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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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From IGN

UK, April 2, 2007 - Having cranked up the volume to 11 and wowed rock fans with Guitar Hero, Harmonix is planning to take the virtual videogame group genre a step further with its latest release, Rock Band.

The game, revealed earlier by USA Today, sees developer Harmonix, along with its owner MTV, teaming up with Electronic Arts to offer budding musicians the chance to create their own rock group. We're talking the shebang too, because the game will support four instrument controllers including lead guitar, bass, drums and a microphone for the lead singer.

Scheduled for release on PS3 and Xbox 360 this Christmas, Rock Band promises a wealth of online features, including the chance to team up with musicians in other countries and the ability to download songs.

Although a track listing has yet to be announced, EA has revealed that several major music publishers are involved with the project. EMI Music Publishing and Warner/Chappell Music are allowing "unrivaled access to their catalogues of incredible songs". These mega-publishers house labels including EMI Music, Hollywood Records, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group's Universal Music Enterprises and Warner Music Group's Rhino Entertainment, which have all agreed to supply master recordings by their artists for use in the game.

With such a healthy list of labels backing its play, Rock Band will be able to offer music that spans all genres of rock, from classic to metal to punk. And the music won't stop with the release of the game this holiday. During a conference call with the press, Alex Rigopulos, co-founder and CEO of Harmonix promised that downloadable content would be a key part of Rock Band's success. "We have very, very ambitious plans in the area [of downloadable content]," Rigopulos said, adding that Harmonix has "big plans [for] building an online library."

Jeff Yapp, Executive Vice President of MTV Program Enterprises said Rock Band is a "completely new model that gives labels a way to promote artists" and opens a new revenue stream. No specifics about downloadable content were revealed during the call.

Rigopulos called Rock Band the game Hamonix has been "literally dreaming of for years and years." Along with plans for downloadable content, Rock Band enables up to four players to get online and rock out with one another. According to Rigopulos, Harmonix has created a "brilliant technical solution to latency problems," though specifics were not discussed. Both PS3 and 360 have camera peripherals and Harmonix is considering options to allow these so that friends can see one another rock out from one living room to another. There is also potential for user-generated content to make its way online.

One area of concern is the cost for a game that uses four proprietary controllers. Rock Band's publisher, EA, has not yet decided how it will package the game. EA Vice President David DeMartini acknowledged that pricing is a concern and that EA was looking at a variety of packages. Rock Band may ship in a four-in-one massive box and/or as separate units. A member of the Rock Band development team confirmed that the Guitar Hero II ax will work with Rock Band on Xbox 360.

Despite the potential high cost of a four-instrument music game, Rock Band has incredible potential. No one seems more excited than Rigopulos, who said: "Rock Band is Harmonix's most ambitious project to date, and it will take music gameplay to an entirely new level. MTV has given us the freedom and the resources to really swing for the fences and make the game we've always wanted to make."

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That sounds awesome, I've been wanting a game like this for a while now. I still don't know if I'm going to get Guitar Hero II on the 360 yet, I might once I get more money saved up. That's really the only downside about these games for me, the price.

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I'd rather just play all the instruments myself and record each part seperately. Creative differences can suck my balls. And I'd get all the money and credit. :)

As far as the game goes, won't it be kind of hard to play as a band across the net? There's always some degree of lag, so some drummer with a shitty connection would sound off-beat. Wouldn't he? And singing on Xbox Live? I already do that. Ask anyone. (¬_¬)

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Guest Zeokage

Now they're going the whole hog and trying to get one up on Konami's idea. They've got the double guitar (which could easily turn into a lead/bass combo)-drum-keyboard combination already, and only needs Karaoke Revolution brought into the mix to complete it. I can't remember whether the scratching + mini-keyboard game can connect to it.

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I think they're being a little too ambitious with this one, especially with lag. I can't wait to hear people complain about how they're songs sound like crap on the net.

Anyway, it's a lot more rewarding lo actually LEARN how to play guitar, rather than use some unrealistic copy with buttons that you learn to use in 5 minutes.

Wait, I think I just realized why this game is so popular. <_<

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  • 2 months later...

First interview with Harmonix and screens:

IGN - Rock Band Interview

Personally, I'm not going to be getting too into this one when it comes to all the peripherals. I think I'll just use my Guitar Hero controllers to play some new songs. I have a feeling the drum peripheral will be obscenely expensive and I definitely have no desire whatsoever to sing (that should never be unleashed upon the world), so for me it will be just another fun Guitar Hero game.

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Some interesting new info about Rock Band. Taken from http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=165999

which reports it from Game Informer.

A ton of new details on Harmonix's Rock Band have swaggered onto the internet, revealing the likes of four-player online play on both PS3 and Xbox 360 and that the game's drums are insane. Apparently.

Information has come from a feature on Rock Band appearing in Game Informer magazine, which a poster on NeoGaf has waded through and picked out the juicy bits.

According what's been posted, the game will have four unique campaigns for guitar, drums, bass and vocals in addition to a "full band game" that it's explained "is designed to allow for one huge co-op playthrough" which can occur online for offline - or apparently a combination of both.

Helping you locate fellow musicians to form a band will be a community system that reaches worldwide.

In terms of instruments, it's said that guitar and bass have ten frets - "five for the regular sections of the game and five for the newly designated solo sections - the guitar features a five-way switch letting you apply five different sound effects and the "Whammy bar is back as is the tilt to activate rock band's version of star power".

Singing is described as more in-depth, with a phoneme detector picking up "individual vowels and consonants you say. Build up enough highly judged phrases and you'll be able to sing free-form. If you do well enough in free-form, then you'll trigger the vocalist's version of star power."

Stopping singers nodding off during lengthy guitar solos, Rock Band's microphone doubles as a tambourine on many tracks - so warblers can still feel involved. And the drums? Well, they're apparently insane (or did we mention that already?).

"You use actual sticks and hit one of four coloured pads in front of you, in addition to a kick pedal attached to the drumming unit. Drummers will also have the ability to do fills etc. in their own little free-form section, do well and you'll trigger the drummers version of star power", the post explains.

It also mentions four songs: Weezer - Say It Ain't So - Original Master Track; Black Sabbath - Paranoid - Original Master Track; The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again - Original Master Track; and Nirvana - In Bloom - Original Master Track.

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10 frets? Jesus, I might as well learn how to play a real guitar if I gotta move my hand that much.

Singing is described as more in-depth, with a phoneme detector picking up "individual vowels and consonants you say. Build up enough highly judged phrases and you'll be able to sing free-form. If you do well enough in free-form, then you'll trigger the vocalist's version of star power."
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First images of the Stratocaster controller.



Not to sure about the colors being on the side now, but as long as it doesn't screw me up when playing, it probably won't bother me.

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They did it to make it look less like a toy, which it does, I think it looks quality. But how is the GH controller supposed to be compatible when it doesn't have the extra 5 fret buttons? Is there going to be some retarded mega drive controller thing going on where you push start to switch between fret sets?

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They did it to make it look less like a toy, which it does, I think it looks quality. But how is the GH controller supposed to be compatible when it doesn't have the extra 5 fret buttons? Is there going to be some retarded mega drive controller thing going on where you push start to switch between fret sets?

It'll likely be just like the 3rd party GH controller that was released with 10 buttons (5 in regular position, 5 higher up on the fretboard.) The other five buttons will likely just be for show (y'know, for those of us who like to really indulge our inner rawkstah.)

IGN.com has the NA version of the Rock Star bundle at $200.00, which includes the game and all the instruments. Personally, I was hoping for a lower price and a bit more free-form on the drums. Think I'll be passing on this one and go for GH3 & and 360.

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First gameplay video is now out!


The Rock Band portion starts around 1:11 left, but what you see could change, as the song (Welcome to the Jungle) is not locked in to the game.

Here's what Harmoinx has to say about the video.

The video of a trailer you may have seen on various sites was taken from a conference where attendees are generally encouraged to be casual and show off the new stuff they are working on privately. Apparently an attendee videotaped the talk.

The trailer was made from an old build of the game quite some time ago for internal purposes- basically to get people working on the game excited. The song was one we have considered for the game but haven?t locked down, and you may have noticed that the trailer footage was made so long ago that the people in the video are playing old instruments and prototypes.

I guess what I am saying is- this isn't official and doesn't really reflect the final game at all. We'll be releasing a lot of info next week from much newer builds of the game with finalized songs.

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IGN has a new preview up showing images of the game being played and their impressions.


Also it confirms 5 new tracks,

(Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult (Master)

Main Offender - The Hives (Master)

Mississippi Queen - Mountain

Rockaway Beach - The Ramones (Master)

Suffragette City - David Bowie (Master)

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As thrilled I am about Don't Fear The Reaper being in this, I am not thrilled about the 2423085782957918 YouTube videos we're going to get of people acting out the SNL sketch.

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From IGN

26 years and 11 albums on, Metallica is unquestionably one of the most accomplished hard rock groups of all time. Fans begged for their tracks in Guitar Hero, but it was never to be. However, Harmonix today delivered the goods for a different game - Rock Band. Are you happy? Heck yes you're happy.

The disc will initially ship with the classic track, 'Enter Sandman', but Harmonix has promised that the company will be delving deeply into the band's extensive catalog of tracks to ensure all the major hits are covered.

"Our goal was to bring a deep musical experience to Rock Band by providing not just one song by a player's favorite artist, but a carefully-chosen career-spanning array," stated Paul DeGooyer, MTV's Senior Vice President, Audio, Home Video and Games. "Metallica has never been afraid to let their fans get closer, and now those fans will be able to inhabit this incredible music in a completely new way."

Keep it glued to IGN for more Rock Band announcements soon.

Edited by wpg
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