymore, you store...something to do with your style, which I did in the first minute of the match and never figured out how to actually use it, but I think you need to just hit your finisher when your meter flashes. Also didn't seem to have a way of restoring stamina, but then it is only a demo.

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The RKO animation looks new to me. It seems like the wrestlers aren't as light as they were in previous games; things don't seem to get out of control because people are all running around the ring. It seems they've also changed the ring in and ring out buttons. If you're outside now you can just get up on the apron instead of always sliding in to the ring every single time but then you have to hit another button to actually get into the ring. Also if you hit the old run button at least on 360 when you're next to the rope the guy will kind of lean against the ropes like he's setting up to charge at his opponent which is something I hadn't seen. I'm not liking the fact that if you use your Fighting Style special with a powerhouse you get unblockable strikes for a certain amount of time. That's going to be exploited so hard online it's not even funny.

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I didn't play '07 on the 360, so mayhap the controls were different than the PS2, but wow I don't know how to play this. Took a 15 minute match with my girlfriend to figure out what the controls were for various things.

And are there actual moves anymore that are unique? Seemed like every strong grapple wound up in an ultimate control move, of which I can't see there being much variety.

Was also a bit strange seeing Undertaker seemingly fly across the screen to hit a double axe handle on Randy Orton on the other side of the ring. I also don't like the fighting style stuff... It seems very limiting with what can be done. With only certain wrestlers allowed to do certain things. And I don't care how strong Bobby Lashley is, he can not whip the Undertaker off him with ease.

Also seems like a lot of little touches and good steps forward were removed. I miss the stamina system. And I seemingly can't get anyone to bleed.

All in all, I'm not liking it and it seems like they're going for a more arcadey feel to the action.

I do believe I shall stick with '07 and may just upgrade to that version.

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First impressions of the demo... It's shit

I guess this'll probably grow on me but why would they change a successful control layout for something like this? the old strike button is a useless button, i can't do anything with grapples apart from irish whips and trying to strike and reverse is so awkward.

I couldn't play a full match, turned it off when i found out that pinning had also changed.

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This is wank. They've taken last years game, made it 100x slower, and given it a shit camera, slightly changed the controls.... and that's about it. I'm grateful for LIVE demo's. because now I'll be £40 better off.

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They have added some nice touches, like the hud and standing on the apron, but they've worsened some aspects. Lashley flinging Taker about is ridicolous and the camera is far too close now.

I like the new RKO though. I still haven't tried the new 'Super' jumping RKO, which they've strangley named Rated RKO.

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The weapon shots are vastly improved - cracking someone across the head with a chair is immensley satisfying now :)

I enjoyed the couple of matches I did have - would need to see the full controls and do my annual tweaking of movesets, entrances (& music this year, woot!), but I think this should be good fun.

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And are there actual moves anymore that are unique? Seemed like every strong grapple wound up in an ultimate control move, of which I can't see there being much variety.

Having had another round with the demo, I think the way it works now is that the right stick on it's own are just quick little grapples like last year. Holding the right bumper and moving the right stick either left or right seem to be the ulitmate control moves, while right bumper + right control stick up or down seem to be the proper 'grapples' From there you can choose the four directions for other moves etc.

It seems on first glance that they've taken away two UCM sets, and two grapple sets for moves, and instead just merged them into one system, but there might be a way around it that I haven't figured out yet. Bleeding is the same as it always has been, get their head red and then do a head-damaging move, I busted Orton open using Takers big boot no problem.

One thing I didn't figure out yet is the hotspot type moves, dragging someone towards the announcers table, or the apron doesn't seem to do anything anymore.

The weapon shots are vastly improved - cracking someone across the head with a chair is immensley satisfying now :)

I enjoyed the couple of matches I did have - would need to see the full controls and do my annual tweaking of movesets, entrances (& music this year, woot!), but I think this should be good fun.

I enjoyed playing as Rey Mysterio a hell of a lot more than Taker. I really enjoy the fact that you can properly control the running now, it makes playing with a faster wrestler a lot more flexible I think. It takes a while to figure out how to make shit happen, but I think it's a lot more fluid now. Instead of say, running at the ropes and having to press duck, then attack if you want to leap over and attack someone outside, the game seems to recognise that your opponent is outside meaning you just run and attack. Same with attacks on the ground etc, it feels a lot less complex once you get used to it since it's context sensitive now. I'm also looking forward to the real game actually, I didn't realise it was so close to release.

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I don't know if it's because I never played a fighting/wrestling game on Xbox previously, but these controls are very awkward.

I'll still be picking this up, but only for the 24/7 mode which seems like it shall be very interesting.

And who doesn't remember this incredible video.

Edited by seriouseffect
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I'm just lost with these controls. Do I only have one running strike now? Is there no way to just automatically run in the direction of your opponent anymore? I can't store a finisher? I can't do a strong irish whip? Can I slide out of the ring while running? Do I have to be "hardcore" to pick the weapon I'm taking from underneath the ring?

It just seems so NOT user-friendly anymore. With this fighting styles thing it's taken away half the things I can do. If you don't have a hardcore fighting style you can't do SHIT with a weapon. I have to be a powerhouse to do the Ultimate Control moves into the corner and over the ropes, AND to do a strong irish whip. High flyer seems the most fun, but is there only one springboard move for every position of your opponent? Because I feel like a moron doing some crazy-ass Springboard Pheonix Splash as Rey Mysterio, which seems to be the only one I can do when my opponent is lying on the mat.

They seemed to have their hearts in the right place when they made this game, but THQ has really limited what you can do.

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