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FIFA '08

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I've always bought FIFA games and for some reason never PES...I've got every FIFA since '98.

I won't be buying this one until January, though, I'm getting my PS3 then and the sales are on in January, so it's a wise choice I think.

Hopefully it won't be too similar to '07, but I have a feeling it will.

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I've always bought FIFA games and for some reason never PES...I've got every FIFA since '98.

I won't be buying this one until January, though, I'm getting my PS3 then and the sales are on in January, so it's a wise choice I think.

Hopefully it won't be too similar to '07, but I have a feeling it will.

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I've always bought FIFA games and for some reason never PES...I've got every FIFA since '98.

I won't be buying this one until January, though, I'm getting my PS3 then and the sales are on in January, so it's a wise choice I think.

Hopefully it won't be too similar to '07, but I have a feeling it will.

You don't know what you've been missing. Even tough FIFA 98 is probably the greatest soccer game ever made, the Pro Evo/Winning Eleven Series' games have come a long way in the past few years and are way WAY better than the Fifa games.

Well said figos...PES > Fifa without a doubt. That's all I'll say on the matter. I won't bother coming into this topic saying how shit Fifa is, and how great PES is, because that's just stupid.

What I usually do is buy Fifa and play it for the few weeks there are before PES is released, then I don't bother playing it ever again. From what I played of 07, it was better than 06 and 05 ...but it still felt like it was made for children by how easy it was...even on the hardest playing level.

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Xbox 360 FIFA is brilliant, much better than the next gen Pro Evo.

I can't make out if you're being sarcastic or not.

He's not, it was. PES on the Xbox 360 was complete and utter rubbish, as mentioned earlier in the thread.

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Xbox 360 FIFA is brilliant, much better than the next gen Pro Evo.

I can't make out if you're being sarcastic or not.

He's not, it was. PES on the Xbox 360 was complete and utter rubbish, as mentioned earlier in the thread.

I find it hard to really "diss" the Fifa games, apart from the fact that they are too easy. And when a game is too easy, I just cannot play it any longer...kind of defies the object when any sort of challenge has been taken out of it. PES was kind of the same this time around, too easy. PES5 was probably harder than PES6 is. The harder the better, IMO.

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I was just wondering, as someone who hasn't played on a FIFA game since about 2003, what levels of customisation there are? I'm highly considering picking up FIFA as opposed to Pro Evo as it's getting a bit stale for me now, and a big thing for me, like many gamers, is customisation. So, what's it like? Teams/Tournaments/Players/Kits etc.

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Apprently overseas the demo is delayed for a little while (I'd say a day or so) due to technical issues. However it is available in Australia & North America.

I played 2 games, it is basically the same as last year from what I can tell as far as in game play goes. Sadly the demo doesn't let you get a look at the other areas such as Be A Pro, even a video of it would have been nice. It's still good fun to hold us over. And currently it isn't looking good for me getting the game on pre-order, but I'll eventually get it.

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The demo is now available in the UK, I downloaded it earlier this evening. You get to play a 4 minute half and there's five or six teams you can be. As Biggz said it's not too different from last year's game (which is good really because I thought last year's gameplay was excellent) but I'm disappointed they didn't include the power through ball that was on Champions League. Graphics as always look great. There's also some nifty tricks you can pull off but they'll take a bit of getting used to I feel, I couldn't get straight into them. Not bad, though.

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