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EWB's Top 50 Women Part VI: The List.


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Ringy: "lol. Generally speaking, wrestling chicks are chicks who weren't open with being pornstars but weren't hot enough to be real actresses. Obviously there's the exception, but this girl is distinclty average and I don't get why she's here."

Yeah, boo. Mickie James should have been here instead. :(

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Asia Argento and Christina Ricci? Score. I don't think I even voted for Christina this year, so double score.

Shirley Manson, I approve of also.

Sarah Shahi has the best real name ever, other than that, meh to the rest.

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35. Rose McGowan

Ringy: "To me she'll always be that evil bitch ass bitch Nitro girl who tried to screw with David Arquette and the King. He sure ruled her. That and the sex scene in that movie where she's all "smooth move ex-lax" haunts me. Sexually. Also, I had fantasies of banging her and Alyssa Milano at the same time when I was like 15. Don't tell anyone though. She's fanciful."

I have no memories of Ready to Rumble. Just Devil in the Flesh...which was like the worst movie ever but she was hot in it.






34. Megan Fox

Ringy: "K. She needs the five pictures here and I hope ROC puts up all of them. (I did.) I know I had to coerce (I think) Fitzy to put her on his list so she'd make it in this thread. But she's fucking hot, no? Right Skummy? Right Hammy? Right Quom? See no complaints from the weirdos! So this one time, I was ill and I was watching Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen and she was clearly way hotter than Lindsay fucking Lohan, and even though the movie sucked, she was hot enough for me to pretend the movie was worth a damn. Then I kept track of her in a perverse manner, and two really hot FHM shoots later, she's even hotter. That picture of her with the towel = insta-boner. Also, she's gonna be in Transformers so I know that pleases all you nerds. Sadly she dates Brian Austin Green of 90210 fame. That pedo, he's like 15 years older than her. How sad for humanity."

Insta-boner indeed.


33. Milla Jovovich

Ringy: "Jovovich. I remember being young and thinking she was very hot in Dazed And Confused. That movie is awesome. Way better than faggy ass Before Sunset/rise. I'm not a big fan of hers but whatever."

She's hot, but 90% of EWB (I count myself in this) has bigger titties than she does.


32. Maria Kanellis

Ringy: "Yaaay for generic women that have an amusing personality!"

Eh, she's not bad.


31. Olivia Wilde

Ringy: "I wanna rape Jenny Riley (aka Olivia Wilde on the Black Donnellys). I wanna walk up to her bar, tell her I found her scumbag husband, then take her in my car and drive to a deserted place and rape her 'til she cries."


(Oh, and Fuzzy, you are a giant liar.)

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35. Perhaps would have made my top 25 list, definitely

34. Seems to me like some random pinup bitch

33. So this is what all of you are cumming yourselves over? Well, carry on.

32. Random wrestling pinup bitch. Her appearance here makes this obviously a wrestling board

31. Very nice.

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Lowerdeck. Apparantly it's only me "cumming" over Milla Jovovich. Still it's a fine day to see her back in the top 50 - long may such inclusions continue. A nice, interesting and varied list so far this year even if only a percentage of it keeps me happy.

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30. Cristina Scabbia

Ringy: "She's got one attractive picture which I'm not using 'cause every year a bunch of cocksmoking faggots vote for her then are all "WHY YOU USE SAME PICTURE? HUH NIGGA? WHY?" so fuck them and their mothers. She's hot but really not photogenic."

Pretty much what Ringo said. Not photogenic, but obviously sexy.


29. Shannyn Sossamon

Ringy: "I remember watching a Knight's Tale and being all OMG HOT ME WANT MORE, but then after not one movie of hers being worth a quarter of a fuck following this (and yes ROC, I know you fap to Rules of Attraction but I mean come on, lol), her greatest role was on Dirt, where she played a corpse and had lots of corpse sex with this guy who was alive and ew, that was gross. Oh yeah she was hot in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang too for the 7 seconds she was in that. She arouses me, pity she doesn't do too many good movies."





28. Kim Smith

Ringy: "So, it's whatever the fuck year Catwoman was getting released, I go this picture site I used to go and there's this thread called "Pictures of the women of Catwoman" and aww shucks, I don't care, we've all see Halle Berry get rear-ended in Monster's Ball, but I click anyways and I see Kim Smith. And she's hot. She's really hot. She's not your average model because she has breasts and an actual ass and her face doesn't look Picasso just took a shit and she's very hot. Then I kinda forgot about her. Then my girlfriend was all "I'd have a threesome with her" and I was all :o:o:o:o:o and Googled all the pictures of her ever, and I've been enthralled and aroused since. True story"

She is the sex. :)


27. Myleene Klass

Ringy: "I didn't know who this was until Ellis told me. She's okay. In some pictures she looks flaming hot, in other pictures she looks like a mixture of a Philipino and a cocker spaniel. No, I'm just being mean. She's okay. Is she the singer in Atomic Kitten? We got lots of that band over here. They sucked. Fuck you."

Me? I...I don't really care.



26. Carly Pope

Ringy: "Carly! It's 1999, I'm watching RAW and change the channel and wow there's the hottest woman ever on the WB so I keep watching and forget RAW existed that evening. It was fabulous. Since then I am obsessed over Carly and she gives me lots of boners. Then WB was all "lol you pulled in 100K viewers" and cancelled Popular and I kinda forgot she existed, but then I got on my hand on 11 million Canadian movies she's made. Since then I am happy like a horny homosexual. Wait Quom's not happy. Well you get the deal. Right?"

The cult of Carly has clearly failed this year. FAIL'D.

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She was especially hot in Kiss Kiss because she had pink hair and was sort-of-topless in one scene.

This also all means that Kristen Bell is higher than 26th, which means I'm happy.

And since we're all doing it (it seems), Sossamon makes one of the wimminz on my list out of ten. Two I expect not to get in at all (because you're all bastards. I understand I'm the only one with a craving for Mac, but Meg White is a legitimate choice!). If any one of the other eight doesn't get in, you all suck and should die.

Also, it may be because the Fifth Element was godawful, but I have never quite understood why Milla Jovovich is attractive. She is, sort of, but just, there's a block there.

Edited by Starty Marty
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(Oh, and Fuzzy, you are a giant liar.)

What did I lie about? :o

So these next two updates provided some more of my list with Olivia Wilde, Kim Smith, Megan Fox, and Cristina Scabbia. I bandwagoned Smith and Fox for Ringo, but they are indeed hot. :D

So those four, with Maria and Carly Pope, bring the total up to 8 for 25.

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This also all means that Kristen Bell is higher than 26th, which means I'm happy.

She's top 10, I'm betting. If not, I wasted my only vote this time around. Then again, I woulda just thrown in some questionables and unknowns and it wouldn't have mattered.

30. probably would look better with another picture, but apparently not

29. bleh

28. decent

27. ok, not that much of a standout

26. very nice, but it looks like her forehad and eyebrows are paintshopped or airbrushed

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