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Fifa Vs PES


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I am a fan of both of game's, but a few people who i know just like one of them and i am keen to know what you think.

At the moment i play a lot more on Fifa 07 usaly the manager mode, it has been a while since i got around to playing on Pro Evolution game.

So which one do you prefer ?

Edited by Lex Luther
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I'm a Pro Evo fan. I played FIFA 07 recently though and must say it's my favourite FIFA game since the one with the six a side indoor game. I still didn't feel as much a "part" of the game as I do when playing Pro Evo though but all the nifty replay touches etc were cool...Though the goals look far too short and stumpy.

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Pro Evo.

Quite into Fifa, but in all honesty it's still nowhere near as good as what Pro is. There's still those small things on Fifa that are major annoying at times, such as the awful headers when you're trying to head it back to the keeper at times, the horrid way the keepers can just stand there at times when coming out, and after a while I've found with practice you can score from near the halfway line in almost every game. I do like the latest Fifa, but Pro just has so much more to offer.

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I really dislike PES6. It may be that I only have an original X-Box, so had to buy it on the PC, but I never got into it. I rarely play video games these days, but for the past week or so, I've gotten my X-Box back out and am tearing it up on PES5. I own FIFA 2007, it's pretty good, but nothing groundbreaking. I still prefer PES6 to FIFA07, from when i played the playstation version, but on the PC, I don't dig. However one of the most fun matches I had was 2-player on PES6, where the computer wouldn't read the right buttons for the game (I was using an X-Box controller converter). So shoot become Y, the black button was sprint, pass was X, A was long pass, B changed players...it was fucking up...and clicking the right analog stick paused it. Despite all that, I somehow managed to beat my buddy in a shoddy 1-0 affair. Was funny as fuck though.

Edited by YI
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To anyone that has the American version of PES (Winning Eleven), is it the same as the European version? And also, which game is better for someone that is into soccer, but is sort of still on-the-surface about the intricacies of the game?

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I love playing Pro Evo online on the 360, thats the only reason i keep playing it. We have Fifa 07 tournaments on the PS2 at my house at Uni, but as someone said, its a little too easy to score. 07 is the first Fifa i have played in about 8 years and i was impressed, because I wasn't expecting it to be, however i'm still a PES man.

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On PS2, PES is unbeatable. I think I preferred 4 to 6 (never played 5), but yeah, there's no comparison. On 360 though, I think FIFA edges it. I'm not sure what Konami did, but PES6 on 360 is not fun. It's a bit sluggish, and the controls are...clunky. But then, I've a friend at Uni who swears blind that 6 on the 360 is identical to the PS2 version but with better graphics. Maybe a case of fanboyism though.

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I played FIFA upto 2004 and was then converted into a PES player. At first it was great but I'm considering getting the next FIFA game instead.

It's probably much better if you wait a couple seasons before your next purchase but my girlfriend bought me PES5 and PES6 the last few years and there's not a lot different between the two.

I don't like the Master League mode on Pro. I guess I'm too much of a perfectionist to enjoy playing in a British Premiership alongside ADO Den Haag and Toulouse >_<

Can you still play as lower league teams in FIFA? Because if so, that may edge it for me next season.

edit: Oh, and aside from Kasabian in PES5's intro, all the music on PES does my head in.

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I love Pro Evo 6, it takes a while to get used too though, at first something seems 'off' about it all but months after i bought it, i am still playing it and enjoying it as much as any other PES game.

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Can you still play as lower league teams in FIFA? Because if so, that may edge it for me next season.

Depends on what console. For the 360 there's only a few leagues but I hear current gen has all the leagues. All the lower leagues and ones that are missing from 07 on the 360, though, should be back for 08.

I love Pro Evo 6, it takes a while to get used too though, at first something seems 'off' about it all but months after i bought it, i am still playing it and enjoying it as much as any other PES game.

See that's what puts me off. I don't want to have to play a game over and over until I get used it, I'd rather just pick a controller up and be able to have fun playing it the first time like I can with FIFA. And what's all this about being able to score really easily? Maybe I'm just not very good but it's not as easy as some people make it out to be <_<

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I haven't played any of the recent versions of FIFA, but I do remember it used to be that if you took a shot from roughly the same position (on the edge of the area, about parallel with either goalpost or possibly a little wider) it would go in every single time. Without fail.

Then again I also remember being able to stand directly in front of the goalie on FIFA International Soccer and header back all his attempted throws into his hands. I could keep that up for hours. :shifty:

Edited by stokeriño
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