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Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD War Over? Part II


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Blockbuster Chooses Blu-ray

In a huge blow to Toshiba, Universal, and the rest of the HD DVD devotees, rental giant Blockbuster has decided to stock only Blu-ray discs in the vast majority of its nationwide locations, although HD DVD titles will continue to be offered online and in the 250 (out of 1,450) stores that have been testing both formats since last year. Blockbuster VP Matthew Smith revealed to the AP that the decision to go with Blu-ray -- which will reportedly be announced tomorrow -- stemmed from an overwhelming customer preference for those titles in the test markets, accounting for over 70% of all HD discs rented. Interestingly enough, it seems that content -- and not price -- was the deciding factor for consumers, with Blu-ray-only hits such as the Spiderman and Pirates of the Caribbean films apparently outmatching equivalent HD DVD exclusives. While it's still a little too soon to declare Blu-ray the outright winner, this Blockbuster decision only contributes to the momentum that Sony's darling has had of late -- momentum that at this point, might be too difficult for the other guys to counter.

Unless both formats get Laserdicked by the consumer, I can't see HD-DVD coming back from this one. After Sony got on board with letting porn get Blu-ray and Disney being all over it... I think it might actually be over... finally... maybe... perhaps.

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I just hope direct downloads take hold to a significant extent before HD-DVD disappears completely. I don't even have an HD TV yet, but I can't really see myself getting massively into either format given how slow I was with DVD. It'll be interesting to see whether the physical media can keep a strong presence through bonus features and so on - releasing those via downloads would completely cill the format I reckon.

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This doesn't effect me as I'm perfectly happy with DVD and don't plan on "upgrading" anytime soon. I hate having to "move up" just because the mainstream is. Same with video gaming consoles. I still don't have a 360, PS3, or Wii, and as of now, I don't want any of them.

I'll only be "upgrading" when DVDs are no longer being made.

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People should have figured the "war" was "over" the moment Disney sided entirely with Sony. Those two together right there take up a large portion of what people like to buy (especially considering all of what Disney owns and distributes).

This is just the nail in the coffin.

I don't see the point though. Maybe in a few years when things come down in price (players and the DVDs themselves). Me and my girlfriend just finished "upgrading" all of our VHSs to their DVD counterparts, and besides that we have a few hundred DVDs. We'll likely keep on buying regular DVDs as we don't have a player, and refuse to blow that much cash on one and because I'd rather pick up a great looking movie for $10 compared to the same, but slightly better looking, movie for $25.

The only reason Blu-Ray is somewhat exciting is for the future possibilities of the PS3 with the disc's larger storage capacity. And that's all it is, future possibilities.

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Funny thing is this still won't increase PS3 sales.

PS2 was huge cause it had a DVD player at the time the world was switching over to DVDs. Now PS3 has Blu-Ray and no one really cares about switching from DVD to Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray might win, but it'll be a few more years before they reap any benefits.

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