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Rock Band

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Myself, I never play with the pedal under the drums. I found a place that's comfortable for me, and I place it there. I use it off to the right of the entire set. Realistic? Doubtful, but it lets me play more comfortably, and that's the important part.

What I did to get decent on drums, was to just pick out one or two songs from each set and keep playing them until I had a score that I felt was good enough. That's how I've gotten myself onto hard... now I just need to take the time to do it on hard so that I can get better at that, too.

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Finally got the flawless drumming achievement today on Countdown to Insanity. At least that song is fun to play and not boring like Say It Ain't So or I Think I'm Paranoid. Now to see if I can somehow get the AN-I-MAL achievement.

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I'm still setting it up so haven't played yet, but I can't be the only one who thinks the strat seems a lot less well, sturdy than the GH les paul, can I? >_>

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Been playing almost non-stop for 24 hours now :D Have to say that I like this guitar far more than the last one, the strum bar is actually convenient for strumming up and down rather than only for down strumming. The buttons are far lighter than the beastly GH3 ones, even though I haven't got to grips with the solo frets yet.

When you're playing local Quickplay and rank the songs by difficulty, is it an aggregate difficulty for all the instruments you're using or only for the leader's instrument? Got humped yesterday by trying Go With the Flow on Hard drums, thinking the song itself wasn't too difficult.

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I'm so very happy you can hear others sing during multiplayer.

I'm so very happy I can hear Ellis sing during multiplayer, even if I do laugh hard enough to lose my streak >_>

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When you're playing local Quickplay and rank the songs by difficulty, is it an aggregate difficulty for all the instruments you're using or only for the leader's instrument? Got humped yesterday by trying Go With the Flow on Hard drums, thinking the song itself wasn't too difficult.

Band difficulty is a rating all to itself.

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I'm still setting it up so haven't played yet, but I can't be the only one who thinks the strat seems a lot less well, sturdy than the GH les paul, can I? >_>

I quite like the strat, I need to get used to the buttons a bit more, but I do like the non-clicky strumbar.

And how much did you put towards said game Mr Snuk?

Absolutely nadda.

I'd put an angryface in here, but I can't afford it after putting all my bloody money into Rock Band.

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The non-clicky bar is the only thing I like about the Rock Band guitar. I have switched over the the Guitar Hero III guitar since I started playing the guitar lately and I tried to go back to the Rock Band one and I was screwing up (which is why I quit during that song with Dragys :shifty: ). I find the GH one better for bass too as I cannot upstrum on the Rock Band one for some reason and I like to upstrum when playing bass.

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